[ESP-ENG] Concurso comunitario Ladies of Hive #87 // Ladies of Hive #87 Community Contest

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Concurso comunitario Ladies of Hive #87(1).png


¡Holas a todas las damas de Hive!

Una vez mas visito esta linda comunidad de Hive, donde hay ese espacio para las damas, mujeres esforzadas, amorosas, sabias que cada dia dedicamos a publicar y dejar esos bellos escritos. En esta ocasión me uno al concurso # 87, con esas interrogantes. Que nos impulsa a viajar en el pasado o imaginar.

Hello to all the ladies of Hive!

Once again I visit this nice community of Hive, where there is that space for the ladies, hardworking, loving, wise women who every day we dedicate to publish and leave those beautiful writings. This time I join the contest # 87, with these questions. What drives us to travel in the past or imagine.

Ciertamente cuando nos transladamos al pasado e imaginamos cosas que posiblemente existan, pensamos en un héroe que nos rescate, una Ada madrina que cumpla nuestros sueños, un animal que nos desfiende y converse con nosotros. Tantas cosas que en nuestra niñez nos contaba ya sea por medio de un cuento, al ver la película, creíamos que era verdad. ¡Que pasado e imaginación!. En tal sentido les invito que lean las preguntas a continuación de este grandioso concurso.

Certainly when we go back in time and imagine things that may possibly exist, we think of a hero who rescues us, an Ada godmother who fulfills our dreams, an animal that defends us and converses with us. So many things that in our childhood were told to us either through a story or by watching a movie, we believed it was true. What a past and imagination! In this sense I invite you to read the following questions of this great contest.



1️ - ¿Qué críatura mítica te gustaría que existiera realmente?

Desde mi niñez siempre me gustaba cuando aparecía el caballo con sus alas que volaba, intercedía por el inocente, que conversaba, que era el mejor amigo de la princesa. Su guardaespalda, en él había confianza en todo y sobre todo te daba consejos sabios y muy firmes. El caballo es unos de los animales muy docil, se puede cabalgar con seguridad siempre y cuando exista esa conexion entres ambos. Son confiables y te invita a tener hermosas aventuras, su color característico como es el blanco inspira regugio, tranquilidad, libertad, como no tener un amigo así.

Quisiera que existiría realmente, ya que podríamos las personas tener un animal propio, que te escuche, sea confiable y sobre todo entrenado a todo terreno. Sabemos que debe ser domesticado por los seres humanos. Sería grandioso viajar en el aire con este animal, le podríamos un nombre específico. Las múltiples cosas que haríamos sería sorprendente. Vendría a formar parte de la familia.

1️ - What mythical creature would you like to see really exist??

Since my childhood I always liked when the horse appeared with its wings that flew, interceded for the innocent, that talked, that was the best friend of the princess. He was the princess's best friend, her bodyguard, she trusted him in everything and above all he gave you wise and firm advice. The horse is one of the most docile animals, you can ride safely as long as there is that connection between the two. They are reliable and invite you to have beautiful adventures, its characteristic color as it is the white inspires shelter, tranquility, freedom, how not to have a friend like that.

I wish it would really exist, since we could have an animal of our own, that listens to you, is reliable and above all trained to all terrain. We know that it must be domesticated by humans. It would be great to travel in the air with this animal, we could give it a specific name. The many things we would do would be amazing. It would become part of the family.




2️ - ¿Qué combinaciones de comidas extrañas disfrutas realmente?

Al hablar de comidas, me coloca en un punto que me gusta disfrutar, sentir los sabores y olores, que mas. Mi familia está preparada para disgustar comidas extrañas, platos que inventamos. Siempre me ha gustado los dulces, las cremas que mas. En particular disfruto de cremas de ajo, con guasacaca y cambur, es una mezcla que cuando puedo lo disfruto. En mi juventud probaba comía el cambur con cazabe y azúcar. Luego en una mini fiesta de una sobrina, estaba sirviendo las cremas con galletas y intercale las diversas cremas saladas con dulces. Y así empece probando y disfruto cuando puedo de un rico cambur con crema de ajo, guasacaca, cazabe o galletas. Soy de muchos dulces, para mi una merienda es fundamental. Claro est, hay que preparar nuestro estomago con tantas comidas extrañas.

Mi esposo siempre esta innovando en la cocina y bueno yo preparada para degustar. En la cocina siempre hay invento, sabor, sazón.

2️ - What strange food combinations do you really enjoy?

When talking about foods, it puts me at a point that I like to enjoy, feel the tastes and smells, what else. My family is prepared to dislike strange foods, dishes that we invent. I have always liked sweets, creams what else. In particular I enjoy garlic creams, with guasacaca and cambur, it is a mixture that when I can I enjoy it. In my youth I used to eat cambur with cazabe and sugar. Then at a mini party for a niece, I was serving the creams with cookies and I interchanged the different salty creams with sweet ones. And so I started trying and enjoy when I can a rich cambur with garlic cream, guasacaca, cazabe or cookies. I have a lot of sweets, for me a snack is fundamental. Of course, we have to prepare our stomach with so many strange foods.

My husband is always innovating in the kitchen and well I am ready to taste. In the kitchen there is always invention, flavor, seasoning.


Me encanto este desafio # 87, me sentí realmente conectada y viaje un poco años atrás y pensando como sería la compañia de una criatura mística y bueno a innovar en la comida. Gracias a todos que pudieron leer y nos vemos pronto.

Me gustaría invitar en este lindo concurso a la amiga @andreina57

Las imagenes son de pixabay, de manera gratuita y edición desde canva. Fotos mías de mi propiedad

I loved this challenge #87, I really felt connected and traveled a little bit back years and thinking what it would be like to be the companion of a mystical creature and well to innovate in food. Thanks to all who were able to read and see you soon.

I would like to invite in this nice contest the friend @andreina57

The images are from pixabay, for free and editing from canva. Photos of my property

Vota comenta comparte.gif


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time

That is such a beautiful choice of character, a white horse with wings that is your best friend 🥰
I would love to have one.
Always have such kind heart and magical in many ways, and to fly.
Who Wouldn't want that? 😁 Lol
Thank you for sharing that, and also your food combinations.
Really interesting ones and it is strange how things we never thought of... Actually taste good together. Mixing is fun right?

Have a wonderful weekend and good luck.