(ESP/ENG) Mi participación en el concurso #110 de la comunidad Ladies of Hive / My entry in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #110

in Ladies of Hivelast year


¡Hola a todos los integrantes de la comunidad! Para esta semana he decidido participar respondiendo ambas preguntas del reto, ya que las mismas me han generado algo de ruido.


A medida que nos acercamos al final del año, tomemos un momento para reflexionar sobre lo que hemos logrado y aprendido en 2022. ¡Esperamos escuchar su experiencia!

Admito que al principio, no me animaba a participar en éste tema, ya que aún estoy pasando por ciertas cosas y no he aprendido del todo de ellas o al menos, no me siento del todo feliz. Pero creo que ahora puedo pensar en ello más tranquilamente. Este año 2022 estuvo lleno de bastantes retos para mí, tuve varias experiencias agradables y desagradables, así como momentos felices y tristes. Como todos. Ahora que estoy punto de sumar un nuevo cambio en la lista de cambios que he tenido en los últimos meses, creo que puedo pensar más detenidamente en lo que tendré en mente de ahora en adelante.



No tomar decisiones apresuradas. Esto es algo que siempre aplico, de hecho, es una de las razones por las que me considero insegura. Pero eso o significa que a veces no me salte esta regla de vida que me he auto impuesto, acabando por sufrir las consecuencias. Pienso que lo mejor que podemos hacer, es sentarnos a pensar detenidamente si lo que vamos a hacer, es la mejor de las opciones y si nuestra decisión vincula a otros, velar porque esa decisión sea positiva para el involucrado. En mi caso, tuve que escoger entre quedarme con mi gato o dejárselo a mi novio, es una decisión que me ha costado mucho, porque yo lo cuido demasiado... pero me he dado cuenta de que mi gato está mucho más apegado a mi novio y sé que le afectaría si dejara de verlo por un tiempo prolongado, así que la mejor decisión por su bienestar emocional, es que ambos estén juntos.



No poner los huevos en una sola canasta. Otra de mis reglas de vida por excelencia. Siempre he optado por tener varias opciones para la obtención de dinero, porque no se sabe que pueda llegar a ocurrir. Por eso, aunque estaba bien con mi trabajo fijo, nunca descuidé (al menos no del todo) las publicaciones en la plataforma, pues sabía que a través de ella, podía obtener lo que me gusta llamar mi "fondo de emergencia". Hace unos meses atrás, mi novio y yo perdimos nuestro empleo, para nuestra suerte, mi fondo de emergencia estaba allí para apoyarnos, en estos tiempos difíciles, a diferencia de mi novio que básicamente dependía únicamente del empleo anterior. Esta experiencia, me reafirmó esto. No debemos depender de un sólo ingreso.



No está mal volver. Luego de estar más de tres años viviendo casi de manera independiente, debido a problemas económicos, dentro de poco, deberé volver a la casa de mi madre. Esto hasta hace poco, me hacía sentirme triste y derrotada, sobretodo porque tuve que abandonar la universidad (estudio Artes Plásticas) para ir a un sitio donde mi futuro es incierto. Pero no todo es tan malo, allá me esperan dos de mis hermanos, con los cuales tengo tiempo que no comparto. Es cierto, ya no estaré estudiando la carrera que quería, pero eso no significa que tenga que dejar de dibujar y a lo mejor, este tiempo me sirva a mi y a mi novio para pasar tiempo con nuestros familiares, sanarnos y volvernos a levantar.



No hay que esclavizarse a nada. Volviendo al tema trabajo, en estos años estuve en dos trabajos en los que prácticamente, me obsesioné. Eso me llevó a descuidar lo verdaderamente importante. Antes de perder mi empleo, me sentía asfixiada y triste, sentía que a pesar de que tenía las cosas que necesitaba y estaba relativamente cómoda, no tenía la libertad para hacer lo que realmente me hiciera feliz. Cuando la empresa cerró y el trabajo agobiante acabó, lo que quedó fueron una serie de malestares tras otro, pero comencé a recuperar mi libertad y eso es algo que me gustado.



Esas son algunas de las cosas que he aprendido éste año con las experiencias que he vivido y aunque, sea una persona que deteste de los cambios y salir de mi zona de confort, sin duda estaré en búsqueda de los aprendizajes que están por venir.


Si pudieras reencarnar (en tu próxima vida) como cualquier cosa, ¿cuál sería?

Definitivamente creo en el tema de la reencarnación, siendo que me parece algo interesante que a lo largo de varias vidas, vayamos pasando por diferentes procesos hasta ir recolectando la suficiente información antes de retornar al origen. Me gusta mucho más esta idea, que simplemente existir porque si, sin mencionar que muchas de las evidencias, dejan muy en claro que antes y después de esta vida, hay otras más.



Según tengo entendido, cada alma escoge en qué reencarnar antes de nacer, dependiendo de los programas que tenga que cumplir. Toda esta información, es borrada (o sellada) al nacer y al morir, volvemos a recuperarla. Pero en el caso de que pudiera escoger ahora mismo en qué reencarnar en mi próxima vida, escogería ser un animal que pudiera volar, como un ave o una mariposa.



Muchas veces a lo largo de mi existencia actual, he querido poder tener la facultad de poder salir volando de donde estoy, poder alejarme y no regresar. Sé que suena como una forma de huir de los problemas y las situaciones que deben afrontarse... pero siendo un pájaro, eso no importaría, mi nivel de conciencia sólo me exigiría comer insectos y volar, como está en mi naturaleza. Mis preocupaciones se limitarían entonces a alimentarme , a protegerme de los depredadores y los azotes del clima... pero al menos, mi mente dejaría de preocuparse por cosas sobre las que no tiene ningún control.



He soñado un par de veces que puedo soñar y puedo decir que si así se siente, es de las cosas más adictivas. Te da una confianza increíble, sobretodo cuando vas o a toda velocidad. Sería genial poder hacerlo en ésta vida, pero si en la siguiente fuese un pájaro, simplemente surcaría por los cielos con total entrega, sin miedo a caer, dejándome al viento acariciar mis alas y entregándome confiadamente a lo que me es tan natural como el respirar.



Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!




Hello everyone in the community! For this week I have decided to participate by answering both questions of the challenge, since they have generated some noise in me.


As we approach the end of the year, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've accomplished and learned in 2022. We look forward to hearing from you!

I admit that at first, I did not dare to participate in this topic, since I am still going through certain things and I have not fully learned from them or at least, I do not feel entirely happy. But I think I can think about it more calmly now. This year 2022 was full of many challenges for me, I had several pleasant and unpleasant experiences, as well as happy and sad moments. Like everyone. Now that I'm about to add a new change to the changelog I've had in the last few months, I think I can think more carefully about what I'll have in mind from now on.



Do not make hasty decisions. This is something that I always apply, in fact, it is one of the reasons why I consider myself insecure. But that or means that sometimes I do not skip this life rule that I have imposed on myself, ending up suffering the consequences. I think that the best thing we can do is sit down and think carefully about whether what we are going to do is the best option and if our decision binds others, ensure that this decision is positive for the person involved. In my case, I had to choose between keeping my cat or leaving it to my boyfriend, it's a decision that has cost me a lot, because I take care of it too much... but I've realized that my cat is much more attached to me boyfriend and I know it would affect him if I stopped seeing him for a long time, so the best decision for his emotional well-being is for both of them to be together.



Don't put your eggs in one basket. Another of my quintessential life rules. I have always chosen to have several options for obtaining money, because it is not known that it can happen. For this reason, although I was fine with my permanent job, I never (at least not completely) neglected posting on the platform, knowing that through it, I could obtain what I like to call my "emergency fund". A few months ago my boyfriend and I lost our jobs, luckily my emergency fund was there to support us through these difficult times, unlike my boyfriend who basically relied solely on his previous job. This experience reaffirmed this for me. We should not depend on a single income.



It's not bad to go back. After living almost independently for more than three years, due to economic problems, soon, I will have to return to my mother's house. Until recently, this made me feel sad and defeated, especially because I had to drop out of university (I study Plastic Arts) to go to a place where my future is uncertain. But not everything is so bad, two of my brothers are waiting for me there, with whom I have time that I don't share. It is true, I will no longer be studying the career I wanted, but that does not mean that I have to stop drawing and maybe this time will help me and my boyfriend to spend time with our relatives, heal and get back up.



You don't have to enslave yourself to anything. Returning to the subject of work, in these years I was in two jobs in which I practically became obsessed. That led me to neglect what is truly important. Before I lost my job, I felt suffocated and sad, feeling that even though I had the things I needed and was relatively comfortable, I didn't have the freedom to do what really made me happy. When the company closed and the exhausting work ended, what was left were one series of discomforts after another, but I began to recover my freedom and that is something that I liked.



These are some of the things that I have learned this year with the experiences that I have lived and although I am a person who hates changes and leaving my comfort zone, I will undoubtedly be looking for the learning that is to come.


If you could reincarnate (in your next life) as anything, what would it be?

I definitely believe in the subject of reincarnation, and it seems interesting to me that throughout several lives, we go through different processes until we collect enough information before returning to the origin. I like this idea much more than simply existing because yes, not to mention that many of the evidences make it very clear that before and after this life, there are others.



As I understand it, each soul chooses what to reincarnate in before being born, depending on the programs it has to fulfill. All this information is erased (or sealed) at birth and at death, we recover it again. But in the event that I could choose what to reincarnate into in my next life right now, I would choose to be an animal that could fly, like a bird or a butterfly.



Many times throughout my current existence, I have wanted to be able to fly away from where I am, to be able to walk away and not return. I know it sounds like a way to run away from problems and situations that have to be faced... but being a bird, that wouldn't matter, my level of consciousness would only require me to eat insects and fly, as is in my nature. My concerns would then be limited to feeding myself, protecting myself from predators and the lashes of the weather... but at least my mind would stop worrying about things over which it has no control.



I have dreamed a couple of times that I can dream and I can say that if it feels that way, it is one of the most addictive things. It gives you incredible confidence, especially when you are going or at full speed. It would be great to be able to do it in this life, but if I were a bird in the next, I would simply soar through the skies with total dedication, without fear of falling, letting the wind caress my wings and confidently surrendering to what is as natural to me as breathing. .



Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.

Until a next opportunity!




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@suezoe, You have received 2.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Thank you!!

It can be extremely hard to leave with a pet that you have become deeply attached to, and hope she is well taken care by your boyfriend.

We should not depend on a single income.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to the global economy, and it is clear that many of us are struggling with financial insecurity. When our traditional sources of income such as working a 9-5 job are put on pause, it can be incredibly stressful to figure out how to pay the bills. This is why I believe it is important to recognize the potential of passive income during these uncertain times. :)

Flying like a bird, why not?

It's a unique feeling of freedom and liberation as we float through the sky without boundaries or limits. :)

Thanks for the entry !LADY

That's right, it was not easy at all to decide to leave my cat with my boyfriend... but I thought it was the best for my cat and since he is more attached to him than to me, I think it was the best. In addition, my boyfriend has told me that he is quite calm and that relieves me. Ha ha ha without a doubt, if you have the opportunity to have several incomes, do not miss it. From my own experience I tell you that I have been saved in my moments of crisis thanks to it, as well as being able to perform in various areas.

The pandemic showed me that all these years in which I was preparing myself, studying and taking courses, were for this moment. I only have to be ingenious with the knowledge I have to be able to move forward. I think that this is the best thing we can do to avoid feeling like we lose everything when some income fails.

I wish I could fly right now, it would be quite relaxing ha ha I also think that being able to get far enough away allows us to see things from another perspective. Having the ability to fly would save me a lot of bad moments when I get overwhelmed by something ha ha Thank you very much for reading and for encouraging you to leave your comment!

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