Ladies Of Hive: Contest #95 😠😡

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago


Hello dear fellow hive members, I hope your day has ended with many Blessings.
This is my first post in this wonderful community, I think it's great to feel surrounded by such great girls.
What better entry to this community
Ladies of Hive community contest #95 talking about the things that make me angry.
Before I answer I would like to extend an invitation to @delicarola to participate in this activity.

Hola queridos compañeros de hive, espero que su dia halla terminado con muchas Bendiciones.
Es mi primera publicación en esta maravillosa comunidad, me parece genial sentirme rodeada de chicas tan geniales.
Que mejor entrada a esta comunidad
Ladies of Hive community contest #95 hablándoles sobre las cosas que me hacen enfadar.
Antes de responder quisiera hacerle una invitación a @delicarola a participar en esta actividad.

Here is the question I will answer

Here is the question I will answer.

¿Do we all have a different boiling point, some of us get angry easily, others have a very cold temper. Please share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay angry, and what or who can appease you?

¿Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos nos enfadamos con facilidad, otros tienen un temperamento muy frío. Por favor, comparta una cosa que le haga enfadar, cuánto tiempo permanece enfadado, y qué o quién puede apaciguarle?

Many things bother me, some family members call me chirelito haha because they say that I get angry easily, and the truth is that yes but it depends on the situation because I do not tolerate injustice, there are people so bad at heart that do whatever it takes to harm and leave others in a bad position and if I see such behavior in people I tell them even if it is not my problem I assume it as if it were mine and I defend it diplomatically.

Me molestan muchísimas cosas, algunos familiares me dicen chirelito jaja porque dicen que me enojo fácilmente, y la verdad es que si pero es depende la situación porque no tolero las injusticias, hay personas tan malas de corazón que hacen lo que sea para dañar y dejar mal parados a otros y si veo un comportamiento de esos en las personas se los digo así no sea mi problema lo asumo como si fuera mio y lo defiendo diplomaticamente.


I get angry with false people, those who appear to be friends and it turns out that on the other hand they are talking and telling what you have entrusted to them, however with that they talk bad and then show a little face that does not break a plate, so I am very selective with my friendships, it is better to have quality than quantity.

Me enoja las personas falsas, de esas que aparentan ser amigos y resulta que por otro lado van hablando y contando lo que le has confiado no obstante con eso van hablando mal y después muestran una carita tiena que no rompen un plato, por eso soy muy selectiva con mis amistades es mejor tener calidad que cantidad.

I take care of my personal things because they have a very significant value and it has cost me sacrifice to get them, I do not like that they come and just touch them without asking permission, that makes me very angry and another thing that I borrow them and they return them damaged and say: do not use it because it was like that 🤯 and that's where I would like to explode

Mis cosas personales las cuido muchísimo porque tiene un valor muy significativo y me ha costado sacrificio para obtenerlas, no me gusta que lleguen y simplemente me las toquen sin pedirme permiso eso me enoja muchísimo y otra cosa que me las piden prestadas y me las devuelvan dañadas y dicen: no la use porque estaba así 🤯 y es ahí donde quisiera explotar.


Another thing that pisses me off and I know some will find it funny 😅 is that they grab from my food nooooo, that's sacred.

Otra cosa que me enoja y se que para algunas les resultará gracioso 😅 es que agarren de mi comida nooooo, eso es sagrado.

¿How long can I stay mad?

¿Cuento tiempo puedo estar enfadada?

I think it depends on the magnitude of the case, sometimes it goes away very quickly, I even forget.
I am quite sincere and I always open up to people to avoid all kinds of conflicts because that is not good for our health and peace of mind.

Pienso que es depende de la magnitud del caso, a veces se me pasa muy rápido, hasta lo olvido.
Soy bastante sincera y siempre me abro a las personas para evitar todo tipo de conflictos porque eso no es bueno para nuestra salud y paz mental.


Well friends that was all for today, I hope to be in the wonderful community more often, God Bless each of your steps and I hope you all go Bonito❤️

Bueno amigos eso fue todo por hoy, espero estar en estar maravillosa comunidad más seguido, Dios Bendiga cada uno de sus pasos y que les vaya Bonito a todos❤️

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Para traducir cada parrafo en ingles use la aplicación.

All contents are my own and are exclusive for hive.

Todo el contenido es de mi autorìa y son exclusivos para hive.


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@marnaza, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Thank you🤗

you are so pretty! 💗

Thank you💞

The things that make you mad are relatable :) I can imagine how annoying it can be when someone just grabs your food while you're enjoying it :)

Yes, my brothers are all jokes and they always do. While I'm enjoying it I'm watching their moves 😠🤣.

Haha, perhaps they love doing it because they know it annoys you :)

Exactly. They love that part of me hahaha.

That's why, haha! Enjoy the teasing then :) Those are memories being created between you and your brothers :)

Hi, I am also very annoyed by injustices.

I'm not so much like that with food, but I know people that it bothers them a lot.

I'm also like that, my brothers make me very angry with the food hahaa

jajajaja me hiciste recordar a mí misma, yo también me enojo por las mismas razones.

Jajaja me contenta saber eso, ahora ya tengo la idea que no estoy loca por enojarme a veces por cosas pequeñas jajs


Thank you for your support😊

Hello, that is one of the things that also bothers me a lot, the injustices, but in this universe there is everything, hopefully those bad things can be changed in people!

God hear her, in this world we see so many things and more injustices.

Amen, so be it, God is great and will make human beings change their mind and attitude!