
It's kind of mesmerizing just watching the bees work with all the buzzing in the background.

Haha sure is. When they are active I tend to stand by their homes and just observe them working.

Good to see your bees are doing so well. I have not seen so many around here this year and my 'bug hotel' is not being much used. Maybe there is still time this year. We have plenty of flowers anyway.

I think Mason Bees are done for the year unless you live really far up north. Mine are only active from feburary through april so dont worry about it.

Bumblebees still may build homes but Mason Bees are done for the year.

Btw these videos are from earlier this year so dont let that confuse you. I recorded hours of them and then edited it making these posts.

Ah! I have seen various bees around feeding on the flowers, but am not that good at identifying them. I will clean out the bug hotels for next year and see if I can attract some.

 4 years ago  

It's fun watching them building their house. I'm amazed that you witnessed what they're doing and thankful that you shared to us. Maybe you were spying them before to finally caught them building.

I didn't witness the honey bees building it's hive but from what I understand with them. They are always going together so maybe it's obvious in many ways.

d' dreamboy is here,

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Yeah I enjoy watching them too though they do not make any honey. Solitary Bees collect pollen though.