Noisy insect of the family Cycadidae // Insecto ruidoso de la familia Cycadidae.

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Greetings friends, I hope you are well at the beginning of this week, I am stopping by to share with you photos of this insect that is also commonly known in my land as cicada.


They spend most of their growth process on the tops of trees feeding. An interesting fact is that when they are adults, the frequency of the vibration or song emitted by a cicada can reach 85 Hz.


Females lay their eggs in the leaves of trees and then fall to the surface where they bury themselves for approximately 16 years.


They can be up to 60 mm long, and males are the ones that attract females for mating. Females lay their eggs and then die.


Females lay their eggs and then die. the transformation they undergo after hatching from the ground into trees, to become winged adults ready to mate. they may die from the sound pressure of their song.



Saludos amigos, espero que estéis bien en este inicio de semana, me paso por aquí para compartir con vosotros fotos de este insecto que también se conoce comúnmente en mi tierra como chicharra.


Pasan la mayor parte de su proceso de crecimiento en las alzas de los árboles alimentándose. Un dato interesante cuando son adultas, la frecuencia de la vibración o canto que emite una cigarra puede alcanzar los 85 Hz.1



Las hembras ponen sus huevos en las hojas de los árboles y luego caen a la superficie donde se entierran durante aproximadamente 16 años.



Pueden medir hasta 60 mm, los machos con su canto son los que atraen a las hembras para el apareamiento. Las hembras ponen sus huevos y luego mueren.



Las hembras ponen sus huevos y luego mueren. la transformación que sufren tras eclosionan de la tierra hacia los arboles, para convertirse en adultos con alas listos para aparearse. que pueden llegar a morir por la presión del sonido en su canto.






Agente de cambio Activo..!

Lo Mejor Esta Por Venir..!

Active agent of change...!
The Best Is Yet To Come...!

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Remember, everything happens for a reason, you have to look at the positive side of things, TODAY I decide to be happy and you?!


We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Very interesting! I did not know much about this particular species but remember the bibliographic citations are very important! thanks for sharing!

Thanks for your recommendations, @hive-127788 I will apply them in tomorrow's post, because I couldn't do it today. Glad you liked my post I will continue to give the best in original content.