Amigurumi #149: Evie, el elfo de Navidad _ Mi experiencia como Tester / Evie, the Christmas Elf _ My experience as a Tester

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year (edited)

Evie elf Christmas_iniciarte.craft_peru.jpg

¡Hola, espero la estés pasando muy bien!
Hi, I hope you are having a great time!

Desde hace un buen tiempo quise ser "tester". Es más, los últimos meses postulé a varias convocatorias y justo hace unas semanas tuve la oportunidad de serlo y todavía de una de las diseñadoras a quien admiro...¡Yehhh!.

I've wanted to be a "tester" for a long time. In fact, the last few months I applied to several calls and just a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to be one and still from one of the designers I admire...Yehhh!.

Se que algunos diseñadores no quieren que se le cambie los colores al patrón (inclusive se molestan). Con Lyra fue todo lo contrario, desde un principio quiso ver distintas Elfas de cada tester.

I know that some designers don't want the colours of the pattern to be changed (they even get annoyed). With Con Lyra it was the opposite, from the beginning she wanted to see different Elfs from each tester.

En Perú las Navidades son veraniegas. Incluso hay decoraciones de Santa Claus tomando sol con short, lentes negros, bebida de limonada en mano, toalla y sombrilla, jaja. Si bien aún faltan un par de semanas para que llegue oficialmente el verano, ya se siente el clásico calorcito y lo mejor es que los días amanecen más temprano y el sol se va tarde ¿no es maravilloso?.

In Peru Christmas is summery. There are even decorations of Father Christmas sunbathing in shorts, black glasses, lemonade drink in hand, towel and umbrella, haha. Although there are still a couple of weeks to go before summer officially arrives, you can already feel the classic warmth and the best thing is that the days are getting earlier and the sun is leaving late, isn't it wonderful?.

Elf Christma_iniciarte.craft_perú.jpg
Con Evie quise plasmar esta costumbre de Navidad veraniega. Ella es un personaje navideño, por eso mantuve los colores de la clásica "flor de navidad" o "cardenal". Incorporé el estilo veraniego con un traje de baño, sí esos que usan la gente con colores llamativos. El verde es mi color favorito y tenía que ir en la capa, para resaltar el color del traje de baño, el cabello y la flor.

Una de las características del estilo de la diseñadora son los ojos. No es complicado y ella te muestra cómo coserlos sin que se note la cosida...en verdad parecen pegados. En mi caso para la próxima optaría por colocarle de color negro las pupilas (centro de los ojos).

With Evie I wanted to capture this summer Christmas custom. She is a Christmas character, so I kept the colours of the classic "Christmas flower" or "cardinal". I incorporated the summer style with a swimming costume, yes those that people wear with bright colours. Green is my favourite colour and it had to go on the cape, to highlight the colour of the swimming costume, the hair and the flower.

One of the characteristics of the designer's style is the eyes. It's not complicated and she shows you how to sew them on without showing the stitching...they really look like they're glued on. In my case, for the next one I would choose to sew the pupils (centre of the eyes) in black.

¡Y eso es todo!

¡…Hasta la próxima!
See you next time!


Muchas gracias por las propuestas de nombres. La Guardiana de la quinua nº 3 se llama Juana.

Thank you very much for the name suggestions. The Quinoa Guardian #3 is named Juana.

Dato curioso: Estoy muy contenta por cumplir una de mis metas del mes la de ser tester. Ya saben, lo bueno tarde pero llega./ I am very happy to accomplish one of my goals for the month, that of being a tester. You know, good things come late but they do come.


►Si quieres saber un poco más, nos vemos en:



I think it’s pretty cool to be a tester. I have a pattern I still haven’t gotten around to do for a friend but looking forward to giving it a go.

I love the colors of this character, the flower and her swimwear. The hair is so so pretty. It’s neat the creator encourages her testers to play around with the colors. You did an amazing job on this one.

Thanks for your entry ~

Yes, I got a beach elf, haha. Thanks to you for the seasonal knitting initiative. Keep up the good vibes!.

You are g
Created a very beautiful design

Hi, I didn't think so, but I did have fun expressing bright, summery colours. Good vibes!.

Hi @ inici-arte I like your work, it's genuine.

Thank you very much. I wanted to give another style to the classic Christmas elf. Good vibes!.