[ESP - ENG] LOH # 95: No te enojes y comete algo rico 😅 // LOH # 95: Don't get mad and eat something tasty 😅

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

Buenos días tengan todos y bienvenidos a mi blog ❤️✌️ Hoy les traigo mi participación en el concurso semanal de #ladiesofhive. Las preguntas de esta semana me parecieron muy interesantes así que aquí les traigo mis respuestas siempre a modo de reflexión y con mucha alegría.

Good morning everyone and welcome to my blog ❤️✌️ Today I bring you my participation in the weekly #ladiesofhive quiz. I found this week's questions very interesting so here I bring you my answers always thoughtful and with a lot of joy.

1. Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos nos enfadamos fácilmente, otros tienen un temperamento muy frío. Por favor, comparte una cosa que te haga enfadar, cuánto tiempo permaneces enfadado y qué o quién puede apaciguarte.

We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, others are really cool tempered. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay mad, and what or who can pacify you.

Admito que tengo mecha corta con mi temperamento 🤯 y para las injusticias, mucho más. Si hay algo que me hace enfadar mucho son la falta de respeto y la falta de valores. Hoy en día eso abunda muchisimo. No sé porque le cuesta tanto a la gente ser gentil, tener empatía y educación. Es como si responder de vuelta un "buenos días" o un "gracias" fuese un fastidio o estorbo. Odio ver cuándo tratan mal a la gente, me hierve la sangre. No concibo que un ser humano pueda tener tanta ira y enojo dentro de sí mismo y esparcirlo por el mundo. Debe ser horrible vivir así. Gracias a Dios, no me toca porque se canalizar mis emociones y no hago lo que no me gusta que me hagan. Así de simple.

I admit I have a short fuse with my temper 🤯 and for injustices, much more. If there is something that makes me very angry is the lack of respect and lack of values. Nowadays that abounds a lot. I don't know why it is so hard for people to be gracious, empathetic and polite. It's as if answering back a "good morning" or a "thank you" is a nuisance or a hindrance. I hate to see when people are treated badly, it makes my blood boil. I can't conceive that a human being can have so much anger and rage inside himself and spread it around the world. It must be horrible to live like that. Thank God, it doesn't touch me because I know how to channel my emotions and I don't do what I don't like to be done to me. It's as simple as that.

Cuando emigre a España, me costó bastante adaptarme por esta razón. No generalizo pero mucha gente te deja con el saludo en la boca y eso me parece de mal gusto. Y por otra parte, también vi cosas que en principio me desanimaban mucho a tener a mi hijo acá. Ves a los chicos en edades escolares fumando y creyéndose lo más. Y la verdad es que no se intimidan ni cohiben en cuanto ven a un adulto cerca. Al igual pasa con las muestras de afecto por parte de los adolescentes, la verdad es que son bastante subidas de tono. Que a ver, yo no digo que la gente no exprese sus sentimientos, pero ver a unos niños metiendose mano en una parada o terminal de autobus mientras esperas tu ruta, no es nada agradable. Según mis valores, no me parece adecuado. Pero como cada cabeza es un mundo y lo que no me gusta no lo comparto, pero lo respeto... Pues toca adaptarse y hacerse de la vista gorda para tener paz porque hay momentos y lugares para todo.

When I immigrated to Spain, I had a hard time adapting for this reason. I am not generalizing but many people leave you with a greeting in your mouth and that seems to me to be in bad taste. And on the other hand, I also saw things that initially discouraged me from having my son here. You see school-age kids smoking and thinking they're the coolest. And the truth is that they don't get intimidated or self-conscious when they see an adult around. The same goes for displays of affection from teenagers, the truth is that they're pretty over the top. I'm not saying that people don't express their feelings, but seeing kids groping each other at a bus stop or bus terminal while you wait for your route is not nice at all. According to my values, it does not seem appropriate to me. But as each head is a world of its own and what I don't like I don't share, but I respect it? Well, you have to adapt and turn a blind eye to have peace because there are times and places for everything.

A ver, yo sé que todos los días no estamos de buen humor por ciertos factores. Pero cuando llegué a los 30 años y me di cuenta de que estar triste y amargado no sirve de nada ni resuelve los problemas, aprendí a vivir y disfrutar de lo que quiero recordar siempre: gratos y buenos momentos junto a las personas que amo. Que no nos gane el enojo y mucho menos paguemos nuestro mal humor con personas cercanas a nuestro alrededor ❤️

Let's see, I know that every day we are not in a good mood due to certain factors. But when I reached the age of 30 and realized that being sad and bitter does not help or solve problems, I learned to live and enjoy what I always want to remember: pleasant and good times with the people I love. Let's not be overcome by anger and let's not take our bad moods out on the people around us ❤️

2. ¿Cuál es tu bocadillo o bocadillos favoritos? Comparte fotos de ellos si puedes.

What is your favorite snack or snacks? Share photos of them if you can.

Sin duda alguna y entre todos puedo elegir entre uno salado y uno dulce. El salado son los Tequeños venezolanos: una barra de queso envuelta en una rica y suave masa dulcita, es la perfección. Y como el dulce es una de mis pasiones, definitivamente soy fan del chocolate, sobretodo de la Nutella, el brownie y el helado de la marca Haagen Dazs sabor Strawberry Cheesecake. Amo la combinación entre lo dulce y salado, es muy típica entre los venezolanos. Así que los invito a probar estss ricuras y verán de lo que estoy hablando. En el link de abajo les comparto mi receta especial de brownie, recreenla. No se van a arrepentir.
⬇️ [https://hive.blog/hive-152524/@royvego55/special-recipe-coffee-brownie-receta-especial-brownie-de-cafe]

Without a doubt, I can choose between a salty and a sweet one. The savory one is the Venezuelan Tequeños: a cheese bar wrapped in a rich and soft sweet dough, it's perfection. And since sweet is one of my passions, I'm definitely a fan of chocolate, especially Nutella, Brownies and Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. I love the combination of sweet and salty, it is very typical among Venezuelans. So, I invite you to try these delicious products and you will see what I am talking about. In the link below I share with you my special brownie recipe, recreate it. You won't regret it. ⬇️ [https://hive.blog/hive-152524/@royvego55/special-recipe-coffee-brownie-receta-especial-brownie-de-cafe]


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Este texto es redactado por @royvego55 y traducido utilizando el traductor de DeepL / This text is written by @royvego55 and translated using the DeepL translator.
||| Todos los derechos reservados / All rights reserved / @royvego55 |||
Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas desde mi XIAOMI REDMI 9T / All the photographs were taken and edited from my XIAOMI REDMI 9T

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Me encanta el título: No te enojes y comete algo rico. Súper genial @royvego55 claro cuando no exageramos con la forma de comer y aumentamos kilos, ja, ja. Puede pasar que por saciar el enojo con comida terminamos molestos con la comida por hacernos engordar, ja, ja, es broma.

Tienes una buena actitud con mucho aprendizaje por la vida.

Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote.

I love the title: Don't get mad and eat something yummy. Super cool @royvego55 of course when we don't exaggerate with the way we eat and gain kilos, ha ha. It can happen that by quenching our anger with food we end up upset with food for making us fat, ha ha, just kidding.

You have a good attitude with a lot of learning for life.

Much success and a hug.

Many times, people get carried away by the thought of money and fame that they have no qualms being totally bitter to those around them.

Yes. Something like that. It's so sad.

Lack of respect and good values seem to be becoming extinct nowadays and it's saddening. I understand why it makes you boil. Your stories of the young people there doing what they do in public is kind of shocking. It makes me wonder where the world is heading to with the new generation behaving the way they do. But since these things are out of our control, we can't stay bitter about them :) And I agree with you, let's live life focusing on the good ones instead :)

And your snacks are ravishing! I love sweets too!


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Hey @ifarmgirl Thanks a lot 💕😘 Thanks for reading my post. BEST Regards.

Lack of respect and values is something even I do not like to tolerate, but I believe that every person behaves in the manner they have been raised up, so leave it to them.

Yes. Just like that. Regards ❤️