New #artworks ... New day, new creativity process on the Horizon ...

in Ecency3 years ago

I simply love those days on which you can receive an idea or more than one ideas to start an create things through your #artworks :)

From a simple time spent in the garden with my family, and this simple #photography through which The Eiwa tree whispered me some unique ideas, i've simply started right away the magic journey of creativity.

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If the Inner Eiwa Tree from our secret garden have whispered me to create something unique, then, i've thought i should start exactly with my own Tree from the Garden of Eden ...

Therefore, beside composing my own music, i've start to sculpt this awesome tree ...

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With only few ingredients, such as paper, clay, wood, stones and oil colors i've started the adventure ...

In the beginning, everything looks simple, but on our way through #creation things have started be more elaborated ...

Therefore, i've used some simple and original design and it started to get this shape ...

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Soon, after i've started to paint it as a sketch, the entire #artwork started to look like this ...

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The entire form started to look as well like a Portal to another dimension ...

The patina i gave to this #artwork i've #created had a cool aspect even with that red kind of colour i've painted on the stones :)

The entire piece of my abstract art started to take a shape even more to a higher level, after i've added the wood branches, which were also organic ...

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I think the entire #artwork will look awesome when it will be finished.

I'll keep you posted with my final result ...

Meanwhile, i've started also this experiment to see how can i build wooden stairs combined with clay ...

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I've started to attempt the finishing point of my #artwork on my clay lamp that i've created through the magic mushroom cottage :)

Even the experiment of creating a door with clay was a cool challenge. expecially for the oval form of it ...

In the end i guess that all came out pretty well ...

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Even my buddy CryptoBee was so happy to sleep inside this awesome cottage and in the morning when she came out she was amazed by the magical view ...

She came with the idea to create an awesome lamp for this awesome cottage ...

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She said that her buddy Filius the Elf should stay there too and her wife Mrs.Sprout ... and maybe some new fellows from the magic land of the elves should live there too, therefore, i've created another awesome character ... in form of a magic mushroom ...

Filius was so happy to meet his new friend, Mushroomthryndir ...

They have everyday something about to discuss ... even the #crypto market subject ...

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I guess that today was another #creative one and i do hope that so many of you people have been creative as well.

Ciao a tutti!


Beautiful to see, how one can built something entirely new and unexpected form randm stuff around the house. If I was as creative I would surely collect all those random things. Now I only collect (glass) jars, because I know I can use them in the pantry or make vases out of those.

Oh that is so neat awesome job but I know I can't do that cuz I don't have materials but that is awesome