Amazing Nature Contest - August 2020 - #03

in Amazing Nature4 years ago
This is my entry for the contest designed by @adalger and supported by the #amazingnature community. A great initiative to celebrate nature and invite users to share photos that captivated them.
Esta es mi entrada para el concurso diseñado por @adalger y sostenido por la comunidad #amazingnature. Una gran iniciativa para festejar la naturaleza e invitar a los usuarios a compartir fotografías que les cautivaron y dejaron significados.
Before leaving my land Venezuela. I used to frequent the garden of my parents' house, which is spacious and has several plants. There I was able to find peace and part of the beauty of nature. I found myself needing to take this photo with my old phone to save memories.
Antes de salir de mi tierra Venezuela. Frecuentaba el jardín de la casa de mis padres, que es espacioso y tenie varias plantas. Allí pude encontrar la paz y parte de la belleza de la naturaleza. Me vi en la necesidad de tomar esta foto con mi viejo teléfono para guardar recuerdos.

Orquídeas / Cattleya

I took pictures not to forget the splendor of the garden where I grew up and this flower, the Orchid, radiated light, crying out for a moment for her.
Tomé fotografías para no olvidar lo explendido del jardín donde crecí y esta flor, la Orquídea irradiaba luz pidiendo a gritos un momento para ella.

This flower is part of my culture, it is the national flower of Venezuela and plant lovers have at least one in their natural space. This orchid grows on top of other trees (epiphytes), it is attached to a basket on a branch of the mango tree. The orchid represents the femininity of Venezuela and blooms in May, it is also known as May flower. Another curious characteristic is said to have bilateral symmetry to the human face; it has two petals, three sepals and a lip. Each variety has different colors, shapes and aromas to attract insects or birds; some are hermaphrodites.
Esta flor es parte de mi cultura, es la flor nacional de Venezuela y los amantes de las plantas tienen por lo menos una en su espacio natural. Esta orquídea crece encima de otros árboles (epifitas), está unida a una cesta de una rama del árbol de mango. La orquídea representa la feminidad de Venezuela y florece en mayo, también es conocida como flor de Mayo. Otra característica curiosa dicen que tiene simetría bilateral al rostro humano; ella cuenta con dos pétalos, tres sépalos y un labelo. Cada variedad tiene colores, formas y aromas diversas para atraer a insectos o aves; algunas son hermafroditas.
The orchid was drawn on my retina, a delicate violet color and an intense purple that invites us to follow the yellow path. He is an exhibitionist, he knows that he decorates nature, that it is inevitable not to see and talk about it. Open it boasts of its wavy parts that hypnotize you to conceive it as beautiful and the breeze caresses it so that it has a slight elegant movement and you keep your eyes on its pecfeta architecture. This flower is my garden, my culture, my nature and the beauty of the Venezuelan woman.
La orquídea se dibujó en mi retina, un color violeta delicado y un morado intenso que invita a seguir el camino amarillo. Es exhibicionista, sabe que decora la naturaleza, que es inevitable no verla y hablar de ella. Abierta alardea de sus partes onduladas que te hipnotizan en concebirla de hermosa y la brisa la acaricia para que tenga un leve movimiento elegante y mantegas la mirada en su arquitectura pecfeta. Esta flor es mi jardín, mi cultura, mi naturaleza y la belleza de la mujer venezolana.

Until next time, friends.

Photos taken with my abtigy Samsung duos phone

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 4 years ago  

This orchid looks really beautiful. This purple color gives it such a nice touch ^^ Venezuela did well to choose this one as its flower, hehe ;) .. Thank you for all this information you added in your text

Thanks @adalger. Your proposal is to sensitize users about the beauty, the benefits and the care towards nature.
Fortunately, we have a varied flora in this species, but few of us are aware of it.

I am thebiggest orchid lover, i have blue ones at the moment and salmon color and white and i love the serene ness, you must have them in the wild as i can guess from the picture?

Thank you.
Yes, it is in a large green space at my parents' house.
I have seen many orchids, even very rare tiny ones, there is a lot of variety.

We don’t have that here unfortunately