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RE: Organizing Stuff.....

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

I guess I never call my heirlooms, but, they really are, aren't they? They have always been around, so I just think of them as part of the family... :)

I need to do the same with my cookie cutters. I do remember that post and it was such a fun one! The copper ones are some of my girl's favorites. I am surprised they don't take a sharpie and put their names on them. Kidding. :)

For the size of this house, the panty space got gypped. The shore house has one of those old walk-in pantries that can fit a barrel of lard in there. If I was to use lard. Modern houses lack storage space, that is what I think.

Phonehell week is never fun. Should I be sending you some liquid happiness in a bottle? People tend to be so rude to people on the other end of the phone. I think the company should send out a personal masseuse on phonehell week.

Ahhhhh. I like that idea. I am already relaxed.


This house was built in the 80's by a man that built trailers and stuff and he built himself a HUGE work building at the back of the property that may Uncle has full of his "stuff"..... so I can only guess that since the shop was built before the house, that he didn't see any need for additonal storage. Who really know, but the pantry is small here and there is no attached utility room on the outside like normal houses. I guess everything can't be perfect, but it certainly would be nice if it were ! Ugh...

I have started using a vacation day on Wednesdays on phone hell week. I hate to use them that way, but like I said before, it's for my mental health....LOL... anyway.... that doesn't help today ! It may kill me before I am able to give it up.

No. You are too laid back and happy to let it get to you. 💜