Amazing Natural Beauty || Green Photography

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hello Friends,

Nature is said to be one of the best factories of liveliness. In fact, in the modern age, we call it a factory, where there is an opportunity to make something very quickly and perfectly. Nature is a factory where we can change our mental state very quickly.

In fact, those of us who live in the middle of the city rarely have time to get out of the city. Because city life is called mechanical life, where there is an urge to do everything in a certain time. Where the rule is always given priority! Due to which the people in the middle of the city feel mechanical. People are always busy with work and work like machines, as if they have forgotten the opportunity to rest.


Even if everyone can, I can't, because the pain of mechanical life makes me weak. And I accept the cooperation of nature to keep and keep myself alive and effective. Almost every month I try to use the weekly holidays as a great opportunity. I move to our village home, stay in the middle of green nature, create a different kind of feeling in my heart. And the closeness of nature allows me to easily erase the weaknesses of mechanical life and restore physical vitality.



Various kinds of research on nature are being done in the present as well as in the past. Those who have led all these studies have since acknowledged that nature is one of the most important elements in human well-being, but that humans are failing to understand it. In fact, no one can deny that he did not feel any liveliness during his stay in the middle of nature, nor did he feel any other kind of feeling.



Rather, everyone acknowledges in one sentence that the proximity of nature has increased the vitality of his heart, his thinking power has been greatly affected and he has returned with great peace of mind. But still we know why day by day we are moving away from nature and imprisoning ourselves in mechanical life.



However, as much as I was emotionally devastated by the mechanical life and the hustle and bustle of the city, I felt more alive because of being in the middle of nature. This is why I have tried to keep every opportunity green and lively. I have never wasted a chance to keep myself more energetic by enjoying the vivid feeling of nature and other features.



The closer I got to nature, the more I got to enjoy the various features of nature. I am constantly trying to find myself in a new way by enjoying the beauty of nature. In today's article, I have tried to share some different scenes or beauties of nature. My hope and belief is that you will enjoy these unique views of nature.



Declaration: This is original content of mine with own photography.

TypeAmazing Nature
DeviceRedmi 9, Xiaomi
ISO SpeedISO118
Focal Length1.98mm
LocationSingair, Manikgonj

Thanks all for visiting my page.



আমি মোঃ হাফিজ উল্লাহ, চাকুরীজীবী। বাংলাদেশী হিসেবে পরিচয় দিতে গর্ববোধ করি। বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্য লালন করি। ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে সমর্থন করি, তবে সর্বদা নিজেকে ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে পছন্দ করি। পড়তে, শুনতে এবং লিখতে ভালোবাসি। নিজের মত প্রকাশের এবং অন্যের মতামতকে মূল্যায়নের চেষ্টা করি। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে অলস এবং ভ্রমন প্রিয়।


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Very nice photography. I enjoy nature shots like this, keep it up!

Thanks a lot dear for your visiting and stopping by.

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