Ladies of Hive Community Contest #20/My favorite family dish/Mi plato familiar favorito

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Hello friends, I am pleased to participate in the contest organized by Ladies of Hive, this week you ask us: What is your favorite work or musical? Or What is a favorite family dish and please share the recipe? For me, food and cooking is a way of showing love to your loved ones, the aromas of food revive magical moments and memories of our childhood and throughout life. That is why I will tell you what my favorite dish is.

What is a favorite family dish and please share the recipe?

My favorite family dish is chicken pot pie, we usually make it at Christmas or on very special occasions. It is a simple dish that combines the traditional chicken stew that is used to make Hallacas (another traditional Christmas dish) of chicken, pork or meat.

It is very simple to make and although it may seem sweet it is not, it has a bittersweet touch, but it is salty. In my family, this succulent delicacy is never missing from our table on December 24 and 31.


Here is the recipe and the steps. The best thing is that they can make it from meat, pork or fish (tuna).

First we prepare the chicken stew, for that we need:
• 500g of chicken breast.
• Salt to taste.
• Pepper to taste.
• Half a head of garlic.
• 1 large bell pepper.
• 1 large onion.
• 100g of garlic joint, chives, capers and olives.
• A tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Hola amigos, me complace participar en el concurso organiza ladies of Hive, esta semana nos pregunta: ¿Cuál es tu obra o musical favorito? O ¿Cuál es un plato familiar favorito y por favor comparte la receta? Para mí la comida y el cocinar es una forma de demostrar amor a tus seres queridos, los aromas de la comida nos reviven momentos y recuerdos mágicos de nuestra niñez y a lo largo de la vida. Por eso les hablare cual es mi plato favorito.

¿Cuál es un plato familiar favorito y por favor comparte la receta?
Mi plato familiar favorito es el pastel de pollo, por lo general lo hacemos en navidad o en ocasiones muy especiales. Es un plato sencillo que combina el guiso de pollo tradicional que se usan para hacer hallacas (otro plato tradicional navideño) de pollo, puerco o carne.

Es muy sencillo de hacer y aunque puede parecer dulce no lo es, tiene un toque agridulce, pero es salado. En mi familia nunca falta en nuestra mesa el 24 y 31 de diciembre este suculento manjar.

Acá les dejo la receta y los pasos. Lo mejor es que pueden hacerlo de carne, puerco o pescado (atún).
Primero preparamos el guiso de pollo, para eso necesitamos:
• 500g de pechuga de pollo.
• Sal al gusto.
• Pimienta al gusto.
• Media cabeza de ajo.
• 1 pimentón grande.
• 1 cebolla grande.
• 100g de ajo porro, cebollín, alcaparras y aceitunas.
• Una cucharada de aceite vegetal.



Place in a pot with water and salt the breast until cooked, remove the breast and shred it, keep the water where you cooked the breast. In a pan or pot, add the oil and fry the vegetables (garlic, garlic joint, onion, chives and paprika), once done, pour the equivalent of half a cup of the water where the breast was cooked. I added the shredded chicken, capers, and olives. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Let the stew cook for at least 50 minutes or until it is reduced and there is little or no liquid left.

Coloque en una olla con agua y sal la pechuga hasta que se cocine, saque la pechuga y desméchela, conserve el agua donde cocinó la pechuga. En un sarten u olla agregué el aceite y sofría los vegetales (ajo, ajo porro, cebolla, cebollín y el pimentón), una vez hecho viértale el equivalente de media taza del agua donde cocinó la pechuga. Agregué el pollo desmechado, las alcaparras y aceitunas. Sazone con sal y pimienta al gusto. Deje cocinar el guiso por al menos 50 minutos o hasta que se reduzca y quede con poco o nada de líquido


Once the stew is done, wait at least 50 minutes for it to cool down and start preparing the cake.

Cake recipe:

1 ½ cup of sugar.
2 cups of wheat flour.
8 eggs

Una vez hecho el guiso espera al menos 50 minutos que se enfrié y comience a preparar el bizcocho.

Receta del bizcocho:
1 ½ taza de azúcar.
2 tazas de harina de trigo.
8 huevos.

Preparation of the mixture:

Pour the sugar into a bowl, then add the 8 whole eggs, and begin to beat them, in the electric mixer or by hand. Add the flour little by little until it is finished, and continue beating until you get a homogeneous mixture, then stop beating.


Once the mixture is obtained, proceed to use a cake pan or a refractory container, whichever is at hand. Spread the bowl with butter and flour, and proceed to pour half of the mixture into the bowl, then I added all the chicken stew spreading it all over the bowl, without mixing it with a spoon or other utensil, just drop it into the mixture. Once finished I added the other half of the mixture. Take it to the oven at a temperature of 200 ° Celsius, for at least 40 minutes, depending on the oven. I advise you to check it after half an hour and insert a knife into the cake; If it comes out dry, it is ready.

Una vez obtenida la mezcla, proceda a utilizar un molde para hacer tortas o un recipiente refractario, lo que tenga la mano. Unte el recipiente con mantequilla y harina, y proceda a verter la mitad de la mezcla en el recipiente, luego agregué todo el guiso de pollo distribuyéndolo por todo el recipiente, sin mezclarlo con una cuchara u otro utensilio, solo déjelo caer a la mezcla. Una vez terminado agregué la otra mitad de la mezcla. Llévelo al horno a una temperatura de 200° centígrados, por al menos 40 minutos, dependiendo del horno. Le aconsejo revisarlo a la media hora e introducir un cuchillo al bizcocho; si este sale seco, estará listo.


To get a reddish layer on the cake, 10 minutes before removing the cake from the oven, verify that it has hardened and add sweet and sour sauce with a brush or spoon, spreading it all over the cake and wait for it to brown.

Make a sweet and sour sauce, pour 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce into a bowl and mix with a tablespoon of sugar, stir until the sugar dissolves and you're done. With a kitchen brush proceed to apply this mixture on the cake to give it a reddish touch.

Para obtener una capa rojiza en el pastel, 10 minutos antes de sacar el pastel del horno, verifique que se ha endurecido y agréguele con una brocha o cuchara salsa agridulce, esparciéndola por todo el pastel y espere a que se doré.

Prepare una salsa agridulce, vierta 2 cucharadas de salsa de tomate en un recipiente y mezcle con una cucharada de azúcar, revuélvalo hasta que la azúcar se disuelva y listo. Con una brocha de cocina proceda a aplicar esta mezcal sobe el pastel para darle un toque rojizo.


I hope you liked the recipe and try to make it at home. The advantage of this dish is that it can be eaten hot, at room temperature or cold. It's like a salty cake.

Espero que les haya gustado la receta e intenten hacerlo en sus casas. La ventaja de este plato es que puede comerse, caliente, a temperatura ambiente o frío. Es como un ponqué salado.


I invite @ mayrro05, @ maquiqui63 to participate in this contest.

If you want to participate in this contest follow the links



I think my Kid's would like this Chicken dish, the Instructions are easy and all the ingredients are easy get.

Gracias @neiraurdaneta 🤗

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it and are encouraged to do it

I will surely try the Hallacas! You're the second lady that suggested this. It looks delish!
Good luck with the contests!
Don't forget to include the link to this article in the announcement!

Thank you, if you already put a link in your contest post