Esie's first Halloween party [ENG/SPA]

in Ecencylast year

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It was a special day for Esie, he woke up very excited and happy to wake up and swim, because today was Halloween and they were going to have a little costume party in his school so that all the aquatic beings that live there could go with their best costume.

Easie was simply happy, he had been waiting for that day for 3 weeks, after much thinking about it, he decided to go as a pirate, he had already hung his outfit, his checkered shirt, with torn pants, with wire, he made a small hook and a patch for his eye, he was admiring his clothes for a while and then he hurried to put them on, you could see the happiness in his eyes.

Era un día especial para Esie, él se levantó muy animado y feliz de poder despertarse y nadar, ya que Hoy era Halloween e iban a realizar una pequeña fiesta de disfraces en su escuela para que todos los seres acuáticos que conviven en ella pudieran ir con su mejor disfraz.

Easie estaba simplemente feliz, había estado esperando ese día por 3 semanas, después de él mucho pensarlo, él se decidió ir como pirata, ya tenía colgado su indumentaria, su camisa a cuadros, con pantalón rasgados, con alambre, hizo un pequeño garfio y un parche para su ojo, estuvo un rato admirando su ropa y luego se apuró a colocársela, se notaba la felicidad en sus ojos.

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His mom and daddy whale accompanied him to school and in the distance he could see his best friend Eddie is a dolphin, along with him were Mary and Santiago who are a blue whale and a killer whale respectively, Johnny the octopus and a jellyfish named Carly, all of them were Esie's circle of friends, so he said goodbye to his parents with a kiss and went to where they were, he began to hug them and admire their costumes that looked very good to him.

The bell rang and everyone swam to the reef where the school was located, he entered the room where there were different motifs of Halloween, fish skulls, well decorated letters, drinks with blood color, Esie had a great day where he could dance, talk, play and have fun with all his friends, at the end of the day they made a costume contest that was won by a clown fish dressed as a turtle, his costume was very good, it was a great day for Esie a day that he will never forget in his life.

Su mamá y papa ballena lo acompañaron hasta la escuela y a lo lejos pudo ver a su mejor amigo Eddie es un delfín, junto con él estaban Mary y Santiago que son una ballena azul y una orca respectivamente, Johnny el pulpo y una medusa llamada Carly, todos ellos eran el círculo de amigos de Esie, así que se despidió con sus padres con un beso y se dirigió donde estaban ellos, él empezó a abrazarlos y admirar sus trajes que les quedaban muy bien a su parecer.

Sonó la campana del timbre y todos nadaron hasta dentro del arrecife donde estaba localizada la escuela, entro al salón donde había distintos motivos del día de Halloween, calaveras de peces, letras bien decoradas, bebidas con color a sangre, Esie tuvo un gran día donde pudo bailar, conversar, jugar y divertirse con todos sus amigos, al final del día hicieron un concurso de disfraces que lo gano un pez payaso vestido de tortuga, le quedo muy bien el disfraz, fue un día fantástico para Esie un día que le costara olvidar en su vida.