Mi participacion en el concurso de la comunidad Ladies of hive #57

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Saludos amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad, espero esten todos muy bien. En esta oportunidad hago mi primera entrada aeste maravilloso concurso semanal de #ladiesofhive el cual me parece grandiosa porque es dedicada a todas esas mujeres luchadoras, emprendedoras.
En esta oportunidad respondiendo a las preguntas de :


Cepillarme los dientes, beber agua, dar un beso de buenas noches a los niños, mullir mi peluche, rezar, mirar el starphone por ultima vez, ¿Cuales son tus rituales nocturnos antes de acostarte?

Bueno normalmente mi rutina antes de irme a dormir, es asegurarme de cerrar bien las puertas de mi casa.

Asi mismo paso a tomarme un vaso de agua, que para mi eso ya es costumbre, aveces me voy a la cama sin tomar mi vaso de agua y no puedo dormir, entonces me toca levantarme e ir por mi vaso de agua, luego me cepillo los dientes y si el agua no esta muy fria me baño para asi acostarme fresquesita.

Ya en mi cuarto paso a darle un beso de buenas noches a mi sobrinito el cual amo demasiado vigilo de que este bien dormidito y le pongo su sabanita, aunque se la quita a los 5min porque no les gusta jajajjaja.

Ya acostada reviso mi telefono por unos minutos me desconecto del interne y lo apago, finalizo mi rutina nocturna agradeciendo a Dios por todo.

¿De quien o que foto esta en la pagina de inicio de tu telefono? Y porque la has elegido?

Bueno la verdad tengo 2 fotos una en la pagina de inicio de mi telefono, es decir antes de desbloquealo y la otra es la que tengo cuando desbloqueo mi telefono para usarlo.

La foto que tengo en la pagina de inicio de mi telefono es una linda frase que dice 'Mi felicidad esta en Dios' es y siempre a sido asi, con Dios me siento feliz y bendecida es por ello que coloque esa imagen en mi telefono, Dios para mi lo es todo.


Por otra parte esta mi otra foto cuando desbloqueo mi telefono, alli salimos mi sobrinito y yo, mi sobrino para mi representa muchisimo lo amo con mi vida, mi galeria esta llena de fotos de el y mias y tomar mi telefono y ver su foto alli me llena de muchisima alegria.


Gracias por leerme queridos amigos me gustaria invitar a mi amiga @carmenvmc a participar en este maravilloso concurso.


Greetings friends of this wonderful community, I hope you are all very well. This time I make my first entry to this wonderful weekly #ladiesofhive contest which I think is great because it is dedicated to all those female fighters, entrepreneurs.
In this opportunity answering the questions of:
Brush my teeth, drink water, kiss the children good night, fluff my stuffed animal, pray, look at the starphone for the last time, what are your nighttime rituals before going to bed?

Well normally my routine before going to sleep is to make sure I close the doors of my house.

Likewise, I happen to have a glass of water, which is customary for me, sometimes I go to bed without drinking my glass of water and I can't sleep, then I have to get up and go for my glass of water, then I brush teeth and if the water is not very cold I bathe so I can lie down fresh.

Already in my fourth step to give a good night kiss to my little nephew, who I love too vigilant that he is well asleep and I put his little blanket on him, although he takes it off after 5min because they don't like it hahaha.

Already in bed I check my phone for a few minutes I disconnect from the intern and turn it off, I finish my night routine thanking God for everything.

Who or what photo is on the home page of your phone? And why did you choose it?

Well the truth is I have 2 photos, one on the home page of my phone, that is, before unlocking it and the other is the one I have when I unlock my phone to use it.

The photo I have on the home page of my phone is a beautiful phrase that says 'My happiness is in God' is and has always been like that, with God I feel happy and blessed that is why I put that image on my phone, God is everything to me.

On the other hand, there is my other photo when I unlock my phone, my nephew and I went out there, my nephew represents a lot for me, I love him with my life, my gallery is full of photos of him and me and take my phone and see his photo there It fills me with a lot of joy.

Thank you for reading, dear friends, I would like to invite my friend @carmenvmc to participate in this wonderful contest.

You received 5 LADY(LOH) for entering the Ladies of Hive contest.

Please note that since our LOH token is still so new, that it will be worth more if we HOLD them for a bit before trying to sell them. Some have been trying to sell them immediately after receiving them, but holding them for a bit will help them to increase in value! We are working behind-the-scenes to try to keep the price stable, but the "sell orders" are hampering the stabilization of the price of this new token. Please hold on to your tokens. Thank you! 🙂

Tenga en cuenta que, dado que nuestro token LOH todavía es tan nuevo, valdrá más si los MANTENEMOS por un tiempo antes de intentar venderlos. Algunos de ustedes han estado tratando de venderlos inmediatamente después de recibirlos, ¡pero retenerlos por un tiempo les ayudará a aumentar su valor! Estamos trabajando entre bastidores para tratar de mantener estable el precio, pero las "órdenes de venta" están obstaculizando la estabilización del precio de este nuevo token. ¡Considere esperar! ¡Gracias! 🤗

Thank you for the Translation @silversaver888 , my Spanish needs a serious upgrade.

The photo I have on the home page of my phone is a beautiful phrase that says 'My happiness is in God' is and has always been like that, with God I feel happy and blessed that is why I put that image on my phone, God is everything to me.

I can understand, a good motto, sage phrase, and definitely a choice Scripture be a Treasure to live in gratitude and live by faith.

Thank you @valentinamc for your #loh entry ❤️

I regret not having to learn Spanish.
I usually have a selfie on my lock page in case I misplace my phone (Which is never)
Then I have a different picture on my home screen of my 'Treasures'.
Then I tend to linger on my phone in bed too long, Lol!

Thanks for sharing @valentinamc 🤗