Nature News - May 2021 - Report #01

in Amazing Nature3 years ago
Authored by @juanbg

Hello Nature Lovers!😃🌻

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Nature News is an initiative by Amazing Nature Community
We present report No. 1 for the month of May

We work hard so that the news we present comes from serious and reliable sources: such as sections of newspapers and scientific research published in internationally recognized journals.

📢What's happening in the world?🌎

Unlike other news, here we are not going to focus on the human being, rather, on the nature that surrounds us.🐢🌺

We know how much you enjoy nature! That is why today we bring you the best news and information of interest to each of the Amazing Nature Community members. We hope you enjoy it!😄

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A drastic decrease in insects is reported on the planet: does that affect us?🦋🐝


Photo credits: Dorothea OLDANI
📍Location: Merenschwand, Switzerland

There are many things that happen around us, and sometimes we do not give it the necessary importance, one of those things is an alarming decrease in insect populations in recent years. Do you remember that a few years ago it was very common for the windows of your car to get smeared with flying insects when you traveled long distances? nowadays that no longer happens, this is due to the drastic decrease of insects.

A journalistic note published in BioGuia by Alexia Barrera Hernández

Insects constitute the most diverse animal group since they represent approximately 70% of all species! But insect populations around the world are shrinking at an alarming rate.


Photo credits: Thomas Park
📍Location: Texas, USA

According to the Biological Conservation Journal, more than 40% of insect species could become extinct in the coming decades, this is really alarming, causing a great negative impact on other species and ecosystems. It is estimated that insects could become extinct by the end of this century, since 2.5% of the insect biomass goes extinct per year. Likewise, one out of every six bee species has become regionally extinct.

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Photo credits: Thomas Park
📍Location: Texas, USA

Causes of this decrease

The popular science magazine "BioGuia" mentions the causes of this decrease:

  1. Habitat loss/Deforestation⚠️
  2. Land use change⚠️
  3. Expansion of the Urbanization⚠️
  4. Pollution by pesticides and fertilizers⚠️
  5. Introduction of exotic speciesv⚠️
  6. Parasites and diseases⚠️
  7. Climate change.⚠️

Photo Credits: Eric Tompkins
📍Location: Unknown

Can we realize how human beings are the biggest cause of this? It is important to mention that the climatic change IS NOT THE MAJOR CAUSE of this decrease, but, due to the increase in temperature year after year, this cause could be even more evident.

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How does this decline affect the whole world?🌎

Insects have long played a very important role in food chains, and are directly and indirectly related to other species, as they provide a fundamental basis for ecosystems.

Photo Credits: Sonika Agarwal
📍Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

There are thousands of animals and plants that depend on insects, and that have also been affected by the decline of insects in recent years. Species such as anteaters, bats, moles, amphibians, birds, etc. that consume bugs are running out of some of their food, and herbivores that consume plants are also being harmed due to lack of pollination.

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And how does it affect us?😰

We know that in general, nature offers us exclusive benefits that we cannot find anywhere else, services such as honey, wax, medicines, and they also contribute to the production of cotton fiber and wood. The United States estimated that insects provide a value of US $57,000 million annually in ecosystem services in the North American country. Worldwide, the insect service is valued at $500 billion.

Photo Credits: Ed van duijn
📍Location: Unknown

Actions we must do:

  1. Drastically reduce the use of chemical pesticides✅
  2. Carry out sustainable agricultural production✅
  3. Restoration of wilderness areas✅
  4. Create protected areas✅
  5. Plant and maintain wildflowers✅
  6. Control the introduction of exotic species✅
  7. Promote education towards society✅
  8. Increase research on pollinating species✅

Let's take care of the insects!

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What do you think about this❓

How do you think the world would be without insects❓🐞

Let us know in the comments💬...

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DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation :


DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.

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Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

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world without insects = no human being