[esp/eng]langosta o saltamonte//lobster or grasshopper


Hola apreciada familia de hive,gracias a Dios por los dias que nos regala, hoy les voy hablar de la langosta o saltamontes.
Ayer cuando cosechaba las caraotas pintadas en el campo me consegui con este animalito que estaba comiendo en una de las plantas, este animal llamado langosta o saltamontes es de la clase de insectos de tipo artropodos perteneciente a la familia acrididos poseen un tamaño de tres a catorce centimetros.
Estos insectos se caracterizan por que sus antenas son mas cortas que los grillos,tambien los ojos son mas grandes.
Les puedo decir que cuando fotografiaba a este insecto el solo me observaba y recorria toda la planta como escondiendose,luego alzo su vuelo abrio sus alas como un ave y se fue a una distancia de veinte metros de mi,pero gracias a Dios logre conocer a la famosa langosta que me contaba mi abuelo.
Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.


Hello dear hive family, thank God for the days that you give us, today I am going to talk about the lobster or grasshopper.
Yesterday when I was harvesting the painted beans in the field I got me with this little animal that was eating in one of the plants, this animal called lobster or grasshopper is of the kind of arthropod insects belonging to the acridid ​​family, they have a size of three to fourteen centimeters.
These insects are characterized by the fact that their antennae are shorter than crickets, and their eyes are also larger.
I can tell you that when I photographed this insect he just observed me and ran through the entire plant as if hiding, then he raised his flight, opened his wings like a bird and left at a distance of twenty meters from me, but thank God I managed to meet the famous lobster my grandfather used to tell me about.
I hope it is of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, God bless you greatly.



