Concurso #3 de la Comunidad Ladies of Hive: MI lugar Especial (ESP-ENG) // Ladies of Hive Community Competition #3: MY Special Place (ESP-ENG)

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago (edited)

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Esta es mi entrada para el Concurso #3 de la Comunidad Ladies of Hive, donde nos proponen para esta semana que participemos con una entrada dando respuesta por lo menos a una de estas interrogantes:

Pregunta 1: ¿Nos mostrará su "Máscara"?
Pregunta 2: Si celebran el Día de Muertos, ¿cómo lo harán con el telón de fondo de Covid19?
Pregunta 3: ¿Tienes un lugar especial y tranquilo al que ir para estar solo y pensar en las cosas, o tomar decisiones importantes?

Para efecto de esta participación escogi la pregunta 3, la cual le daré respuesta a lo largo de este trabajo.

This is my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Competition #3, where we are proposed to participate this week with an entry answering at least one of these questions:

Question 1: Will you show us your "Mask"?
Question 2: If you celebrate the Day of the Dead, how will you do it against the backdrop of Covid19?
Question 3: Do you have a special, quiet place to go to be alone and think about things, or to make important decisions?

For the purpose of this participation I chose question 3, which I will answer throughout this work.


Pregunta 3:
¿Tienes un lugar especial y tranquilo al que ir para estar solo y pensar en las cosas, o tomar decisiones importantes?

Question 3:
Do you have a special, quiet place to go to be alone and think about things, or to make important decisions?

Para dar respuesta a esta interrogante debo obligatoriamente mostrar las imágenes de El Cerro El Morro, Lecherías Venezuela, definitivamente este lugar desde muy joven representó para mi un sitio de paz y calma que me permitía analizar, pensar y tomar decisiones importantes en mi vida.

No solo sus fantásticas vistas me proporciona la tranquilidad necesaria para ello sino también la brisa, el sol, el olor a mar y el silencio que en conjunto con todo lo demás nos ofrece el escenario perfecto para tomarse unos minutos para pensar, hablar o simplemente meditar.

To answer this question I must necessarily show the images of El Cerro El Morro, Lecherías Venezuela, definitely this place from very young represented for me a place of peace and calm that allowed me to analyze, think and make important decisions in my life.

Not only its fantastic views provide me with the necessary tranquillity for that, but also the breeze, the sun, the smell of the sea and the silence that together with everything else offers us the perfect scenario to take a few minutes to think, talk or simply meditate.


A través de los años siempre me he tomado mi tiempo a pesar de las diversos compromisos laborales para disfrutar de mi sitio especial, ya que representa algo mas que vista y sol, es definitivamente mi cúpula que me ayuda a protegerme del resto del mundo, de todo lo que me puede distraer de mis pensamientos, algo fuera de la realidad y que inexplicablemente me proporciona paz, a pesar de todo lo que pueda afectarme del entorno.
Over the years I have always taken my time despite various work commitments to enjoy my special place, as it represents more than just sight and sunshine, it is definitely my dome that helps protect me from the rest of the world, from everything that can distract me from my thoughts, something outside of reality and that inexplicably provides me with peace, despite everything that can affect me from my surroundings.


¿Por qué lo elegi?

La elección de este lugar no fue aleatorio, de hecho la hice hace muchos años. Un día que inicié mi rutina de trote, durante el recorrido me encontre fascinada por la vista por la parte posterior del cerro El Morro , luego que terminé mi entrenamiento, me fui hasta la parte superior del cerro y quedé enamorada del lugar desde ese instante.
The choice of this place was not random, in fact I made it many years ago. One day when I started my jogging routine, during the tour I was fascinated by the view from the back of El Morro hill, after I finished my training, I went to the top of the hill and I fell in love with the place from that moment on.

MORRO 6-2.png


Si te animas a participar este es el enlace:

If you want to participate this is the link:

Ladies of Hive Community Contest #3

Referencia de las Imágenes

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung J7, en el Cerro El Morro ubicado en Lecherías Estado Anzoátegui Venezuela.

Image Reference

The images are my property, were taken with my Samsung J7 mobile phone, in the Cerro El Morro located in Lecherías Anzoátegui State Venezuela.

Gracias por leerme y comentar//Thank you for reading and commenting



WOW, it sure looks very peaceful!

That's right! And the peace it brings is really fantastic
Thank you


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Wow, what a special place it is too. There really is something about the smell of fresh sea air that triggers so many magical processes within the human body isn't there.

Cerro El Morro located in Lecherías Anzoátegui State Venezuela is definitely on my bucket lists of places to travel to after the pandemic is over!

Maybe I'[ll see you there!

In the meantime, be safe and take care

Thank you very much for your visit, I hope you can meet him.

As soon as the world recovers from the pandemic, I will be there! 😃

I am sure the photos just can't capture the encompassing panorama of just the view alone, the tranquility and atmosphere you describe does make this place a special one to invest a little bit of precious time out of our lives to find our way, re-focus our plans or simply enjoy being there.

Thank you for sharing your special place @janettyanez 🌹

Better you could not describe it, thanks for your visit and such a beautiful commentary.