ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #9: WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 20 AND 200 YEARS?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

A hard question of the week

I mean, we've all seen how quickly things can go down during the pandemic. Who would have thought that people would be yelling at another because they were taking a breathe without the mask while walking outside? Just an extreme example, but I've seen it happening! Who'd expect a big chunk of population to be standing in line to get the vaccine that hasn't even been properly tested? No matter what your thoughts on the pandemic and covid in general are, you can't deny that a lot has changed since the first case of covid-19. You can't say that governments haven't abused their powers in some countries, and you can't say that things make sense anymore.

I will give you one example about that before continuing. Remember how we used to be taught that we should eat vegetables and fruit every day? Making sure to take enough vitamins every day? We've known this since we went to school, and I think it's been preached for a long time. We all complied, thinking this was the right thing to do!

So, be honest, what's the most important thing they want us to do since the pandemic? Eat healthy? Take our vitamins? No, not really. We are being told to stay inside (who needs vitamin D today?) and wear a mask. We even had to wear it outside most of the winter and part of spring, so no oxygen but breathing in and out the same air constantly while wearing that horrible mask. There are limits to what I believe is healthy, taking away my oxygen, sunlight and human contact (even limited) is not one of them.

Mental health matters, and it has a reason hat a lot of people couldn't cope with the loneliness and many took their own lives while having no support system around them or being able to get help because all "non urgent" medical help was cancelled for the period of the first wave with only a few months in between to catch up before we repeated the restrictions again. Now we are in summer, and guess what, we can't do shit if we aren't vaccinated here, we have to have that certificate that we either have antibodies (pay for yourself!) or we have to have the proof of vaccination (that's free!). See that even here, people are being discriminated.

Enough about this though, sorry for the long intro, but this has a lot to do with my vies on the future.

The movies / tv shows

What I've discovered in the past years is that so many tv shows and movies that are released will show you a sneak peak off what will be done in the future. At the time of release, we all think "wow, that's insane, imagine that, it's pure science fiction!" While if you look back now, you'll most-likely find things that have been done already, many of these things weren't even new at the time you watched that movie probably, it was just all still hidden from the public at the time. I find it quite disturbing how many hidden messages I found in movies and tv shows I used to watch while I was younger.

Writing this, I remember that I really need to write a review about "Sweet Tooth" the Netflix series I watched last week, which made me think about so many things about the past 1.5 years and years to come. From the first episode I felt this is meant for us people to think aah what a cute tv show, while it's filled with hidden messages as so many similarities are there with the covid pandemic. If you didn't see it yet, you should.. It could be an eye opener where we could end up if we stay "sheeple".

Just watch the tv shows and movies with an open mind of them being a glimpse of our future and by doing so with older ones, check the boxes of the things that have been executed by now. :)

The governments / world leaders have a plan for us

That much is certain and by now everyone probably knows this as well. I'm quoting @eco-alex here:

Another conversation thread we were having was in response to a very interesting video of Dutch politician Thierry Baudet. This politician exposes The Rockefeller Lock Step Plan In The Dutch Senate .. a plan that almost exactly follows the path that we’ve seen with COVID-19.

If you follow up on this and many other stuff, you will find it yourself, those government officials stating what the plan is and how it will be executed, there's no conspiracy shit going on if that's exactly what they tell you with their own lips, you can see them do it, but yet, we still don't believe it? Why? I know why, because it's easier to not know as all you've been taught is falling apart as a lie which is pretty shocking and you need time to recover from that realization.

Easier to deal with the huge changes if you saw it coming

But let me tell you that while at first, you will be shocked to find these things, you will maybe be angry and sad and even panic for a while, after some time, you will accept the things you can't change and go with the flow living life the best way possible. You will keep those things you discovered in mind, using them to make certain decisions, and at one point you will just live your life knowing, but not feeling disturbed by it anymore. Yes, it may take time, but in the end, it's better to be prepared and to understand and see some steps ahead. I can tell you that the pandemic has been a shock to me the first weeks, I was scared, let by fear, while every single day I realized something and let things slide off, seeing through the bigger agenda behind it made it 100x easier for me to cope. Guess what? All the things we thought that would happen in the end, happened, the only thing missing is mandatory vaccinations, but being discriminated or rejected somewhere is not that far off, is it?

What I would want vs what I think will be are two different things

There's a huge gab in those two directions we could follow. I do believe that for a while, people will stay divided, but hopefully not for the next 20 or even 200 years! A few years at least, yes. Why do I think that? Because all we have learned all our lives can not be so easily undone in our brains because of the way their wired. The quickest and "easiest" way to un-wire is probably through experiencing certain things, while you can't deny anymore. I'v been there, it wasn't fun and still traumatizing at times, but I can't deny anymore. I don't wish that for most people though, it's better to discover things on your own terms and time.

I also believe that we will head towards mass vaccination, mass surveillance (it's already going on!), even more horrible things using 5G radiation in the future, that is IF we won't comply with their rules. I do believe that it will not be all rolled out as short term as they had planned for us, because while I never expected it to happen, there are plenty examples by now where courts have ruled that mandating mask wearing and other rules are not allowed as it goes against the human rights. I'm quite curious to see where these things will be going in the near future when there's another wave coming up.

I think it's good that people are finally standing up for their rights, I think it's great that people who used to just swallow everything without even hesitating are now at least thinking about it before following up. I do think it's wrong that people start to riot against innocent people and even children, that's the other side of those standing up. So we will most likely be divided for some time while others come together and find each other after these lonely months / years being restricted in all that was normal for us.


I hope that all my thoughts about what will be are wrong, and instead we will all be living in peace and harmony, being allowed to build our own community in the greener areas (that we will still have plenty of) and that bad governments have fallen as the people decided that we didn't need them. I'm not aiming for a government free world, I'm talking about a government that has people's best interest at heart. The only thing is, that I don't think one exists currently, but a person can dream and hope, right?

I wish there would be no more wars in the future and people can trade and share their resources instead rather than killing people while fighting for those valuable resources. I also hope in 20 years the world has become much more green, meaning that people take care of nature instead of abusing it. This pandemic has shown me that nature needed the breathe while we were locked in, I hope we can find a healthy way of living without damaging nature in such a way we've been doing so all these years.

Where we can, we should walk to our destination, rather than taking the car for a 10 min walk. We could ride our bikes again if we aren't seeing the air being polluted as much as it is now in the cities, because we'd be inhaling fresh air again. I hope in 20 years from now people will not be glued to their screens and enjoy more outside time in nature without the radiation coming from our tablets/phones etc.

I bet, if we work towards these things, people in general will be more happy and tolerant as we've experienced what really matters. It's not too late to change your ways and to make the world a better place.. If we can manage these things in 20 years, I can only imagine how awesome our world could be in 200 years!
With that, I will end this long post, hoping and dreaming of a better world for our children!

Images created in Canva


As much as you talk about authoritarian tendencies, there is a lot of optimism in your vision of the future. And in a way, I can see how the two are related. The more they push, the more you push back. And ultimately, I am sure this Covid craziness will be one of those examples, of how they tried to impose something on us, and in the end it just didn't work.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing your predictions of the future with the ecoTrain community! Our tie up post is out with quotes from your post and others too.. Stop by and check out what we all think will be happening in ... The Future!!!