How I made this swift dress with the combination of Ankara and velvet fabric in front for grandma.

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

Hello everyone


A beautiful day to everyone and to all creative minds here, I hope you are all doing great and having nice time.

As we all know, the last Sunday of the month is fast approaching which is also our Thanksgiving service, the department where grandma belongs to in church decided to get Ankara fabric for members to make a beautiful swift dress to wear to church for the end of the month Thanksgiving service.

Grandma came home with 3yards of Ankara fabric and also the style they intend to make with it and handed it over to me, as her grand daughter I was the neighborhood, I had to collect the fabric despite how busy I am. One thing with grandma is that she never allows her clothes to stay long at a Tailor's place, so immediately she gave me the fabric, I knew I had to start work immediately.

The style I was given has a patch of velvet fabric in front from the neckline to the waistline, so I went to the market to get all necessary material to start my work on the dress.

To start with,

The front and back bodice were cut together using grandma's bodice measurement from shoulder line to the full length after which the front was separated from the back to cut out the different neckline.


To cut out the the velvet patch infront, I placed the front bodice on the folded velvet to cut out the shape of the neck then down to the waistline and curved out my desired shape.



I took the fabric to my sewing machine to sew the velvet on the front bodice and I joined the front to the back bodice.


Finally, I cut out a short sleeve and also two sides pocket and sew it to the dress.



This is the final outcome of the swift dress I made for grandma.


Thanks so much for reading through, do have a great day.

 2 years ago  

I really liked this speedy dress for grandma. That's the good thing about knowing how to do things and having so much practice. It's good that you fulfilled her wish that it didn't take so long :)

This is really beautiful and very simple steps you have taken. I love it thanks for sharing

Wonderful dress!