My choice of principles: LOH community contest #105.

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Hello amazing ladies of hive it feels so good to be here and sharing my thoughts with you about principles.

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Principles are personal code of right actions.
Principles are what influences our decision and determine the direction we take in life. They also can act as a compass. The fact is that almost every human is guided by a principle that he or she believes are important to them.

Let's not forget the fact that some principles are good while others are bad. Please allow me to digress a bit as I explain what I mean by bad and good principles. Today many people are guided or should I say motivated by what is known to be me-ism.

Although this term (me-ism) sound inapplicable to a lot of people, me-ism is a principle or code that Make people to abandon high standard of behaviour. This behaviour is often manifested by selfishness and mindless materialism and that is satisfying demand and making money .

Now let's do a little experiment, Like I said earlier principles are like compass that guide us , me-ism can act like a when this two are placed side by side, the compass starts to misdirect our decision .so that can actually throw someone off balance or even into confusion there by making everything subordinate to his or her desires.

what's guides me

We all know that animals are governed by instinct, some machine are designed to perform a particular d task. I believe that our creator made us and give us some principles that would help us to better humans and better servant.

Having that in mind I live by Bible principles these principles have affected the way I treat people, my behaviour and even the way I react to things and most expecially how I live my life in general.
For instance I apply the golden rule that says treat others how you want them to treat you.

All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.”
Matthew 7:12

Dealing with others in line with this godly principles has contributes to my pleasant relations and happiness.

In my family I also apply this principle that states

Love does not look for its own interests

I make sure to do things that would benefit others and make them comfortable and happy.

And in my business I apply this principle

We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.”—Hebrews 13:18.

I deal honestly with people and try so hard to avoid and form of fraud.
These and many more principles I have found and are really helping me to live a happy and satisfied lifestyle.

In conclusion
If we want to be better people and want a better version of ourselves we need to allow our creator direct and guide our decision and way of living and not set standards for ourselves because we are not perfect.
I might sound too religious in this post but please bear with me because I couldn't help it but share an obvious fact that has helped and many others.
I also don't mind teaching you how to apply this principles of you are interested we can talk more about it.

Thanks for reading this far.


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Thank you Wemi for sharing how you go in different areas of your life. And it is great that you use the Bible, the greatest book of all time, as your guide. We aren't perfect indeed and we're a work in progress.

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Wise words, my dear! Often, people are out there stumbling around not knowing what to do in situations. God wrote the Book on how we need to live our lives! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day! !LADY

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Good to know that you are quoting the greatest book of all time!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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