EcoTrain QOTW:Why do you think so many computer games are based on extreme violence? Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?

in ecoTrain4 years ago (edited)


First of all, I would like to thank you very much. All of you have paid attention to this and given us the opportunity to talk about the positive and negative consequences of different games. This is a very positive step.

There is no denying that. All over the world, children are playing all kinds of games. Be it computers or today's modern mobiles, everyone is busy playing big and small games.
But the question arises. What are the games that are harming our society? Today we are examining the same situation through these two questions.

Why are so many computer games based on extreme violence?


Source of above image

I want to answer this question by putting forward the attitudes within the society. What do we value today? What we like today and why. Today we want to conquer each other. Today we open any news channel. The news is nothing but violence. Incidents of violence are in the news all over the world.
This is how game makers are cashing in on people's emotions.
And violent fighting games are gaining popularity in the market. That's why people today want to do what they see in the real world.

Today, if we ask the owner of a news channel why you run news or watch events in which the element of violence is prominent, he will say. People like it. And the channel rating increases.
Every film that is being made in the world today is filmed on a film full of fights, cruelty and violence. The only reason why we want to make a profit from our product and that products will only make a profit when it has action violance.
So that's why. Today, whether it's a mobile game or a computer game, there is an element of violence and fighting to win and move on. And such games are gaining popularity among the people.

Our films and dramas are promoting violence. And all the movies that have action battles and gun battles. They are making the most profit today.
Above 2 image sourceThat's what we want to do after watching these movies.
Today our heroes are becoming those characters. Whose films are full of action and fighting.
This is how we want to be like our favorite heroes.
But how can we be heroes like them?
How can we see ourselves in action? How can we destroy a ship. How can we become a brave hero. All these thoughts arise in the minds of us and the children of the present age.
And then such a game is chosen to fulfill all these desires. In which there is fighting. Be action and violence.

And that's why the game of violence and action is growing in popularity. And especially children are playing this game day and night.
Today, every area and home has the same story about this game.
All schools and colleges were and are closed during the covid 19. But children cannot meet their friends. But because of these games, they are challenging each other at home.
And taking action and fighting with each other.
This is a very dangerous situation.
And I'm happy. That we are expressing our views on this subject. And they are talking to each other about the real facts. Because such a discussion leads to some positive results.

There is another reason why these games are so popular. Today, in addition to social distance, we also suffer from moral dilemmas. Today we have turned our friends party into lonneliness online. I used to love reading books. There was a time when bookstores were crowded. Today, books have been replaced by mobile phones. And mobile phones have been replaced by violence and various games. In the past, parents could monitor their children's movements to some extent on a heavy computer. Today, you can carry a small mobile phone anywhere in your pocket. And you can play any game.
You will see the crowd today. Online players and in battles field, where will be online players from all over the world. That is why our young generation is playing such games day and night. And that's why the popularity of these games is increasing.

Question# 2 :Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?

source of 3rd image

I will say without any hesitation and hesitation. All the games that have ideas like violence and fighting. Those games and games can never be beneficial to society. Because our children are suffering from loneliness because of these games. Their minds are weakening.
All of us who are playing games of violence and fighting. Irritability is developing inside them.
Inside my city, children have committed suicide by playing violent action games.
Many children have pointed guns and bullets at their parents.
When the police report came out, it was found out that the children want to see themselves in action in the online game. They have thought of doing so in practice.
My country's High Court ruled in against of a game based on violence and fighting. Turned it off

The High Court of our country has banned this game all over the country due to which violent and violent attitudes towards children were on the rise.
Because none of us want our children to think of war and war.
But he was also far away. When we used to play different games in the open field. And participated in healthy activities.
But today, due to mobile games, the thinking towards healthy sports is disappearing. Our kids stay in the room all day because of mobile games. And play games that are affecting children in every way, both mentally and physically.
The children are moving away from the playgrounds.
One of the disadvantages of these games is that the children are getting away from the game.

But I'm not saying all games are bad. In my view, every game is detrimental to society. Which will create violent attitudes in our minds.
But every game is good that will play a positive role in the mental and educational training of children.
I have said all these things according to the current situation in my city and region. And maybe. Such situations have not arisen anywhere else because of this game.
And it is possible. You do not agree with me.
When I was little, we used to play together on the playground. They lived together.
Used to play different games They were friends.
But today, this game has also brought the friendship relationship online.
We had children away from the plains. These are all losses.

but there are thousands mobile, computers games that are good for children, but here should be check and balance, that on what age, what kids can play games or not. there are many Quiz games, there are many education related games, so these games are good for children. but those games that are creating violence behave in our kids are poisons for our society. my dear friends, we must protect our kids from these game, it is our success. but all games are not bad, some are good for health, mental, are increasing education skills in our kids . so here we also should differentiate among games. hope you all will enjoy my thougths related this contest. it is my first time entry in @ecotrain .

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 4 years ago  

Thank for you posting to this weeks QOTW! Your post has been featured in our weekly tie up post. Curation posts may not be everyones cup of tea, but i think they are great! You can check out everyone else's opinion on the same topic. There were some other fantastic posts as well as yours.

You can check out the tie up post here:

Thanks and please keep posting to the ecoTrain community, We value your presence!

thank you very much, and @ecotrain is providing me opportunity to share my thoughts with quality community. yeah i have read all, thank a lot for great appreciation, community appreciation is my power to keep me more active to participate with good words

The development of your activity is great, when my children were small I dedicated a lot of time to guide which games were good for them, I hope I continued reading the activities promoted by #ecotrain

Thank a lot for great feedback. Yeah it is very much necessary to guide the kids .about the game yeah @ecotrain is doing great work in this regard. Thank for kind words

 4 years ago  

This post has been submitted to the OCD community curation initiative for some great upvotes! OCD are currently supporting posts in HIVE communities! Congrats and keep posting great content

Thank a lot great support