To not worry about the future, to not dwell in the past, is easier said than done.
Because the monkey mind does not understand. I can identify the things I can't control, I have that line that goes "This too shall pass" chiseled into my mind. However, that alone doesn't give me enough assurance to breathe a little and focus on matters that are within my control.
This worry about right or wrong is what bugs me the most. It's not related to the lawful matter of legality and the illegal, it's more about the little and the big decisions we make daily. It could be an investment that I made recently, a purchase related to one of my hobbies, lending someone money and thinking if they needed it, or if I added extra funds to their impulsive spending habits and poor money management. It could be a task that I handled with a different approach, for which now the worry of how the outcome may turn out is killing me.
This worry of always being right, or at least trying to, for things to always be positive and go as planned, it's just a road that leads to a destination of disappointment. You can't win em all, and your hit rate at best is going to be a 3 or 4 out of 10; that's mostly considering the small daily tasks and a few big ones.
It's the relationship we have with perfection, and how we've been told that mistakes are bad. It has affected constant progress, by instilling fear and worry into our minds. So, by being afraid of such mistakes, we either procrastinate or fear full commitment. We wait for another day to prepare, even though we are just as prepared today, but it's fear that keeps pushing us back; the fear of failing or making mistakes.
Because that question keeps voicing in our heads "What if?". From my own experiences, in the many different aspects of life, I realize most of the time it's better to just wing it; especially if you're competent or at least experienced. Of course, an incompetent person can't just come out of nowhere and nail the task. To wing it, and still be successful, it has to be a task that you specialize in, or are at least familiar with.
And after the task is taken care of, we wait for the results. Because what's done is done, we can't go back and make amends anymore. So, for now, all we can do is hope that we've nailed the task, and if we have messed up completely, then we should ask for a second chance and give it another go.
Sometimes you just have to wing it. Start with what you have, give it all you got, and improvise. If you fail, then it's not the end of the world. Get back tomorrow, finish your task, and hope for the best.