Vivir en Venezuela.../Live in Venezuela...😞

in Ecency4 years ago


Sinceramente hoy me siento super cansada y no solo físicamente sino sobretodo emocionalmente, vivir aquí es tan agotador. Ayer se fue la luz en casa y pensamos que tal vez luego de dos o tres horas el servicio volvería, resulta que estuvimos aproximadamente 16 horas sin luz. Y si se que en otros estados de Venezuela pasan dias sin luz pero no me parece justo vivir asi. Y nadie explica nada simplemente el servicio se va y vuelve cuando quiere...

Honestly today I feel super tired and not only physically but above all emotionally, living here is so exhausting. Yesterday the electricity went out at home and we thought that perhaps after two or three hours the service would return, it turns out that we were approximately 16 hours without electricity. And if I know that in other states of Venezuela they spend days without electricity but it does not seem fair to live like that. And nobody explains anything simply the service leaves and returns when it wants...

Y si hoy quiero desahogarme por todo lo que vivimos. Porqur no es simplemente la luz hay problemas con todo... Hay personas que desde hace mas de 3 meses sin gas domestico, ni hablar de la gasolina y una lucha diaria para tener comida en casa.

And if today I want to vent about everything we live. Because it is not simply electricity, there are problems with everything ... There are people who for more than 3 months without domestic gas, let alone gasoline and a daily struggle to have food at home.

De verdad que hay dias como los de hoy que quiero rendirse pues no es algo fácil de llevar. Debido a esto del problema de la luz, daño algunas cosas. Yo debía hacer un pastel para hoy y con todo esto no pude y es frustrante pues contaba con ese dinero y ya no lo tendré. Creo que en todos los países tiene su esfuerzo, pero muchas veces siento que vivir en Venezuela es una eterna pesadilla. Normalmente siempre trato de ser positiva... Pero en días como hoy no puedo!

There really are days like today that I want to give up because it is not something easy to carry. Due to this of the light problem, I damage some things. I had to make a cake for today and with all this I could not and it is frustrating because I had that money and I will no longer have it. I believe that in all countries he has his effort, but many times I feel that living in Venezuela is an eternal nightmare. Normally I always try to be positive... But on days like today I can't!


Sorry to hear things are so hard for you. Praying for you and your family.

Many times I feel like I can't take it anymore. I just wish to have a normal life and that things are not so difficult