Ladies of Hive Community Contest #18. El buen consejo de una madre/ Good advice from a mother

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago
Saludos a esta hermosa comunidad de mujeres de Hive, en esta mi participación de esta semana, respondiendo a la primera de estas interesantes preguntas. Una parte de nuestras vidas como mujeres es la relación que tenemos con otras mujeres del circulo familiar, porque esos lazos son determinantes en nuestra formación integral como personas y esta pregunta dice mucho de esto. Invito a @yiobri a participar, acá te dejo el enlace]

1️⃣ ¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que le ha dado su madre, su abuela, su tía, un modelo femenino o una amiga?

En mi hogar predominan las mujeres, un amigo sociólogo nos decía que nuestra familia era un matriarcado, es decir donde las decisiones predominantemente las toman las mujeres, aunque esto realmente no fue así ya que mi padre tenia un carácter bastante fuerte y muchas decisiones eran de él.

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De pequeña vivía con mi mamá, mi papa, mi abuela paterna y mis cinco hermanas hasta que a los diecisiete años me fui a estudiar en otra ciudad y viví en residencias estudiantiles. Mi relación con mi madre fue muy estrecha, a pesar de que eramos varias hijas y yo la del medio, siempre me sentí muy querida por mis padres pero sin un exceso de atención lo cual era comprensible.

Mi madre quiso estudiar pero debido a las condiciones de su época, donde consideraban que la mujer no tenia porque hacerlo y en eso su padre estaba muy de acuerdo, ella solo llego hasta el segundo año de secundaria. Se caso muy joven a los dieciocho años y por supuesto atender el hogar y ser madre de seis hijas, fue su actividad primordial.

Mi madre siempre nos daba como consejo que estudiáramos , que tuviéramos una profesión, un oficio, que eso nos iba a dar independencia como personas. Que no dependiéramos de un hombre, un esposo que nos mantuviera .... esas eran textualmente sus palabras. Ella siempre estaba pendiente de nuestras tareas en la escuela a la que visitaba frecuentemente, era amiga de las maestreas. En bachillerato nos preguntaba como íbamos, nos apoyaba siempre que podía y nos incentivaba a hacer las cosas lo mejor posible, nos decía que era muy importante tener buenas calificaciones para poder ingresar a la universidad.

Recuerdo el día que me acompaño a inscribirme en la Universidad, estaba muy feliz y yo también. Me sentí agradecida por su apoyo, por estar allí conmigo, que aún me sentía insegura del cambio que iba a dar. Mi padre no estaba muy de acuerdo que yo me fuera del hogar, el nos quería a todas cerca de él, pero al final comprendió que la carrera que a mi me gustaba, no la daban en nuestra ciudad y no me quedaba otra alternativa que irme.

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Cada vez que alguna de sus hijas se graduó en la universidad, allí estuvo mi madre, orgullosa, feliz de que hubiéramos dado ese paso que ella no pudo dar pero que fue multiplicado muchas veces por su amor.

Apoyar a los hijos es una labor enorme, hermosa, que tenemos los padres y no se trata de obligarlos a estudiar, es incentivarlos, que ellos vean la importancia que tiene la educación de manera integral, en el área que a ellos más le guste, para la cual tienen aptitudes y deseos. Yo se los agradezco.

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Greetings to this beautiful community of women of Hive, in this my participation this week, answering the first of these interesting questions. A part of our lives as women is the relationship we have with other women in the family circle, because those ties are determinant in our integral formation as persons and this question says a lot about this.

1️⃣ What is the best advice your mother, grandmother, aunt, female role model, or a female friend ever gave you?

A sociologist friend of mine used to tell us that our family was a matriarchy, that is, where decisions were predominantly made by women, although this was not really the case because my father had a very strong character and many decisions were his.

As a child I lived with my mother, my father, my paternal grandmother and my five sisters until I was seventeen years old when I went to study in another city and lived in student residences. My relationship with my mother was very close, even though we were several daughters and I was the middle one, I always felt very loved by my parents but without an excess of attention, which was understandable.

My mother wanted to study but due to the conditions of her time, which considered that women did not have to study, and her father was in agreement, she only reached the second year of high school. She married very young at the age of eighteen and of course taking care of the home and being a mother of six daughters was her primary activity.

My mother always advised us to study, to have a profession, a trade, that this would give us independence as people. That we should not depend on a man, a husband to support us .... those were her words. She was always looking after our homework at school and visited us frequently, she was a friend of the teachers. In high school she asked us how we were doing, she supported us whenever she could and encouraged us to do our best, she told us that it was very important to have good grades to be able to enter the university.


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I remember the day he accompanied me to enroll in the University, he was very happy and so was I. I felt grateful for his support, for being there with me, who still felt insecure about the change I was going to make. I felt grateful for his support, for being there with me, even though I was still unsure of the change I was going to make. My father did not agree with me leaving home, he wanted us all to be close to him, but in the end he understood that the career I liked was not available in our city and I had no other choice but to leave.

Every time one of her daughters graduated from college, my mother was there, proud, happy that we had taken that step that she could not take but that was multiplied many times over by her love.

Supporting our children is an enormous and beautiful task that we parents have, and it is not about forcing them to study, it is about encouraging them, that they see the importance of education in an integral way, in the area they like the most, for which they have aptitudes and desires. I thank you.

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@thekittygirl for Team Ladies of Hive


It feels great to have parents fully supporting your studies at University. I can imagine how proud your Mother felt even though she wasn't smiling in the old picture. My Father never saw me Graduate as a Nurse before he passed away suddenly but I know he would have been proud.

Thank you for sharing @popurri 🤗

Thank you very much for your comment. I know she was very proud even though she doesn't express her feelings very much. Unfortunately your father could not be present, but I am sure he would also have been very happy and proud of your graduation. A hug and blessings.

Una hermosa historia querida @popurri !. Admirada tu madre que a pesar del carácter de tu padre siempre estuvo para acompañarlas y aconsejarlas desde su punto de vista!.Gracias por compartir su bello ejemplo!.

Muchas gracias @graciadegenios por tu lindo comentario, es muy agradable para mi compartir estas experiencias, parte de mi vida con personas maravillosas. Un abrazo y bendiciones.

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Que hermoso mensaje con el ejemplo un apoyo incondicional para llevarlas hasta graduarse, me encantó tu post y que fotos más hermosas @popurri bendiciones.

Hola @sacra97, muchas gracias por tu lindo comentario. Amén. Un abrazo y feliz noche

Que bonita historia,un papel muy importante el de tu mamá,buscando lo mejor para uds con sus sabios consejos,motivándolos siempre al estudio.Saludos desde Margarita.

Hola @marito74, muchas gracias por tu comentario. Es muy importante el apoyo de la madre o de algún otro familiar para incentivar a los niños a estudiar, a prepararse de manera integral. Un abrazo desde Maracay y bendiciones.

Matriarchal families are interesting.
Interesting how almost everybody is focused on their education!
I bet everyone was so proud of you @popurri!

I believe that we women value very much the education we can receive, especially those who did not have that opportunity for many reasons, including cultural, economic and religious ones. But it is also very important the family formation in values that reinforce the personality. I believe that everyone, including my father who could not attend, felt very proud and happy for my achievement. A hug and thank you very much for your comment.

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Yes, indeed! We are all proud of you, @popurri!