(ESP-ENG) Mi participación en el concurso de la comunidad Ladies of Hive #59 Mi adorno favorito de Navidad / My entry in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 59 My Favorite Christmas Ornament 🎄💖

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

En mi familia es una tradición decorar la casa con el árbol navideño y los adornos que mi mamá con el pasar de los años, iba comprando poco q poco. Tristemente con el pasar del tiempo y por tenerlos en un sitio no tan seguro jeje varios adornos se han roto.

Por suerte uno de mis favoritos sigue con vida. No se ve como era antes pero me sigue gustando, aunque pareciera que el hombre de nieve patina sobre agua sucia congelada jajaja. Este hombre de nieve me gusta mucho porque se supone que el patina sobre y hielo uno de mis sueños frustrados (creo que por eso me gusta).

In my family it is a tradition to decorate the house with the Christmas tree and the decorations that my mother, over the years, was buying little or little. Sadly with the passage of time and having them in a not so safe place hehe several ornaments have been broken.

Luckily one of my favorites is still alive. It doesn't look like it was before but I still like it, even though the snowman seems to be skating on frozen dirty water hahaha. I really like this snowman because he's supposed to ice skate one of my frustrated dreams (I think that's why I like him).

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-29 at 6.10.04 PM.jpeg

En sí, habían varios adornos que eran velas decorativas, velas con formas de Santa Claus o de hombres de nieve pero estás velas las debimos usar en un caso desesperado cuando hubo el apagón nacional en mi país. No teníamos alternativas así que decidimos usarlas. Cabe destacar que las velas se veían algo satánicas cuando se iban derritiendo jajaja… que tiempo aquellos.

In itself, there were several decorations that were decorative candles, candles in the shape of Santa Claus or snowmen, but these candles must have been used in a desperate case when there was the national blackout in my country. We had no alternatives so we decided to use them. It should be noted that the candles looked somewhat satanic when they were melting hahaha ... what a time those.

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-29 at 6.10.15 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-29 at 6.13.54 PM.jpeg

En fin, me gusta mantener mi casa decorada para navidad, mi mamá era quien se encargaba de ello pero ya que no vive aquí ahora, yo me encargo y me gusta hacerlo. Así se siente el ambiente navideño así no esté la familia.

Las luces navideñas para mí son definitivamente mis decoraciones favoritas, tanto que planeo decorar mi habitación con luces de colores, siempre he querido hacer eso. Me gusta todo lo brillante y titilante. Si eso cuenta como adorno entonces sin duda son mis decoraciones favoritas.

Anyway, I like to keep my house decorated for Christmas, my mom was the one who took care of it but since she doesn't live here now, I take care of it and I like to do it. This is how the Christmas atmosphere feels even if the family is not there.

Christmas lights for me are definitely my favorite decorations, so much so that I plan to decorate my room with colored lights, I have always wanted to do that. I like everything bright and twinkling. If that counts as an ornament then they are definitely my favorite decorations.

Me gustaría invitar a @yilibeth a participar.

I would like to invite @yilibeth to participate.


Thanks for sharing! The snowman is cute. I too, like Christmas lights as they give a nice ambience that makes it seem cozy. Take care!

You received 5 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest.

Real snowmen or Snow women are not common in my west coast Canadian city in the winter months as don't get much snow but rain. I would if I went up into the nearby mountains. I do have a few wood tree decorations of snow men. I still yet have to get a nice tree.

Thanks @maisugar for sharing 🎄⛄️