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RE: On Womanhood, Gender & Self Determinism

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

No one has a natural inclination toward anything

I respect you, and love what you have written, but I do think we have natural inclinations. I also think that much of what we like and covet is culturally defined. But does it matter how we get to be who we are, or if we maintain that preference over a lifetime? It's personal. Whom I love, or why I love is relevant only to my life.

Everyone else, mind your own business :)


Yeah you're right in a sense. Of course there are natural inclinations - I probably should have clarified it but I was writing fast without proofing.

I guess what I meant in that bit was kids that say 'Im so bad at maths' or 'I can't spell'. In terms of neuroplasticity, what we practice we get better at and we enjoy it because we are good at it and it makes us feel good. We avoid what makes us feel bad or that we don't have success at and then we just can't do it. Doesn't mean never will be good at it, just that practice is needed.

Sometimes that's determined by what we are born with - our very bone structure can lend well to certain activities eg dancers hips vs runner hips.

But a huge part, alot of what we become is socialised and cultured - reinforced, I suppose.