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RE: #piratesunday: The 2012 Canada 10 Dollars HMS Shannon Commemorative - War of 1812

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

I will agree with you about the lack of history taught in our high schools. I just Recently learned the story of the HMS Shannon. I can see why this silver coin was on your "must have " list!!! Another keeper my friend!!🤗


It took me a long time on how to write this up other than just the typical Coin Stats and the Ship's vital Statistics.
About all the ships I have so far are trade ships and not often a gun ship like the Shannon. Eventually the USS Constitution will be a difficult one to write about when I get to it, I've eluded to it in the story. I'm getting a headache contemplating that project disguised as an article.

Thank you for comin aboard @silvertop

You are awesome @kerrislravenhill!! Finding time to write is always a challenge for me.....but you tell a story!!! very nice!!🤗