A call from Nature - Un llamado de la naturaleza.

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

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Imagine for a moment that you are at home, busy with your homework and suddenly a postcard comes to you that makes you remember the environment that surrounds you, the beings that accompany you, those colors, those aromas that connect you with your childhood, a call of nature.

Imagina por un momento que estas en tu casa, ocupado (a) en tus deberes y de repente llega una postal para ti que te hace recordar el entorno que te rodea, los seres que te acompañan, esos colores, esos aromas que te conectan con tu infancia, un llamado de la naturaleza.

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Constantly around us nature with her great wisdom sends us signals, only those who are connected with her can see them, even feel them. Day by day she manifests herself in front of us and receives very little from us.

Constanmente a nuestro alrededor la naturaleza con su gran sabiduría nos envía señales, solamente los que están conectados con ella pueden verlas, incluso sentirlas. Ella día a día se manifiesta frente a nosotros y de nuestra parte recibe muy poco.

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Environmental deterioration is becoming more and more tremendous, as evidenced by the series of natural events occurring almost simultaneously around the world: floods, fires, deforestation, exhaustive mining, and a host of other actions that make us question the kind of life we are leading.

El deterioro ambiental es cada vez más tremendo, podemos evidenciarlo en la serie de sucesos naturales que ocurren casi de manera simultánea alrededor del mundo: inundaciones, incendios, deforestaciones, minería exhaustiva, un sin fin más de acciones que hacen que nos cuestionemos que tipo de vida estamos llevando.

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It is time for each one of us to commit ourselves to more constant actions and make a real lifestyle change that will help our planet to have a truce from all that we subject it to.

Es momento que cada uno de nosotros se compromete en acciones más constantes y hagamos real un cambio de estilo de vida que ayude a que nuestro planeta tenga una tregua de todo a lo que lo sometemos.

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This is a post that I wanted to make using different photographs of my authorship that evidenced the cry of nature for a just and necessary change, although many say that it is a little late, I am one of those who believe that changes are made little by little in different parts and then become stronger in large. But we must start in our now. If you wish to share any comments with me on the subject I will be happy to read them in the comments.

Este es un post que quise realizar usando diferentes fotografías de mi autoría que evidenciara ese grito de la naturaleza en pro de un cambio justo y necesario, aunque muchos dicen que ya es un poco tarde, yo soy de las que cree que los cambios se hacen de a poco en diferentes partes y luego se fortalecen en grande. Pero debemos empezar en nuestro ahora. Si deseas compartir algún comentario conmigo sobre el tema con gusto te leo en los comentarios.

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



Sobre Mi
"La fotografía me lleva a integrarme desde una perspectiva única con mi entorno, plasmando a través del lente, aquello trascendente para mi"


It's true that environmental disaster is getting worse as the day go by. The one that really hurts me more is deforestation, it's sad to see all the tall beautiful and huge trees with nice shades get chopped down. Definitely nature is crying but we've blocked our ears from hearing her daily cries and plea.

Nice captions with cool images.

To me also the issue of deforestation is the one that I see with more astonishment, in the middle of 2022 where we should be planting for our environment, we are cutting down what there is indiscriminately, how terrible.

It's very very terrible!

Postcards from nature. Lovely work!

Nature's cry can be deadly at times, but we won't change our actions until we realize that we're harming the environment and that it directly effects us.

I think there is still disbelief on our part to think that it still does not affect us. Therein lies part of the ignorance. Thank you very much for the contribution of your comment. Regards

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