Amazing Nature: The Conference of The Bees



This afternoon the weather was quite friendly. The breeze that blows in the Pusong Reservoir is so cool. Some people were seen jogging around the reservoir, while some young people were hanging out in the street stalls lined up along the side of the reservoir.

Not only the people, but the cool atmosphere in the Pusong reservoir is also enjoyed by a group of bees hanging out on the reed. I was amazed by them, it was a really fascinating sight. "What are they doing? Are they holding a conference?" I thought to myself. Hahaha.

And I also behave like a photographer who captures the course of the conference they are doing. The work today is quite tiring, but it pays off by the cute attraction of the tiny bees.


Sore tadi cuaca lumayan bersahabat. Semilir angin yang berhembus di Waduk Pusong begitu sejuk. Beberapa orang terlihat sedang lari-lari kecil berkeliling waduk, sedangkan beberapa anak muda-mudi sedang asyik nongkrong di warung jalanan yang berjejer di sepanjang jalan pinggiran waduk.

Tidak hanya orang-orang, sejuknya suasana di waduk Pusong juga dinikmati oleh sekelompok lebah yang terlihat nongkrong di atas batang alang-alang. Saya dibuat takjub oleh mereka, itu benar-benar pemandangan yang menarik. "Apa yang dilakukan mereka? Apakah mereka sedang membuat konfrensi?" Pikirku dalam hati. Hahaha.

Dan saya pun berperilaku layaknya juru foto yang mengabadikan jalannya konfrensi yang mereka lakukan. Pekerjaan hari ini cukup melelahkan, tetapi terbayar oleh atraksi lucu lebah-lebah mungil itu.















CameraXiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro + Macro Lens
CategoryAnimal Photography
ProcessedAdobe Lightroom
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
Thank you for stopping by
 4 years ago  

A bee conference? Haha, these pictures are awesome .. I love them ^^ .. I am going to forward you to OCD ;)

"The Conference of The Bees"

I chose that title for my post because it was inspired by a book of allegorical poetry entitled "The Conference of The Birds" by Fariduddin Attar, a famous Sufi poet in the Middle East in medieval times. By the way, thank you for the appreciation, @adalger :)

 4 years ago  

Hehe, unfortunately I did not know that. Nevertheless it was a nice post ^^ .. your are very welcome ;)

Hahaha they look so cute all plotting together :D

Excellent work.