Smith's bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi Veverka Bušová

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Veverka mi vždy stojí za tu námahu udělat fotku. Tato na mě tak koukla a pak si odkákala, takže mám fotku jen z jednoho úhlu. Tohoto druhu mám už Afriky tři pozorování a to mám možná ještě někde nějakou fotku nezařazenou. V kempech jsou stromy, takže příležitost na "lov" veverek se najde.
The squirrel is always worth the effort to take a picture. This one looked at me like that and then she looked away, so I only have a photo from one angle. I already have three observations of this kind in Africa, and I may still have a photo not included somewhere. There are trees in the camps, so there is an opportunity to "hunt" squirrels.
17.11.2017 Khama Rhino Sanctuary, Botswana


very beautiful squirrel photography.

Picture perfect, this squirrel is literally staring at you.

Oh such a cute little buddy. :-) 😍