Dealing with failures - what we need to know?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Failure doesn't necessarily show us the path to success, nor it makes success anything easy. It depends on how we are dealing with failure. That's the reason it's essential to look at how we are dealing with failure to be clear about what we are learning from failure.



The first thing we must keep in mind that whenever we are trying to do something new, doing something to achieve and reach any point; it comes with a chance of failing. There is nothing certain. Keep in mind that we need to be that strong so that failure and rejection don't get over our life.

Learn from it. Never move your face back from a thing because it didn't work. Notice what you have done wrong, don't hold your emotions into it rather learn from it. This learning actually decides if we are gonna make it or not.

However, one important thing we must notice and is when to move on. Sometimes you try again and again without any success. And you are doing this because your think all these failures will get you to success. This is very wrong!

We actually need to understand when it's working and when not. There's no guarantee that everything will work for you, what method you are trying is right for example. Many times, you have to choose a different method or leave it there and try something new. Knowing this fine life is actually necessary.

In short, learn to accept rejection> learn from failure > Move on and do better. I hope keeping this will help us to deal with failure in a better way!