Ladies of Hive Community Contest #21 - 📀What is your favorite Romantic song? / Concurso de la Comunidad de Damas de la Colmena #21 - 📀¿Cuál es tu canción romántica favorita?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Rosa Oferta de Maquillajes Control Deslizante de Emoji Belleza Interactivo Historia de Instagram (1).png

Hello hello! I hope you girls are well and that you had a fantastic weekend!

Here I come with a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, to participate in this new challenge that the female community brings to us this week and it is about knowing what is our favorite romantic song and how you found and how you joined the platform, as well as what benefits it has brought to your life.

¡Hola hola! ¡Espero que estén bien, chicas y que hayan pasado un fantástico fin de semana!

Aquí vengo yo con muchas ganas y entusiasmo, para participar en este nuevo reto que la comunidad femenina trae para nosotras esta semana y es acerca de conocer cuál es nuestra canción romántica favorita y cómo encontraste y cómo te uniste a la plataforma, así como también, cuáles beneficios ha traído a tu vida.

Let's get started:

1.- What is your favorite romantic song?

Well, actually there are many of my favorite songs, but if I have to choose among them all... Please let me choose two, thank you!

The first song is called "When You Love a Woman" by Journey.

It's a beautiful, vibrant song and in Steve Perry's interpretation, it's just perfect, with that vibrato in his voice at the end of each verse.

Even though it's a song from 1996, for me it will never go out of style.


1.- ¿Cuál es tu canción romántica favorita?

Bueno, en realidad son muchas mis canciones favoritas, pero si tengo que escoger entre todas ellas... ¿me dejan escoger dos, por favor? ¡Gracias!

La primera canción, se llama "Cuando Amas a una Mujer", de Journey.

Es una canción hermosa, vibrante y en la interpretación de Steve Perry, es simplemente perfecta, con ese vibrato en su voz al final de cada estrofa.

A pesar de que es una canción de 1996, para mí nunca pasará de moda.

The second favorite romantic song for me is "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. The lyrics of this song are beautiful and the passion with which she sings it, makes for a truly spectacular combination.

La segunda canción romántica favorita para mí, es "Eclipse total del corazón", de Bonnie Tyler. La letra de esta canción es bella y la pasión con la que ella la canta, hace una combinación realmente espectacular.

2.- How did you come to find and join the Hive blogging platform? And how did it benefit you?

I came to the platform in January 2018, through an invitation from my aunt @surika, who has not been active for some time. She had told me in December 2017 that she wanted to invite me to join a cryptocurrency platform and I thought, "What, I don't know anything about cryptocurrencies! And my aunt even less!".

The thing is that in January 2018, she came back with the topic and at the insistence, I went to her house, to find out what it was all about.

A tenant of hers was the one who took her to what is Steemit and she seeing that it was about writing, immediately thought of me, because she knows that I love writing.

Rojo y Negro OOTD Historia de Instagram (2).png

2.-¿Cómo llegaste a encontrar y unirte a la plataforma de blogs Hive? ¿Y en qué te benefició?

Llegué a la plataforma en enero de 2018, por una invitación de mi tía @surika, quien hace algún tiempo que no está activa. Ella me había dicho en diciembre 2017 que quería invitarme a unirme a una plataforma de criptomonedas y yo pensé: "¿Qué?, ¡No sé nada de criptomonedas! ¡Y mi tía menos!

El caso es que en enero 2018, ella volvió con el tema y ante la insistencia, fui a su casa, para saber de qué se trataba.

Un inquilino de ella fue quien la llevó a ella a lo que es Steemit y ella al ver que se trataba de escribir, pensó de inmediato en mí, porque sabe que amo escribir.


My user was @lichy until February, as through ignorance on my part, I opened an invite link from someone I didn't know and had my account stolen. I did everything that needed to be done to get it back, but it was impossible, until @lourdesh6 advised me to forget that account and open another one. So I did and since March 2018, I am @purrix.

I will never forget my beginnings and all the help I received from the guys at The Union server, as well as so many people who supported me. Already in less than a month, I was moderator of the Engranaje server and soon after, in The Union, then of Una Milla Más and finally, of Proyecto Milkbox.

It was a wonderful season. The days of live healing, the laughter, the fun, and the sheer amount of work, it was amazing. I made some really good friends and I feel like I've grown a lot since then.

Mi usuario era @lichy hasta febrero, ya que por ignorancia de mi parte, abrí un enlace de una invitación de alguien que no conocía y me robó mi cuenta. Hice todo lo que se tenía que hacer para recuperarla, pero fue imposible, hasta que @lourdesh6 me aconsejó que olvidase esa cuenta y abriese otra. Así lo hice y desde marzo del 2018, soy @purrix.

Nunca olvidaré mis inicios ni toda la ayuda que recibí de parte de los chicos del servidor The Union, así como tanta gente que me apoyó. Ya en menos de un mes, era moderadora del servidor Engranaje y poco después, en The Union, luego de Una Milla Más y finalmente, de Proyecto Milkbox.

Fue una época maravillosa. Los días de las curaciones en vivo, las risas, la diversión y la gran cantidad de trabajo, era increíble. Hice muy buenos amigos y siento que he crecido mucho desde entonces.


When you ask me how it has benefited me, the answer is simple: I have discovered facets in me that were totally foreign and unknown to me and that I never thought my life would take a turn like this.

For example, I thought that crafts and cooking were not for me.

I thought that I was happy just writing my poems, but I have discovered that I really have potential as a craftswoman and as a cook. What I haven't mastered yet is how to plate my meals. I guess I'll have to watch some tutorials to learn and be able to present here, a dish worthy of MasterChef.

The most unusual thing is that my mother was a craftswoman and made beauties with her delicate little hands and I never thought that my life would take this direction. When I'm recycling shoes, bottles, flannel, whatever comes out, I get so immersed in the activity that time flies by. This activity really relaxes me a lot.

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Cuándo preguntas en qué me ha beneficiado, la respuesta es simple: he descubierto facetas en mí, que me eran totalmente ajenas y desconocidas y que jamás pensé que mi vida daría un rumbo como este.

Por ejemplo, yo pensaba que las manualidades y la cocina, no eran para mi.

Pensé que solo con escribir mis poemas, era feliz; pero he descubierto que en verdad tengo potencial como manualista y como cocinera. Lo que aún no domino, es el tema de emplatar mis comidas. Supongo que me va a tocar vera algunos tutoriales para aprender y poder presentarles aquí, un platillo digno de MasterChef.

Lo más insólito es que mi mamá fue manualista y hacía bellezas con sus manitos delicadas y yo jamás pensé que mi vida tomaría este rumbo. Cuando estoy reciclando zapatos, botellas, franelas, lo que salga, me sumerjo tanto en la actividad, que el tiempo pasa volando. Realmente me relaja muchísimo esta actividad.

Well, this has been my entry to this #ladiesofhive community challenge.

I invite my colleagues and friends @antoniahruiz, @carolinacardoza, @zhanavic69 and @lisfabian to participate in this nice challenge.

Bueno, esta ha sido mi entrada a este reto de la comunidad #ladiesofhive.

Invito a mis compañeras y amigas @antoniahruiz, @carolinacardoza, @zhanavic69 y @lisfabian a participar en este bonito reto.

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"When You Love a Woman" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" are nice songs!
It must have frustrated you when your account got stolen!
You are @purrix now, and that's all that matters!

Yes, I felt bad and did all the steps to try to get her back, but it was impossible. Things happen for a reason.

But it's true, the only thing that matters is that I've been purrix for 3 years on this platform and it's my pseudonym on Twitter too ;)

And that's how we know you!!!
BTW, why "purrix"?

Why "Purrix"?

My father, when I was little, called me "Purri", and I have no idea why, hahaha! But that's how I grew up and that's what they called me. When my son was born, I started calling him "Purri" too.

The X is a final addition that I put, to differentiate us;)

Una hermosa participación muy completa, compartiendo todas esas fotos de trabajos bonitos y logros alcanzados. Que hermosa canción romantica la que nos trajiste, es espectacular @purrix.

Gracias mi niña!

Felicitaciones,un post muy vistoso, con muchos recursos visuales, Saludos y éxitos!

Gracias, que bonita!

Isn't Hive an amazing platform? Even if you're not into Crypto like a few people I know, it's the joy of writing and growing of your style and ideals that make it worthwhile. Getting paid is just the Icing on the cake.

I think Steve Parry has an incredable singing voice too.

Thanks for sharing @purrix 🤗

Yes, it's true! I feel so comfortable here! I have been able to express all my thoughts, feelings and emotions! I have discovered talents I didn't think I had!

Doesn't Steve Perry have a beautiful voice? It's pure melody!

Thank you for your words of support and for your nice comment!