Take control over thoughts!

in ecoTrain3 years ago

You may wonder seeing, why I'm using the word 'controlling'. You know what, sometimes controlling is good, sometimes it's necessary to make better choices.



Our minds get full with so many unnecessary thoughts. For example, suppose I lose my job. Then there must be 'what if' thoughts, worry, anxiety, anger in me. And this will kill all other emotions and will hold me stuck in my thought bubbles, right? Because this is so normal. In that case, if I choose to control my thoughts shouldn't it be helpful?

So you see, controlling is not always a bad word. But it's true we shouldn't take it otherwise like, we must not think of setting boundaries in our mind by controlling it. You may notice, there's a difference between controlling our thoughts and controlling our minds. Keep the fine life.

Moreover, another great thing of thought controlling is, it helps to bring back our mind in the present moment. If you don't have control or no idea how to do that over your mind then you never can be mindful. Being present needs a good connection with our minds so that our minds can listen to us.

I would say, it's more like having a better connection with our mind so that our messages can be rightly delivered and followed than controlling. And even if we take this as controlling we have to understand that it's for our own good.

Notice where your thoughts are going, does it making you overwhelmed with unnecessary thoughts, or does it helping you out to make better choices. If need to take the control, bring back your thoughts, and take a moment to manage it. So that your thoughts can help you find solutions not to make things worse.


I think this is very hard to indeed, if we can control our thoughts we will sure surpass most of the humans who are busy in there own life of though, great post as always ♥️🙏

Thanks for your input

Controlling of thoughts and controlling of Mind at two different things which I have got from your post elaborately. thank you very much for sharing this nice topic

You are welcome :) and thanks for comment