Amazing Nature Contest - May 2020 - #02/My grandmother's cat gave birth to 5 cats./En la casa de mi abuela nacieron 5 gatitos.

in Amazing Nature4 years ago (edited)


Hello my friends today I come to tell you a wonderful adventure I had at my grandmother's house, you have ever heard the saying "We were many and grandmother gave birth" because here my grandmother did not give birth but the cat. La Minina has now 5 beautiful kittens.

She is now right where she started her birth, under that bush and my grandmother put that cardboard box for her.

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Hola mis amigos hoy vengo a contarles una aventura maravillosa que tuve en casa de mi abuela, ustedes alguna vez han escuchado el dicho "Eramos muchos y pario la abuela" pues aquí no pario mi abuela sino la gata. La Minina tiene ahora 5 gatitos hermosos. Ella esta ahora justo donde comenzó su parto, debajo de esa mata y mi abuela le acomodó esa caja de cartón.

She doesn't allow anyone to come close so my pictures are not as good as I would like. But I didn't want to stop showing them how wonderful life is and how blessed my grandmother's house is because everything is born there, a few days ago some rabbits were born and now there are cats and I don't even tell them about the avocado tree that is fully loaded.

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Ella no permite que nadie se acerque por eso mis fotografías no son tan buenas como quisiera. pero no quería dejar de mostrarles lo maravillosa que es la vida y lo bendecida que es la casa de mi abuela porque ahí nace de todo, hace unos días nacieron unos conejos y ahora hay gatos y ni les cuento de la mata de aguacates que esta cargada completa.


We all want to take a cat/Todos queremos llevarnos un gato

Now we all want to take a cat home, but we are fighting for the black one with white spots, my aunt Lourdes is a veterinarian and I know that with her help and advice I can take care of my pet. I'm going to keep insisting to my mom that when they wean the cats they let me take him home.

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Ahora todos queremos llevarnos un gato a casa, pero estamos peleando por el negro con manchas blancas, mi tia lourdes es veterinaria y se que con su ayuda y sus consejos puedo hacerme cargo de mi mascota. Voy a seguir insistiendole a mi mamá para que cuando desteten los gatos me lo dejen llevar a casa.

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I would like to invite you to participate in this weekly contest Amazing Nature Contest - May 2020 - #02organized by @Adalger and supported by our community @DNA.

Quiero invitarlos a paticipar en este concurso semanal [Amazing Nature Contest - May 2020 - #02]( por @Adalger y apoyado por nuestra ciomunidad DNA.


Pictures taken with my mobile phone camera Blu dash music/ Imágenes tomadas con mi cámara celular Blu dash music


Muy hermoso, ojala tu mamá te deje llevarte tu gato, pero debes ser responsable y cuidarlo mucho

 4 years ago  

beautiful post ^^ I wish you the very best for the kittens and hop that there will be a great future for you together ! .. cats can really enrich our life in some fascinating ways ;)

When I lived home we also had a cat that gave birth :)