Ladies of Hive Community Contest #83-What was the most devastating event in your life? Express your feelings and how you coped.

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Bienvenidos a mi blog/Welcome to my blog

Saludos queridos lectores, espero se encuentren bien, sobre todo disfrutando de buena salud que es primordial para el desarrollo de cualquier actividad que deseemos realiza. Una vez más tengo el placer de participar en este agradable concurso semanal que propone @ladiesofhive especial para nosotras las damas de la colmena donde cada semana es un reto fascinante que nos motiva a estar presente siendo parte de esta agradable estrategia semanal.
Greetings dear readers, I hope you are well, especially enjoying good health, which is essential for the development of any activity we wish to perform. Once again I have the pleasure to participate in this pleasant weekly contest proposed by @ladiesofhive special for us ladies of the hive where every week is a fascinating challenge that motivates us to be present being part of this pleasant weekly strategy.

En esta ocasión existen tres preguntas de las cuales voy a responder solo una porque es la que más captó mi atención, ya que en ocasiones la vida suele ser implacable con nosotros, alejándonos para siempre de quienes más amamos y necesitamos son esas malas experiencias las que nos hacen crecer y muchas veces nos moldean como personas a las que les cuesta manifestar sus sentimientos.
This time there are three questions of which I will answer only one because it is the one that caught my attention the most, because sometimes life is often unforgiving with us, taking us away forever from those we love the most and we need those bad experiences that make us grow and often mold us as people who find it difficult to express their feelings.

¿Cuál fue el acontecimiento más devastador de tu vida? Expresa tus sentimientos y cómo lo has afrontado./What was the most devastating event in your life? Express your feelings and how you coped.

Nada más devastador que la muerte de un ser querido, en especial de una madre, la madre es quien nos consuela, nos entiende, nos da apapachos y hasta nos mima aun cuando somos adultos. Cuando aún estaba pequeña perdí a mi madre y aunque nuestra relación no fue tan larga, yo no lograba entender la razón por la cual mamá tuvo que partir tan de pronto, no tuve la oportunidad de conocerla y mucho menos disfrutar de ella, lo que marcó mi vida para siempre.
Nothing more devastating than the death of a loved one, especially of a mother, the mother is the one who consoles us, understands us, gives us affection and even pampers us even when we are adults. When I was still a little girl I lost my mother and although our relationship was not so long, I could not understand the reason why my mother had to leave so suddenly, I did not have the opportunity to know her and much less enjoy her, which marked my life forever.

Mamá se fue cuando yo apenas tenía diez años de edad, cuando más la necesitaba a todas estas, ella sabía que partiría pronto debido a su enfermedad cardiovascular, por lo que aprovechó el tiempo para prepararme para la vida enseñándome independencia en cuanto a las labores del hogar me enseño a lavar y planchar mi ropa también a realizar manualidades además me llevaba mucho de paseo supongo como manera de que la recordara bonito con lo poco que estuvimos juntas.
Mom left when I was barely ten years old, when I needed her the most, she knew she would be leaving soon due to her cardiovascular disease, so she took advantage of the time to prepare me for life by teaching me independence in terms of housework, she taught me to wash and iron my clothes, she also taught me how to make crafts and she took me for walks a lot, I guess as a way for me to remember her beautifully with the little time we had together.

Cuando mamá se va sentí un inmenso vació en el pecho inexplicable con un dolor enorme que se instaló en mí por muchos años de noche lloraba hasta quedarme dormida perdí el interés por absolutamente todo me preguntaba una y otra vez el porqué mi madre se había ido dejándome sola lo que me causaba enojo e impotencia y así pasé varios años hasta que entré en la etapa de la adolescencia la cual me condujo hacia la rebeldía debido a la falta de mi madre aunada a ello era fui una joven amargada a la que nada le agradaba mi familia trataba de congraciarse conmigo, pero nada resultaba realmente la situación no fue nada fácil para ninguna de las partes porque ese dolor habito en mí por mucho tiempo sin encontrar respuestas que lo alivianaran.
When my mother left, I felt an immense emptiness in my chest, inexplicable, with an enormous pain that settled in me for many years, at night I cried until I fell asleep, I lost interest in absolutely everything, I asked myself over and over again why my mother had left me alone, which caused me anger and impotence. This caused me anger and impotence and so I spent several years until I entered the stage of adolescence which led me to rebellion due to the lack of my mother and I was a bitter young woman who did not like anything, my family tried to ingratiate themselves with me, but nothing really worked, but nothing really worked out, the situation was not easy for any of the parties because that pain dwelled in me for a long time without finding answers to alleviate it.

Fue hasta mi etapa como adulto que cambie mi forma de actuar y pensar cuando me vi en la obligación de hacer algo beneficioso con mi vida para poder ser alguien y desenvolverme ante mi entorno y sociedad. Perder a mi madre no fue nada fácil por lo que me contó aprender a vivir sin ella, no me resigne tampoco la olvidé y mucho menos lo acepte, simplemente fue algo que me tocó entender por qué sí, ya que no me quedaba de otra, tuve que poner de mi parte y salir en busca de consolidarme como ser humano responsable de sí mismo que fue lo que mami quiso que aprendiera.
It wasn't until I became an adult that I changed my way of acting and thinking when I saw the obligation to do something beneficial with my life in order to be someone and be able to perform in my environment and society. Losing my mother was not easy at all because of what I had to learn to live without her, I did not resign myself nor did I forget her and much less accept it, it was simply something that I had to understand why, since I had no other choice, I had to do my part and go out in search of consolidating myself as a human being responsible for himself which was what mommy wanted me to learn.

Muchas veces la vida nos pone a prueba sin importar la edad, nos ataca sin compasión alguna hasta sacar algo de nosotros, es como cuando el escultor prepara si obra de arte y va tallando hasta obtener lo que desea, mi fortaleza para poder soportar esa terrible perdida siempre se mantuvo en Dios gracias a mamá quien nos enseñó a mantener una relación estrecha con Él. Al principio me olvidé de Dios y todo porque el dolor era insuperable, pero una vez que entré en razón acudí a Él entregándole todas mis penas y angustias para que me sanara, el dolor pasó, pero las interrogantes siguen estando presentes porque me fuese encantado convivir mucho más a mi madre lamentablemente no fue así y bueno aquí estoy viviendo sin ella aunque ella vive en mis recuerdos y en mi corazón.
Many times life puts us to the test regardless of age, it attacks us without compassion until it takes something out of us, it is like when the sculptor prepares his work of art and carves until he gets what he wants, my strength to endure that terrible loss always remained in God thanks to my mother who taught us to maintain a close relationship with Him. At the beginning I forgot about God and all because the pain was insurmountable, but once I came to my senses I went to Him giving Him all my pain and anguish so that He could heal me, the pain passed, but the questions are still present because I would have loved to live much more with my mother unfortunately it was not so and well here I am living without her although she lives in my memories and in my heart.

Contenido 100% original de @giocondina/100% original content by @giocondina

Las fotografías proporcionadas para esta publicación fueron tomadas desde mi teléfono celular Redmi Go/The photographs provided for this publication were taken from my Redmi Go cell phone.

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I'm sorry to hear about your Mother. Losing a loved one is the most painful experience a person can go through. I think she had no choice and did not want to abandon you. Although she is not with you, I believe she always loves you forever. :)

Thanks for the entry !LADY

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Guiding hand of a mother from young age would affect throughout life. Your Mom sounds like she tried to pass on as much information for you to cope.

Thanks for sharing!

Your mum did lots of nurturing to you at your early age as if she knew what was about to befall her.
Glad you finally grab your source which is God. He is our comforter and our teacher, many hugs 🤗 sis
May the soul of your dear mum continue to rest in peace.

Losing the one who brought you into life and didn't witness you flourish abondantly is so disheartening! I feel the lost you passed through, it was never ever forgotten at all! Mother's beautiful souls and the most lovin'soul!

May her sweet soul rest in the bossom of the lord. AMEN ❣️

Wow la pérdida de una madre a tan temprana edad. Has tenido que lidiar tu sola con todo y eso definitivamente no es fácil, pero mirate en la maravillosa mujer en la que te has convertido. Estoy segura que tu mamá desde el cielo te ve con alegria y orgullo.

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I can only imagine how painful it is when losing a mom. I got scared immediately by just thinking of it. You are a brave woman now and I bet your mom would be so happy for you for where you are now facing life fearlessly as it should be. Your mom never left you, she's always there in your heart. Hugs to you @giocondina 🤗🤗