Sleeping with the enemy / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #99 / Durmiendo con el enemigo.

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago


Source: Pixabay - Public Domain Pictures

Annie was a young girl, married with 2 beautiful girls born of the marriage. As every marriage began to have problems over the years, her big problem was her husband's mistrust. She worked in a supermarket near her home and noticed that her husband was watching her and always checking her phone.

One day her husband threatened to kill her if she left him and not only that, but he would kill her daughters and then himself, because they would not take him to jail. When that happened, Annie was afraid to do anything since she was unaware of the extent that the laws of her country could do to defend her.

In addition, it was known of cases where the woman denounces her husband and then the man gets more angry and harasses her more. Or in the latter case, much is heard of the complaints where the woman is harmed because she is cataloged as the cause of the problem.

In our chauvinistic society, men create the doubt that the woman is cheating on him and in many trials they have seen how the woman is denigrated and accused of not being a good woman and the cause of everything.

One day he ask her to go out, she, her mother and her two girls. They went out for dinner and a few rides in the car. When they got home, the mother took the older girl and they stayed with the little one. The next day, very early in the morning, the high volume of music was heard in their house, so the neighbors thought that they had woken up happy.

While inside, the biggest battle between the two was unleashed, they began to talk about the issue of separation, she asked him to leave her house, that she did not want to continue living with him because of her obsessive jealousy.

Then he went to the kitchen and chose the widest knife and stabbed her in the heart, as she could she got into the bathroom and fell sitting in the shower area. Then a neighbor heard screaming over the music and as he got closer he heard her asking for help.

The neighbor ran to tell her mother who lived a few blocks from there and told her what he had heard and told her to come see if everything was okay. They knocked on the door but no one answered, then they heard the cry of the 2-year-old girl who had witnessed everything.

They forced the door and then the vision was something terrible. The whole house was full of blood, the girl was under the furniture table crying, in the room lying on the floor was the body of the murderer, in the bathroom sitting on the floor was Annie almost lifeless.

When they called my brother... yes, my brother. The case is real, it is not a horror movie, although it seems so. When they called my brother to tell him what had happened, he immediately went to his daughter's house, he found her still alive but she immediately bled to death in his arms. The police were already there and those in charge of removing the corpses had the house cordoned off and they only let him, my brother, through.

My brother told us later that she had reported the threats, but they told him that there was no evidence to incriminate him and that if there was no violence they couldn't do anything.

So, how can you believe in a justice that tells you that if you don't arrive violated they can't do anything? How many times does a woman have to lower herself before a court where they tell her that she is very smiling, that she is the one causing the problem?

1️⃣ Each country has different laws for women, some are very advanced but others have a difficult structure to obtain justice in cases of gender violence. In any case, all women should know the system in their country. In the hypothetical or real case that you are a victim or should help a victim of gender-based violence, do you know what to do? Where to go in that specific city to seek help or file a complaint? Do you know what the procedure is? The idea is to help any woman who needs that knowledge.
It is a delicate subject but if you have any experience that you want to share with other women you are free to do so.

It is not easy for me to tell and remember this, but if this serves to save the life of a colleague, of a woman who is under threat, then I share it.

If they have threatened you, believe that person that they will do so, if you are looking for protection and they do not give it to you, then leave the house so that a relative can spend some time while that man leaves your house and then remember to change all the locks so that they do not have access to it.

Even if they don't believe you, even if they don't offer you protection, leave a record of your complaint with the police in case something happens, they already know who to look for, they would be the first suspect. Let's not be a know-it-all because a psychopath plans everything very well.

I invite my friend @marlenyaragua to participate in this contest:


Traduccion al Español:

Annie era una chica joven, casada con 2 hermosas niñas nacidas del matrimonio. Como todo matrimonio comenzo a tener problemas con los años, su gran problema era la desconfianza de su esposo. Ella trabajaba en un supermercado cerca de su casa y noto que su esposo la vigilaba y revisaba siempre su telefono.

Un dia su esposo la amenazo con matarla si lo dejaba y no solo eso, sino que mataria a sus hijas y luego se mataria el, porque a el no lo llevarian a la carcel. Cuando eso sucedio, Annie tuvo miedo de hacer cualquier cosa ya que desconocia sobre el alcance que las leyes de su pais podrian hacer para defenderla.

Ademas, se sabia de los casos donde la mujer denuncia al esposo y entonces el hombre se enfurece mas y la acosa mas. O en el ultimo caso, mucho se escucha de las denuncias donde sale perjudicada la mujer porque es catalogado como la provocadora del problema.

En nuestra sociedad de machistas los hombres crean la duda de que la mujer lo engaña y en muchos juicios se han visto como a la mujer la denigran y la acusan de no ser una buena mujer y la cusante de todo.

Un dia la invito a salir, ella, su madre y sus dos niñas. Salieron a cenar y a dar unas vueltas en el carro. Al llegar a su casa, la mama se llevo a la niña mayor y ellos se quedaron con la pequeña. Al dia siguiente, bien temprano en la mañana se escucho el volumen alto de la musica en su casa, asi que los vecinos pensaron que habian amanecido alegres.

Mientras que adentro, se desataba la mayor batalla entre los dos, comenzaron a hablar del tema de la separacion, ella le pidio que abandonara su casa, que no deseaba seguir viviendo con el por sus celos obsecivos.

Entonces el se dirigio a la cocina y escogio el cuchillo mas ancho y la apuñaleo en el corazon, ella como pudo se metio en el baño y cayo sentada en la parte de la ducha. Entonces un vecino escucho gritos por encima de la musica y al acercarse escucho que ella pedia ayuda.

El vecino corrio a avisarle a su mama que vivia a unas cuadras de alli y le conto lo que habia escuchado y le dijo que viniera a ver si todo estaba bien. Llamaron a la puerta pero nadie contesto, entonces escucharon el llanto de la niña de 2 años quien habia sido testigo de todo.

Forzaron la puerta y entonces la vision fue algo espantoso. Toda la casa estaba llena de sangre, la niña estaba debajo de la mesa de los muebles llorando, en la sala tirado en el suelo estaba el cuerpo del hombre asesino, en el baño sentada en el piso estaba Annie ya casi sin vida.

Cuando llamaron a mi hermano..., si, mi hermano. El caso es real no es una pelicula de terror aunque lo parece. Cuando llamaron a mi hermano para avisarle lo que habia sucedido, el se fue inmediatamente para la casa de su hija, la encontro aun con vida pero enseguida murio en sus brazos desangrada. Ya los policias estaban alli y los que se encargan de levantar los cadaveres tenian la casa acordonada y solo lo dejaron pasar a el, a mi hermano.

Mi hermano nos conto despues que ella habia hecho la denuncia de las amenazas, pero le contestaron que no habia pruebas que lo incriminaran y que si no habia violencia no podian hacer nada.

Entonces, como creer en una justicia que te dice que si no llegas violentada no pueden hacer nada ?? Cuantas veces tiene que rebajarse la mujer ante un tribunal donde le dicen que ella es muy sonriente, que ella es la que provoca el problema ??

1️⃣ Cada país tiene leyes diferentes para las mujeres, algunas son muy avanzadas pero otras tienen una estructura difícil para obtener justicia en casos de violencia de género. En cualquier caso, todas las mujeres deberían conocer el sistema en su país. En el caso hipotético o real de que seas víctima o debas ayudar a una víctima de violencia de género, ¿sabes qué hacer? ¿Adónde ir en esa ciudad específica para buscar ayuda o presentar una denuncia? ¿Sabes cuál es el procedimiento? La idea es ayudar a cualquier mujer que necesite ese conocimiento.
Es un tema delicado pero si tienes alguna experiencia que quieras compartir con otras mujeres eres libre de hacerlo.

No es facil para mi contar y recordar esto, pero si esto sirve para salvar la vida de alguna compañera, de alguna mujer que este bajo amenazas entonces lo comparto.

Si te han amenazado creele a esa persona que asi lo hara, si buscas proteccion y no te la dan entonces vete de la casa para que algun familiar por algun tiempo mientras ese hombre sale de tu casa y luego recuerda cambiar todas las cerraduras para que no tenga acceso a ella.

Asi no te crean, asi no te ofrezcan proteccion deja un registro de tu denuncia en la policia por si sucede algo ya saben a quien buscar, seria el primer sospechoso. No nos hagamos la sabelotodo porque un psicopata planea todas las cosas muy bien.

Invito a participar a este concurso a la amiga @marlenyaragua



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It is so horrible an incident. I am having goosebumps. I wanna know which country are you in?

Woman are still treated in many parts of the world as of less importance. Violence and disgrace is seen as a right by men against women. It is sorrowful.

The mother is already died but how about the small girl who witnessed everything. She would never be able to come out of trauma.

It is the irony that the security people first ask us to get injured instead of taking the precautionary measures

I am from Venezuela friend, this happened in a neighborhood of Zulia State and it happens a lot. We women need to be more informed about the types of domestic violence. Almost no one knows that a threat is violence, and we often do not take it into account. But much more in the police, if someone arrives denouncing a threat, they must immediately take control of the case.

The police should take these things seriously. It is their duty to respond to any threat registered to them or at least provide some advice for security.

So sad a case 😢

Oh my... this is heartbreaking. She could have been saved if the authorities did something about it like investigate perhaps.

That's right friend, my niece would still be with her daughters watching them grow up.

It is really important to be very vigilant. Hope the authorities will no longer downplay any report of gender violence.

Eso es lo que siempre genera temor a denunciar porque cuando aún no cumplen sus amenazas no le ofrecen una protección y termina estando bajo acecho del agresor pero ahora peor porque lo han denunciado , no pasa solo aquí sino en muchas partes, muertes que se han podido evitar si se le fuese creído y ofrecido protección real a la víctima, yo espero que eso esté cambiando pero duele cada vez que aparece una noticia así, de hecho he notado un grave incremento de los casos, desde la pandemia hay más noticias y es desgarrador. Gracias por compartir


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Asi es amiga, por no llevar una lesion no le tomaron la denuncia y da rabia ver esta situacion porque al parecer no le creen a la persona que denuncia. Ese hombre, que ahora esta muerto, no solo dejo un daño en la familia de mi sobrina sino que dejo un gran trauma en sus niñas que tuvieron que asistir a psicologos y yo creo que eso ni un medico lo puede sanar, es un dolor muy grande para un hijo ver a sus padres separarse imaginate esa situacion. Gracias por pasar por mi post y comentar amiga.