Talent on topics - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #25

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

If you could have any talent in the world, what would it be?


Draw in oil. Since I was little, I have been interested in drawing, I remember that in the fry-layered potato candy bags there were some collectible cups and I was dying to buy them for the 90s more or less, I was about 7 or 8 years old, these toys had cartoons of looney toon and I liked to draw them on sheets and then color them. I have always liked to draw and one of the university majors I chose was architecture; I like to draw on sheets, on canvas, on the wall, but I have never been able to capture that one where to capture on a canvas some thought or landscape that when looking at it feels what I feel when I visit a museum. For me, it is the best!

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When I was little my father bought paintings by a Venezuelan painter named Rafael Dugarte, only the canvas with the house image captured, he framed them and displayed them for sale in front of my house. I dreamed of being able to be the one to paint them, and they were sold in such a way that when I arrived at the home of a friend, acquaintance or relative, I would feel the pride of seeing a painting painted by me.


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What topic do you like to discuss and why?

I think that I am a very closed woman in the digital world, despite having a family of 3 children, I feel that I am a non-sociable woman. I focus on work, day to day at home, but, there is always a, but; my husband always motivates me to get out of that slavery of the digital screen, social networks and background music.

We go out with friends and share many topics (here between us I always end up talking about social networks). Although I like to talk about the old days, that motto that says: "when I was a child". There we spend hours remembering some famous advertising, the best toy we had when we were little, the games where we were bad to play them, the scolding that grandmothers gave us for some mischief. These themes help us to smile, to value what we have today, to be better people, and to give our children many anecdotes and lessons that are not available today.



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Translated to Spanish

Si pudieras tener algún talento en El Mundo, ¿cuál sería?

Dibujar al óleo. Desde pequeña me ha interesado el dibujo recuerdo que en las bolsas de chuchería de papas marca freído lay venían unos tazos coleccionables y yo moría por comprarlos para los años 90 más o menos, yo tenía unos 7 u 8 años, estos juguetitos traían dibujos animados de looney toon y me gustaba dibujarlos en hojas para luego colorearlos. Siempre me ha gustado dibujar y una de las carreras universitarias que elegí fue arquitectura; me gusta dibujar en hojas, en tela, en pared, pero nunca he logrado captar ese donde plasmar en un lienzo algún pensamiento o paisaje que al mirar sienta eso que siento cuando visito un museo. ¡Para mí es lo máximo!

Mi papa cuando yo era pequeña compraba cuadros de un pintor Venezolano llamado Rafael dugarte, solo el lienzo con casa imagen plasmada, el los enmarcaba y los exivia a la venta en el frente de mi casa. Soñe con poder ser yo quien los pintara y se vendieran de tal manera que al llegar en casa hogar de unamigo cononcido o familiar senter ese orgullo de ver un cuadro pintado por mí.

¿Qué tema te gusta discutir y por qué?

Pienso que soy una mujer muy encerrada en el mundo digital, a pesar de tener una familia de 3 niños, siento que soy una mujer no sociable. Me enfoco en trabajo, el día a día en el hogar, pero, siempre existe un, pero; mi esposo siempre me motiva a salir de esa esclavitud de la pantalla digital, redes sociales y música ambiental.

Salimos con amigos y compartimos muchos temas (aquí entre nosotras termino hablando siempre de redes sociales). Aunque me gusta hablar sobre los tiempos de antes, ese lema que dice: "cuando era un niño". Hay pasamos horas recordando alguna publicidad famosa, el mejor juguete que teníamos cuando pequeños, los juegos donde éramos malos para jugarlos, los regaños que nos daban las abuelas por alguna travesura. Esos temas ayudan a sonreír, a valorar hoy día lo que tenemos, a ser mejores personas, y a darles a nuestros niños muchas anécdotas y enseñanzas que hoy día no las hay.


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Hola @phderoes recuerdo los tazos a mis hijos le encantaba coleccionarlos, eran muy bonito sus diseños. Es un bonito talento el que tendrías aunque seguramente si lo posees pero no lo has desarrollado. También me pasa que termino hablando del pasado de lo que era mejor antes. La verdad que aunque el internet, la tecnología es una maravilla la pasábamos mejor jugando.

Hello @phderoes I remember the tazos my children loved to collect them, their designs were very beautiful. It is a beautiful talent that you would have, although surely if you have it but you have not developed it. It also happens to me that I end up talking about the past of what was better before. The truth is that although the internet, technology is wonderful, we had a better time playing.

Hola, @sacra97 sí, es algo inevitable dejar esos recuerdos a un lado. Saludos.

Hello, @ sacra97 yes, it is inevitable to leave those memories aside. Regards.

I am from a Gothic Punk subculture for many years and naturally keep withdrawn to myself with the few friends I do have. Often having discourse in fringe subjects. I wasn't very sociable either because of having poor writing and communication skills to begin with.
And so, the Admin of Ladies of Hive, Silversaver888 decides I am ideal as a Moderator??!!
Go figure.

Hahaha yes. It also happens to me with a design client that I currently have, she gives me many compliments and I don't know how she does it, but we ended up talking for a long time.