🔥 Being a HODLer is not easy!

in HODL4 years ago


I have been thinking about all my crypto HODLings lately. I am quite confident that I have selected good projects that have good ods for succeding in the future.

The most difficult part of being a HODLer is dealing with such an amazing quantity of inputs that are suggesting you to buy the new gem, or an stablished project. Twitter is full of this messages, and I spend some time daily reading crypto news.

There are hundreds of crypto experts that are suggesting you the best TA tips and willing to give you trading advice. I found this picture and I can relate I am feeling the same of the HODL advisor.


If I had the option to choose between this 2 guys, I will be asking the HODL advisor How to deal with all this excess of information while being confident HODLing.

Sometimes it is hard to HODL, specially when the market is moving almost sideaways for some days. Specially if you see a bunch of tokens raising in prices while the ones you have are moving in the opposite direction.

And this 3 years HODLing have been a blessing in terms of learning. I've been able to test my emotions as a trader several times. Things got really bad this last crypto winter.

I've concluded that sometimes the best decision is just HODL and the returns will eventually come. Trust me, I've you have selected good projects, the results will come sooner or later.

Enjoy! 😊

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Divide things in two groups: what you want to own, and what you want to gamble with. 😆

I am terrible at gambling.😂
I agree that it is a good approach to stay calm and put the emotions aside!
Having some money to invest in more disruptive projects is FUN!

Nunca se sabe.

Same opinion here. There is nothing wrong on "surfing the waves" while holding your preferred projects

You are an experienced trader and your TA analysis are really good.
I suck at predicting short term price movements. However I am really confident by the choices I have made and the cryptocurrencies that I am HODLing!

Cheers mate!

Hodling is the best cryptocurrency trading strategy. One who practices this strategy rarely experience losses and they are they ones who make the best gains. Truth is sellers make gains but hodlers get rich. I know of a person who held onto his BTC he bought way back 2009 same with bnb he bought in 2017.

However, hodling is not that an easy task. It requires a lot of patience and discipline. Small pumps will come but one needs to stay calm and look long-term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is really hard, but it often can give you the best results!
hopefully someday I will a successful HODLer!

I hope same for myself