in Ladies of Hivelast year

Esta por acabarse este año el cual hemos intentado que sea lo mejor posible, después de haber salido de una pandemia mundial que duro aproximadamente 2 años, después de haber perdido tantos familiares, personas queridas, amistades, amores, hasta mascotas.
Que nos toco leer noticias terribles, ver videos y utilizar las redes sociales para poder conocer y quizás hasta para distraer la mente de todos los sucesos que estaban pasando en el mundo entero, que evidentemente no solo fue una pandemia provocada, fueron también, deslaves, lava, incendios, inundaciones, etc.

This year is about to end and we have tried to make it as good as possible, after having come out of a global pandemic that lasted approximately 2 years, after having lost so many family members, loved ones, friends, loves, even pets.
We had to read terrible news, watch videos and use social networks to know and perhaps even to distract the mind of all the events that were happening around the world, which obviously was not only a pandemic caused, were also, mudslides, lava, fires, floods, etc..

Un año donde hubo muchas personas que lograron regresar a su país y otras que decidieron emigrar y conseguir un mejor lugar, otra vida otro cielo que los cubra. SI. Eso también es válido, cómo no!
Siempre buscando la mejor versión de lo que quieres ser. Siempre apoyando a tus seres queridos para estar cada vez mejor.
Yo, pues sigo en la misma ciudad, viviendo mis días con la mejor actitud con entusiasmo, con fe y sabiduría que todas las situaciones que vivimos son temporales, que todo en la medida del tiempo pasa y eso nos debe enseñar a seguir adelante.

A year where there were many people who managed to return to their country and others who decided to emigrate and get a better place, another life, another sky to cover them. YES. That is also valid, of course!
Always looking for the best version of what you want to be. Always supporting your loved ones to be better and better.
I am still in the same city, living my days with the best attitude, with enthusiasm, with faith and wisdom that all the situations we live are temporary, that everything in the measure of time passes and that should teach us to move forward.


Reflexionar es algo tan profundo, no todos podemos sentar a pensar en lo bueno y lo malo y aprender de eso que nos permitió la vida vivir durante un año tan duro, porque si porque si, te llevas un profundo sentimiento ya sea por los recuerdos o por los momentos que has vivido.
Mi mayor reflexión es vivir un día a la vez, ser agradecidos con nuestra salud, aprender a cuidar nuestro cuerpo desde los pensamientos hasta el último pedacito de piel.
He aprendido que los momentos en familia son los más esenciales para fortalecer el vínculo o también en muchas ocasiones para romperlo. Y ambas situaciones es válido totalmente.
He aprendido que la salud es lo que más debemos cultivar y cuidar porque sin ella no somos nada.
He aprendido que salir de la zona de confort es primordial para nuestro crecimiento tanto personal, profesional y familiar. Hay que atreverse!
He aprendido que no todas las personas son amigas, ni todas las amistades duran para siempre.
Y he aprendido que la distancia NO rompe los lazos que están bien afianzados.

Reflecting is something so deep, not all of us can sit down and think about the good and the bad and learn from what life allowed us to live during such a hard year, because yes, because yes, you take with you a deep feeling either for the memories or for the moments you have lived.
My biggest reflection is to live one day at a time, to be grateful with our health, to learn to take care of our body from our thoughts to the last bit of skin.
I have learned that family moments are the most essential to strengthen the bond or also in many occasions to break it. And both situations are totally valid.
I have learned that health is what we should cultivate and take care of the most because without it we are nothing.
I have learned that getting out of the comfort zone is essential for our personal, professional and family growth. You have to dare!
I have learned that not all people are friends, not all friendships last forever.
And I have learned that distance does NOT break the bonds that are well established.




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I have learned that health is what we should cultivate and take care of the most because without it we are nothing.

I can't agree anymore. Health is something that should be of utmost importance in our lives. It is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind, as it can have a tremendous impact on our productivity and quality of life. 🙂

Thanks for joining us and sharing the valuable experience :)

Hi, I'm glad you agree with me... I send you a hug!