Say goodbye to the year with gratitude despite the bad times. - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #114

Today December 30, just one day before the end of this year, I am sitting here with a coffee in my hand thinking about the year that is coming to an end and all the experiences I had during it. I don't look at it with nostalgia, no. I look at it from gratitude, you have to be thankful for everything; the good and what we did not like.

I never cried for being gone for a year, on the contrary, I always get excited and happy for Christmas, it seems to me a very joyful party where we share love, happiness and joy together with our loved ones. But this year it has touched me where it hurts the most and I don't know, I can't predict that I won't cry.


In January of this year my beautiful mother was already in bed, the Covid, the vaccine, age or whatever made her fall into an ischemic stroke since October 2021. Believe me, my mother fought, but she was attacked by several clots resulting in multiple strokes and we had to see how every day it faded more and more. My mother's bravery was incredible.

February, March and April we continued with the treatments to treat the Covid, it was incredible to see how even a laboratory was mobilized to the house since my mother could not move even in a wheelchair and the hospitals continued to be overcrowded with cases where treatment was advisable at home and not go to a health center.

This situation blocked me in such a way that I had no head to make publications, I lost my muse for a long time, it also led me to do Power Down to collaborate with the expenses of treatment, food and other things for my mother, all the help was necessary and thank God I had HIVE with me.

May was a very beautiful month despite my mother's illness since we were able to share the last Mother's Day with her. He was so glad to see us reunited as always, although now we are less because of how dispersed the family is due to migration.

Her smile when she saw my grandchildren was wonderful, she talked to the children, her face had a smile that had been erased from her face for a few months and that filled me with joy.

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-13 at 1.31.30 PM.jpeg

June, this was the most difficult month for everyone in the family. My mom no longer ate, for a few months she also struggled with bedsores that had caused holes on each side of her hips. Even though a physical therapist was hired to do exercises for her, her skin degenerated a lot and as a result she had many bruises and where she touched her skin broke.

On June 15 I had to travel to Colombia, my son arranged the trip and I found myself in the difficult situation of making the trip, leaving my mother so turned off. I said goodbye to her but I don't know if she understood what I was saying, I kissed her on the forehead and left very sad because of my mother's visible decline.


On the 18th, 3 days later, my sister made a group video call with all her children so that we could say goodbye to my mother who had just taken her last breath. It was a very difficult situation. I saw the burial by video call and thanked God for his life and for being born from his womb.

Upon arriving in Colombia, I found that my 3-month-old grandson was hospitalized for the second time, he had been infected with Covid and was very delicate. His mother was scared because she saw how the child fainted in their arms because his saturation dropped. Fortunately, he is a fighting child and with God's favor he was able to get out of that. A week after arriving, I was able to meet my grandson whom I did not know. Beautiful angelic child and we thanked God for everything.

In a year there are many joys and sorrows and we have the obligation to know how to assimilate them so that they do not affect us too much. Regarding the questions that friend @thekittygirl asks:

1️⃣ What was your greatest joy of 2022...?


2️⃣ What was your greatest sorrow of 2022...?


Although a light went out and a light came on this year, I think we have to be thankful for everything that happens to us, since they are experiences that allow us to grow. 2022 was a year of many experiences for me and it filled me with many experiences and a lot of teaching. My greatest joy of 2022 was to see how a small being fought for his life and managed to overcome a difficulty that was achieved in his small and short way.

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My greatest sadness, of course, was the loss of my beloved mother. Having to see her burial from a video called, crying for her from afar and not being able to comfort my sisters and my daughters and the rest of the family was very hard.

I will always thank God for the experiences, for the experience and I will always see each year from gratitude. Thank you for this contest, which always brought us interesting questions that we could think of.


Traduccion al Español:

Despedir el año desde el agradecimiento a pesar de los malos momentos. - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #114

Hoy 30 de Diciembre, a solo un dia para que finalice este año, estoy aqui sentada con un cafe en la mano pensando sobre el año que culmina y todas las vivencias que tuve en el. No lo miro con nostalgia, no. Lo miro desde el agradecimiento, hay que agradecer por todo; lo bueno y lo que no nos gusto.

Nunca llore por haberse ido un año, al contrario, siempre me emocione y me alegre por las navidades, me parece una fiesta muy alegre donde compartimos amor, felicidad y alegria en union de nuestros seres queridos. Pero este año me ha tocado donde mas me duele y no se, no puedo predecir que no vaya a llorar.

En Enero de este año ya mi hermosa madre estaba en cama, el Covid, la vacuna, la edad o lo que fuera la hizo caer en un ACV izquemico desde el mes de Octubre del 2021. Creanme que mi madre lucho, pero fue atacada por varios coagulos resultando en multiples ACV y nos toco ver como cada dia se iba apagando mas y mas. La valentia de mi madre fue increible.

Febrero, Marzo y Abril continuabamos con los tratamientos para tratar el Covid, fue increible ver como hasta un laboratorio se movilizo hasta la casa ya que mi madre no se podia mover ni en silla de ruedas y los hospitales continuaban abarrotados de casos donde era aconcejable tratarse en casa y no acudir a un centro asistencial.

Esta situacion me bloqueo de tal manera que no tenia cabeza para hacer publicaciones, perdi la musa por mucho tiempo, tambien me llevo a hacer Power Down para colaborar con los gastos de tratamiento, alimentacion y otras cosas de mi madre, toda la ayuda era necesaria y gracias a Dios tuve a HIVE conmigo.

Mayo fue un mes muy bonito a pesar de la enfermedad de mi madre ya que pudimos compartir con ella el ultimo Dia de las Madres. Se alegro tanto de vernos reunidos como siempre aunque ahora somos menos por lo disperso que esta la familia por la migracion.

Su sonrisa cuando vio a mis nietos fue maravillosa, hablo con los niños, su cara tenia una risa que por unos meses se habia borrado de su rostro y eso me lleno de alegria.

Junio, este fue el mes mas dificil para todos en la familia. Ya mi mama no comia, desde hacia unos meses tambien luchaba con las escaras que le habian provocado unos huecos a cada lado de las caderas. A pesar de que se contrato a un fisioterapeuta para hacerle ejercicios su piel se degenero mucho y como resultado tenia muchos hematomas y donde se le tocaba se le rompia la piel.

El 15 de Junio tuve que viajar a Colombia, mi hijo arreglo el viaje y me vi en la dificil situacion de hacer el viaje dejando a mi mama tan apagada. Me despedi de ella pero no se si entendio lo que le decia, le di un beso en la frente y me fui muy triste por la desmejoria tan visible de mi madre.

El 18, 3 dias despues mi hermana hizo una video llamada grupal con todos sus hijos para que nos despidieramos de mi madre que acababa de hacer su ultimo respiro. Fue una situacion muy dificil. Vi el sepelio por video llamada y le agradeci a Dios por su vida y por haber nacido de su vientre.

Al llegar a Colombia me encontre con que a mi nieto de 3 meses lo hospitalizaban por segunda vez, se habia contagiado de Covid y se encontraba muy delicado. Su mama estaba asustada porque vio como el niño se les desmayo en los brazos porque se le bajo la saturacion. Afortunadament es un niño luchador y con el favor de Dios pudo salir bien librado de eso. A la semana de haber llegado, pude conocer a mi nieto a quien no conocia. Hermoso niño angelical y agradecimos a Dios por todo.

En un año hay muchas alegrias y tristezas y tenemos la obligacion de saberlas asimilar para que no nos afecten demasiado. Con respecto a las preguntas que hace la amiga @thekittygirl:

1️⃣ ¿Cuál fue tu mayor alegría del 2022...?


2️⃣ ¿Cuál fue tu mayor tristeza del 2022...?

Aunque una luz se apago y una luz se encendio este año pienso que hay que agradecer por todo lo que nos sucede, ya que son experiencias que nos permiten crecer. 2022 fue un año de muchas vivencias para mi y que me lleno de muchas experiencias y mucha enseñanza. Mi mejor momento de alegria fue ver como un pequeño ser lucho por su vida y logro superar una dificultad que se consiguio por su pequeño y corto camino.

Mi mayor tristeza, por supuesto, fue la perdida de mi amada madre. Tener que ver desde una video llamada su sepelio, llorarla desde lejos y no poder estar consolando a mis hermanas y mis hijas y el resto de la familia fue muy duro.

Siempre le agradecere a Dios por las vivencias, por la experiencia y siempre vere cada año desde el agradecimiento. Gracias por este concurso, que siempre nos trajo preguntas interesantes que nos pudo a pensar.



My condolences on the loss of your mother... 😢
Thank you for your entry to our weekly contest!



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Thanks to you friend and thank you.

I am so sorry for your loss! I can't even imagine how all that must have made you feel. I lost my mom years ago, but I remember.......

Where there is sadness, there can also be joy; hence your grandson! It's wonderful that he is strong and overcame the covid.

Take care and may 2023 hold more joy for you than you've ever known!💜🤗 !LADY

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Thank you for your best wishes the same to you friend. Happy New Year.

You are most welcome!🤗💜


Hello, good to see you again my swet kitty.