(ESP/ENG) Participación en en concurso #80 de la comunidad Ladies of Hive Community / Participation in the contest #80 of the Ladies of Hive Community

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

¡Hola a todos! Tenía un buen rato sin animarme a participar en estos concursos semanales de la comunidad je je pero, es que admito que debido a mis obligaciones, se me hizo en cierto punto, publicar como lo tenía acostumbrado. Ahora que ando revisando los grupos para animarme a escribir, me hallé de nuevo con el concurso y ésta semana, las preguntas me han llamado la atención. Sobre todo la primera, de la cual, es que hablaré.

Hello everyone! I had a good time without encouraging myself to participate in these weekly community contests hehe but, I admit that due to my obligations, at a certain point I was forced to publish as I was used to. Now that I'm reviewing the groups to encourage me to write, I found myself with the contest again and this week, the questions have caught my attention. Especially the first, which is what I will talk about.


Con la llegada de la pandemia mundial, el comercio online se ha convertido en algo rutinario. ¿Te gusta comprar online? ¿Ha tenido una mala compra, el producto que pidió no llegó a tiempo o no fue lo que se esperaba? Cuéntanos sobre tu experiencia o si aún no compras online, cuéntanos el motivo.

La verdad, no soy de las que hacen compras on line regularmente. Sólo he hecho dos compras hasta los momentos y han sido algo recientes. De hecho, le hice publicación a la compra de la que les voy a hablar. Dado que, a pesar de que el producto me encantó, si fue un poco decepcionante, pues no era del todo lo que esperaba...

Todo inició cuando vi las por publicaciones por Instagram de una chica que tiene una tienda física en la ciudad en la que vivo. Quedé sumamente enamorada con un bolso con forma de gato negro, ya que soy amante de los gatos y tengo uno de ese color, así que cuando vi a ese gato, vi a mi querido Ikki. Sentía que lo necesitaba. Era la cosa más linda. Como no tengo casi bolsos y me había esforzado mucho los meses anteriores, tomé la decisión de hacerme un pequeño regalo utilizando mis ahorros de Hive para ello. Así que, sin dudarlo más, me contacté con la tienda, para hacer la compra.

With the arrival of the global pandemic, online commerce has grown into something routine. Do you like shopping online? Have you had a bad purchase, the product you ordered did not arrive on time, or was not what was expected? Tell us about your experience or if you still don't buy online, tell us the reason.

Honestly, I'm not one of those who shop online regularly. I have only made two purchases so far and they have been somewhat recent. In fact, I published the purchase that I am going to tell you about. Since, despite the fact that I loved the product, it was a bit disappointing, because it was not quite what I expected...

It all started when I saw the Instagram posts of a girl who has a physical store in the city where I live. I fell in love with a bag in the shape of a black cat, since I am a cat lover and I have one of that color, so when I saw that cat, I saw my dear Ikki. I felt I needed it. It was the cutest thing. Since I have almost no bags and I had worked really hard the previous months, I decided to give myself a small gift using my Hive savings for it. So, without hesitation, I contacted the store to make the purchase.


(Publicación original de la tienda, que me enamoró de inmediato / Original post from the store, which I immediately fell in love with)

La chica, dueña del negocio fue muy amable y luego de realizar el pago, se me indicó que ese mismo día en la tarde, me llegaría el pedido... cosa que no ocurrió. Me pareció extraño, pero no lo tomé como algo malo, dado que mi orden se había realizado demasiado deprisa y era posible que el repartidor, no hubiese podido entregar la mía porque habían otros pedidos en cola. De todas formas, me contacté con la chica y me mencionó que también le extrañaba, dado que le había dicho al chico que le hace las entregas sobre mi paquete. Igual, no me preocupé, dado que una amiga mía ya había comprado con aquella tienda y todo había resultado a la perfección.

The girl, owner of the business, was very kind and after making the payment, she told me that the order would arrive that same day in the afternoon... which did not happen. It seemed strange to me, but I didn't take it as a bad thing, since my order had been placed too quickly and it was possible that the delivery man had not been able to deliver mine because there were other orders in the queue. Anyway, I contacted the girl and she mentioned that she missed her too, since she had told the delivery guy about my package. Anyway, I didn't worry, since a friend of mine had already bought with that store and everything had turned out perfectly.


Al día siguiente en la mañana, recibí la llamada del repartidor. Corrí emocionada a recoger mi pedido y cuando me entregó el paquete, si me sorprendí de que la bolsa fuese algo pequeña, ya que en la fotografía, se veía más grande. Aunque claro, como no tenía las medidas del mismo y en las fotos, en ocasiones las cosas se ven aumentadas, no le presté mucha atención. Le comenté al repartidor que lo había estado esperando desde el día anterior, a lo que me contestó "A mi nadie me dijo nada ayer"... fue algo sorpresivo, pero igual, le di las gracias y corrí a abrir el paquete. Sin lugar a dudas, el bolso era bellísimo, el material de cuero resistente, con el rostro hermosamente bordado y una cadena bastante gruesa para colgarlo...

The next day in the morning, I received the call from the delivery man. I ran excited to pick up my order and when he handed me the package, I was surprised that the bag was somewhat small, since in the photograph, it looked bigger. Although of course, since I did not have the measurements of it and in the photos, sometimes things are enlarged, I did not pay much attention to it. I told the delivery man that I had been waiting for him since the day before, to which he replied "Nobody told me anything yesterday"... it was somewhat surprising, but still, I thanked him and ran to open the package. Without a doubt, the bag was gorgeous, the sturdy leather material, with a beautifully embroidered face and a fairly thick chain to hang it on...



Pero, como no todo es color de rosa, lo que me decepcionó de este bolso, es el poco espacio que tiene, siendo que es realmente la mitad de lo que aparenta ser. Cosa que no se mostraba en las fotografías de la tienda.

But, since not everything is rosy, what disappointed me about this bag is how little space it has, being that it is really half of what it appears to be. Something that was not shown in the photographs of the store.



Más, siendo que mi idea era poder utilizar el bolso de manera recurrente, cuando sólo quisiera llevar el monedero y el teléfono... pero, mi monedero que es pequeño, cabe a duras cuestas en él y el teléfono... no cabe ja ja ja Sin mencionar que la cadena para colgarse hace que el bolso de pronto se gire, dado que el peso de la parte inferior, hace que de una vuelta completa cuando caminas muy rápido, por lo que, debo sostenerlo de vez en cuando de la cadena para que no haga eso y el gato, termine de cabeza ja ja

More, being that my idea was to be able to use the bag on a recurring basis, when I only wanted to carry the purse and the phone... but, my purse, which is small, fits with difficulty in it and the phone... it doesn't fit ha ha ha Not to mention that the hanging chain makes the bag suddenly turn around, since the weight of the bottom part makes it turn a full turn when you walk really fast, so I have to hold it from hand to hand from time to time. chain so he doesn't do that and the cat ends up on his head ha ha


Sin lugar a dudas, la compra me decepcionó un poco, pero no tanto como para calificarla como una mala compra. Es cierto, tiene unos errores de diseño, pero el bolso es realmente lindo y elegante. Además, si me hubiese enterado de que era de esa forma desde un principio, no lo hubiese comprado ja ja así que al menos, eso me permitió tener algo lindo con lo cual lucir a algún sitio cerca en donde no necesite llevar el teléfono ja ja

Without a doubt, I was a little disappointed with the purchase, but not enough to qualify as a bad purchase. It's true, it has a few design flaws, but the bag is really cute and elegant. Also, if I had known it was that way from the beginning, I wouldn't have bought it ha ha so at least that allowed me to have something cute to show off somewhere nearby where I don't need to carry my phone ha ha


(Otra comparación de tamaño con otro objeto. Así, pareciera que cabe dentro del bolso... / Another size comparison with another object. Thus, it seems that it fits inside the bag...)


(Pero no amigos, no cabe ja ja / But no friends, it doesn't fit ha ha)

Muchas gracias por haber leído mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante. Me gustaría invitar a participar en el concurso a mi amiga @yetsimar

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

Thank you very much for reading my publication. I hope you found it interesting. I would like to invite my friend @yetsimar to participate in the contest

See you next time!



Oh, the seller should have included the size on the bag's description. I think it is a common mistake of some shoppers, thinking the size is bigger but in reality, it isn't. The tiny cat bag is nice, just that it is really small to fit anything on it hehe

Certainly, I also think that they should include that information, because in my case, as the product despite everything, I liked it, I would buy again in that store. But other people are not so understanding and with that, they would feel cheated. Also, with only a frontal photo it is impossible to think that the bag is not made up of the whole figure of the cat 🤔 So well, at least it is so beautiful and its material is very good, even if it is empty I use it, as part of my outfit ha ha

Thank you very much for commenting!!!

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I like your positive personality and glad you love your purchase. It's a cute accessory to an outfit hehe. And you are right, some would just think they were cheated although they have some faults too. We can ask questions before buying so it's not all the seller's fault.

aaaaarrgggg!!! que mal! si de hecho el vendedor con toda la intención de engañar solo tomo fotos de la parte delantera, si estas vendiendo un producto como este se debe mostrar una vista de todos los lados, porque la foto delantera da la impresion de que el cierre del bolso bordea toda la figura del gato... y Sue tal vez puedas modificarlo para hacerlo mas espacioso.

ja ja ja si amiga, eso mismo pensé, porque cuando subes fotos de bolsos, por lo general se suben varias tomas y sólo subieron la toma frontal, así que me llevé mi estrellón bien feo ja ja la verdad, también pensé en la posibilidad de agrandarlo. El problema es el material, es como cuero (no sé diferenciar entre imitación o real), y es demasiado grueso, incluso las tapas que componen la silueta del gato, son muy duras... si que está difícil esa opción je je pero bueno, al menos se ve bonito ja ja

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Oh no 🙈 por que lo hicieron así??? Es tan precioso y sinceramente es muy "inutil" si no cabe al menos el celular es algo terrible, pero si es hermoso 💜

No lo sé!!! Sufrí cuando lo recibí, porque si lo hubieran hecho completo lo llevaría a todos lados, así no me combinara con el resto del atuendo ja ja pero si, su hermosura hace que lo saque así sea con un pañuelo adentro jeje gracias por comentar y por pasarte por la publicación!

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Creo que el vendedor no fue específico con las medidas del producto. Pero está muy bonito el bolso, pero yo también estaría decepcionada jeje Porque ahí entran las llaves, el dinero y el móvil si acaso. De todas formas, te recomiendo que siempre revises los comentarios de otros usuarios a ver o le pidas fotos más específicas al vendedor. Saludos.

ja ja sin duda tuve mis sentimientos encontrados fue como: "Jum, que mal, Pero... no puedo enojarme contigo!" ja ja ja porque te lo aseguro el teléfono no cabe allí, a menos que sea uno de los viejitos je je Como es una tienda virtual pequeña con poco stock, no había comentarios sobre la compra de ese producto, así que me guíe por una amiga que ya había comprado con antelación allí y bueno, al menos no le quita al bolso lo lindo que es je je... a veces uno debe pasar por cosas como estas para estar más al pendiente. Gracias por comentar 💖

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Tienes razón da la razón 😉

The bag look cute🤭🥰 if only is big enough to contain your purse and phone.

Mistake most shoppers usually made is thinking that the sizes of products photography are same in real life.

The sellers should do well to include sizes of their products and buyers can as well request for live video to really see clearly what they are buying.

A lot of people are making this mistake and only realized that product are too small after getting their package.

It's nice, if my purse fits but no, the phone doesn't fit, if only half of it ha ha

It is true, we let ourselves be carried away by the sample photograph of the product, but in this case it was something particular, given that the size of the cat in general is fine, the bad thing is the design that makes it very useless ha ha and obviously, They did not upload a photograph of how it looked on its sides to avoid that ha ha

That of the videos seems excellent to me, in fact, in another virtual store that I bought, the seller was very kind to send me videos privately when I told her that I did not understand the type of product material. Obviously through the very well explained videos I was able to clear my doubts and buy the product with my eyes closed, because it was what I was looking for 😊

Even so, it is already something that does not detract from its beauty and good quality. Also, I would buy again through the store, since it has very nice things hehe Thanks for giving your opinion about it 💖

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You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time

I can imagine the advertising makes this bag look bigger than it really is or provide sufficient feedback on this product for the practicality or usefulness of this product by previous buyers. BTW, I'm just a sucker for cute black cats.🐈

As it is a small store, I did not have many comments on the publication, since they usually have very small stocks. Besides, in the photograph and even seeing it from the front in real life, it is impossible for you to think that it is that way... until you turn it ha ha, it is undoubtedly a design error 😂 I understand you, black cats are a beauty, I have one and that's why I bought the bag, because it looks like my ikki ha ha thank you very much for visiting the publication and for leaving your comment about it! 💖

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Why are many ladies having this same size of the bag issue including me🤩.

I think the description of bags should be made available to avoid ugly stories.

We keep learning from diverse experiences.

hahahahaha that information should certainly be in the product description. But it's like you say, I learned not to get carried away by a pretty picture and to ask for more specifications or at least not to have such high expectations until I have the product in my hands hehe But, after all, the bag is nice ha ha Thank you for encouraging you to leave your opinion 🥰

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