forty nine times up and down this rollercoaster of life!

in inji2 years ago

today is my birthday, i'm blessed everyday to have wonderful people in my life -- to be loved and to love back, deeply. Not only are they fantastic people in their own right they are people i trust to give me real talk and proper opinions. To course correct my thinking when i'm totally off. I have a lot of time and respect for that, humility.

i don't really celebrate birthdays but today i'm making a meal with my partner remotely. we had a great christmas and new year together this year after they lifted the restrictions for travel. i've not blogged about that but i took plenty of pictures and video and can't wait to share -- i wanted to be in the moment instead of existing third person around it.

relative chill day today, celebrating the wins, much progress has been made and yet so much more to be done. always more to be done right? but we step through, day after day!

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Happy birthday bro!

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thanks man!