Ladies of Hive💕 contest 9

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)


This week I chose the second question and I will tell you what I am grateful for.

I am really grateful to be here and especially to so many wonderful people who are like angels in my life.

I am grateful to be at Hive as this has changed my life in a significant way. But really being in the Ladies of Hive community has shown me that life is wonderful. Well, a week ago I made a post to say how I felt because lately the days are more difficult for me and I made this post to vent a little and the response of the girls in the community was wonderful and very supportive and it is something that I really appreciate.

And if it is wonderful and a bit surprising to see how people who do not know me and by simply reading a post can feel great empathy for me and therefore help me. Just thank you for that... If everyone were like us and helped a little, the world would be a little better!


They know it's amazing to be a part of all this and that is something that I always appreciate. A little more than two years ago, I changed my life a little and thanking is something so important and that many people take for granted and thanking is the most beautiful way to receive more blessings in our life.

Today again I want to thank everyone here for the help that allowed me to buy some food. Many times my days are difficult but being here helps me to forget that a bit. Here is the photo of what I was able to buy thanks to you. Hopefully life will give you back much more than what you have given me. Thank you for being part of my day to day and being part of my family here!


I would love to invite @luisanarodri22 to be part of this contest and this wonderful community.


Great post! Thanks for entering the Ladies of Hive contest! ♥️

Thanks a lot. It is a pleasure for me to participate

El agradecimiento es una escalera maravillosa para continuar cosechando bendiciones, estoy agradecida de que hayas compartido tan emotivo post hoy. ♥ Un enorme abrazo!!

La vida siempre nos dara motivos para agradecer. Es un placer que te alla gustado mi post

A wonderful post!
Good luck with the contest!

Thanks so much dear

Always our baker hahahha thank you for this blog again and Thank you for joining our contest and if you haven’t already:


Blog soon 😉

Sometimes we just need to vent! That's what a community is for; to help one another. Thank you for sharing your story as it helps many to see how important and supportive and how thankful we are to one another. Take care.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening