Day Traders Pay HODL'rs

in HODL4 years ago

Hey JessHodlrs

The world of cryptocurrency has created a brand new way to earn money with its volatility and its unknown quantity that comes with the creation of a new asset class. As more people are stuck at home, they're also looking at ways to earn money online, and crypto trading seems to be the most popular of the methods of making money in this sector.

Trading sounds simple enough, put in capital into an undervalued asset wait for the market to reprice it, sell said asset at the new value, take profits and repeat. The problem with this is, it's not that simple, finding profitable trades in the short term is a highly technical process and rife with insider information, front running and market manipulation.

It's by no means impossible, but the vast majority of traders lose money, if it weren't the case, HODLr's and the top traders would make no money.


90% of traders lose money

By conservative measures, it stated that 90% of traders lose money and we can go into the reasons why, but that would be a story for another post. If the vast majority of traders lose money, that means a small number of traders consolidate their positions with the winning trades.

If the trend is towards consolidation and always has been in the market, it means those who take long term positions, forget spikes and focus on cycles tend to do far better than those who try to jump on every uptrend or attempt to buy the so-called dip of the day or week.

Why hodlers tend to fair better

Long term hodlrs and those who try to accumulate positions and ride macro-trends or larger cycles tend to be better at position sizing, tend to hedge their bets better and tend to remove emotion from their trades.

To be a hodlers seems unnatural in a world that vilified consumption and short term profits but as they say, if you want the rewards that few get, you need to do things others don't do.

Any purchase we make is highly emotional; we are selling ourselves on the fact that we're getting a better deal and what we forget is that theirs always someone on the other side of the trade also looking to profit.

Time beats the market

While the medium-term crypto market takes on a lot of the characteristics of the forex market with the arbitrage opportunities. Those trading long terms are banking on the entire market developing into a larger market cap as more interest, investment, users, use cases and value trickles into crypto over time.

HODLing to me is reprogramming yourself into the new world we're moving towards. The forces of deflation cannot be stopped, even with inflationary monetary policies the forces of nature can't be stopped.

Getting yourself in the right frame of mind and the right understanding for a new economic system will do you well. Many think that HODL'ing is about getting that one BTC but its actually about learning to save, learning to be responsible with your purchasing power, learning to handle ownership, learning to boycott mindless consumption and to revalue goods and services.

When your money keeps getting better, the products and services that want your money need to continue to improve in value.

A Hodl today, means a vote for a better life tomorrow. I continue to hold and stack sats each month as I go against the grain and buck the trend.

I see the economic collapse coming, and I'm preparing for any situations, deflation, hyperinflation or stagflation, I'm ready for it all.

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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Browse & Earn CryptoStack Sats For FreeEarn Interest On Crypto



With 90% traders losing money, I guess my recent change from trading to staking cryptocurrency may be a wise or right decision. If I do calculate, I am still in the profit but since being an amateur investor, I guess it is better for me now when I am not losing that much yet.


I think that it’s harder to trade in crypto because some measure in Sats and others measure in dollars and it’s forever changing! If you are going to trade I’d say it’s better to measure in Sats,

if you can stack them up more than you had and then wait for a favourable time to turn your Sats into USD then you can make profits but you’ll need to be patient

Since our currency means nothing I prefer Sats instead of converting! I mean 1 HIVE is 3.4 ZAR so Lol id even prefer to be paid in HIVE than our local currency

Well I am surely one of these day traders losers ! This is why I stopped and I am doing SO much better just HODLing good projects !

There’s just too much to look at in day trading for me and I don’t have the capital to play that single percentage swings are worth my time! Pick out good projects is tough enough as it is

Je suis jessie

Been a while since I’ve seen this smile in my comments section welcome back

Yes I had a busy week and the hivers That did cross my path oh lord I just had it , I see so many reminders of the past !
Makes me wonder......

I think i know the feeling been having some private chats about it and trying to avoid it on chain and just do what I like to do! No good ever came from me getting involved!

You do enough good focus on that

Get to 1 BTC and hodl the shit out of it... Although I kinda want more sats, having 1/3 of my net worth (not a lot lol) in crypto is probably enough as I look to get into real estate (aka buying my own place and kitting out a music studio) - crypto drum & bass boyyyyy!

Lol hold on i'll get there you know I'm dealing with Rands here, it doesn't get you very far when it comes to stacking sats. Owning a home in London, lol you must be a millionaire.

Haha, I'm moving far away from London to somewhere I can afford! Arsenal away days here we come!

Lol you getting all domesticated on me? Suburban and shit white picket fence and shit!

It's the perfect set up! You live in London, I'll pop round for the home games, then use my place as a base for away days!