Ladies of Hive Community Contest #107 || What are your most important rules when dating? // [ENG//ESP]

in Ladies of Hivelast year
Authored by @Nayromero

Hello friends of Hive, Welcome to my blog.!

Hola amigos de Hive, Bienvenidos a mi blog.!

Beautiful and blessed day for all, especially for this great community that encourages us to talk about inspiring topics and that motivates us to share within it. On this occasion we have the great task of answering one of the two questions that we are asked, as usual, and I have decided to choose to tell my basic rules for a date, something very important because that shows us if the other person can be or not compatible with us.

Hermoso y bendecido día para todos, en especial para esta gran comunidad que nos alienta hablar sobre temas inspiradores y que nos motivan a compartir dentro de ella. En esta oportunidad tenemos la genial tarea de responder como de costumbre una de las dos preguntas que se nos hace, y yo he decidido optar por contar mis reglas básicas para una cita algo muy importante pues eso nos muestra si la otra persona puede ser o no compatible con nosotros.


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What are your most important rules when dating? // ¿Cuáles son tus reglas más importantes cuando tienes una cita?

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For me the most important and basic rules would be:

  • That the person is punctual at the agreed time, either when arriving at the place or when picking me up.

  • There is a saying that I have always heard and it goes a lot with first dates. And it is that the first impression always counts, I like to always be presentable and it catches my attention and pleases that the other person takes care of himself and is always presentable, especially at the time of an outing.

  • I like that we can talk and laugh, that the attention is mutual, so the excessive use of the telephone does not please me at all and discourages me.

  • That is respectful because although many believe that the new era is to be released I do not like at all a person who does not respect the limits of others.

  • And although the last but I think one of the most important is that it is authentic, that it does not pretend to be or have what it is not, I am attracted to the true essence of a person, that is why I cannot stand people who pretend.

Para mi las reglas más importantes y básicas serían:

  • Que la persona sea puntual a la hora acordada, ya sea al llegar al lugar o al pasar a recogerme.

  • Hay un dicho que siempre he escuchado y va mucho con las primeras citas. Y es que la primera impresión siempre cuenta, me gusta estar siempre presentable y me llama la atención y agrada que la otra persona se cuide y ande siempre presentable sobre todo a la hora de una salida.

  • Me gusta que podamos hablar y reír, que la atención sea mutua por lo que el excesivo uso del teléfono no me agrada para nada y me desanima.

  • Que sea respetuoso pues aunque muchos creen que la nueva era es ser lanzados no me agrada para nada una persona que no respete los límites de los demás.

  • Y aunque la última pero creo que una de las mas importante es que sea auténtico, que no finja ser o tener lo que no es, me atrae la verdadera esencia de una persona por eso no soporto a la gente que finge.

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Well friends these are my rules for a date, I hope you are encouraged to share yours. I want to invite @litzismar and @mariaced to participate in this great contest.

Bueno amigas estas son mis reglas para una cita, espero se animen a compartir las suyas. Quiero invitar a @litzismar y @mariaced a participar en esta gran concurso.

Thank you once again dear friends for reading and visiting my blog. !!

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That is so true that first impression counts 😉 so being late isn't a good start.
You make some good points here and to be able to laugh together 🥰 love that.
It means that you feel comfteble with each other. Also being real and honest is important.

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌹

That be punctual is really one of thr most important. I mean, who wants a date who shows up late right. I also like the other rules.