Energies of Nature: Summer Solstice


Hi, my dear friends! Tomorrow is the Day of the Summer Solstice, so we'll talk again about the energies of nature.


This is usually the most energetic period. This is the time of the shortest nights and longest days. During this period, you may feel anxiety, difficulty sleeping. This is not surprising, since during this period, both the energies of the Earth and the energies of the Sun are at their peak.


In folklore, this period is often associated with the activity of mermaids. Moreover, mermaids in this case should not be understood literally as a girl with a fish tail, but as a female energy that has not yet found a way out in marriage and the birth of children. This is a kind of symbol of future fertility. Mermaids are not the most benevolent creatures, so our ancestors during this period limited their visits to forests and water bodies. Mermaids are believed to disappear on the day of the Summer Solstice.


It is also believed that this is a period of increased "magical" activity, so one should be careful with words and desires in order to avoid so-called spontaneous magic.


All June is the time of herbal power. It is during this period that medicinal and magical herbs are collected. This period will last until approximately July 7th.


The Summer Solstice is the astronomical start of summer. So, if you are sad that a third of the summer is over, then this is not so! Everything is just beginning!


Nature at its finest