Developing the Hive Onboarding Process for NaPodPoMo

in NaPodPoMo3 years ago

The Countdown Has Begun

A lot is going on behind the scenes as we countdown to the 14th Annual National Podcast Post Month, which will be the first time #NaPodPoMo has ever been on Hive...or any blockchain for that matter.

Onboarding Challenge

Let's start with the fact there are a lot of processes that need to be developed to bring podcasters who participate in the 30-day podcasting challenge over to Hive. There is also messaging that needs to be worked out so that podcasters don't run the other way screaming when I use words like blockchain, upvotes, curation, HP, HBD, Value4Value, Podcasting 2.0, Streaming SATS, Resource Credits, etc... We all know there is a bit of a steep learning curve to getting started so I aim to make this process for podcasters as easy as possible.

Inspired by

Thanks to Twitter Spaces, I was introduced to Lucas Bean who has an NFT 101 course. My youngest son and I took the course together sitting in our living room watching each lesson on the tv. Each lesson was short and informative. By the end of the 11 lessons, we both had a much clearer understanding of the NFT space. It was like a breath of fresh air to have clarity around something everyone was talking about, but for us had been confusing to understand. This simplifying the complicated approach that Lucas Bean and fellow instructor, Amy Stroud took in NFT 101 is exactly the approach I will take with Hive 101 for NaPodPoMo.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy...right?

The goal of this next onboarding phase that I, as the founder of NaPodPoMo, am embarking on is creating the Hive 101 for NaPodPoMo course. I am in the process of planning out each lesson. Brevity and simplicity being key to what I believe will make this a success. Each lesson must not only be easy to understand but also encourage podcasters to take action. And that is the key. Podcasters must feel comfortable enough with what they have learned to take action.

Will It Blend?

As a 16-year podcast veteran, I know for a fact podcasters are an early-adopter bunch who like to push the envelope for what's possible. So, will it blend? I feel confident it will with the right mix of information and community support.

You're Invited

If you're already on Hive and would like to take part in the "fail fast get good"
30-day podcasting challenge, start by joining the NaPodPoMo Community. Together we can make this year's #NaPodPomo one for the history books.

Learn more

If you've read all of the above and are scratching your head about what exactly NaPodPoMo is, well first of all I congratulate you for making it this far. Secondly, I'll point you to the National Podcast Post Month site which is a great place to get caught up on the history of NaPodPoMo.

What is NaPodPoMo screenshot.jpg

What is NaPodPoMo? video can be found on the NaPodPoMo website.


I've had your Introduction to National Podcast Post Month - NaPodPoMo post open in a tab for 3 days now, and started on this last night - hopefully I'll hit "reply" before NaPodPoMo is over... 😂

And, hello? You're the person behind NaPodPoMo? How wicked cool is that?! My "claim to fame" is much less impressive - I started HiveBloPoMo back before there was a Hive (as in, it began on the Chain That Shall Not Be Named). I think that 2007 is also the first year I participated in (and "won") NaNoWriMo, and 2014 is when NaBloPoMo finally kicked my blogging into high gear.

Oh and yes - HiveBloPoMo is also in November (as well as April, in the tradition of CampNaNoWriMo, but not July because I'm not that big a glutton for

Omg, I have so much to tell you - where to start?

Okay, how about with this - back in September @hivebuzz also had the very first HPUM (Hive Power Up Month) in which they awarded badges to everyone who powered up 1 Hive each day (or had a post set to 100% Power Up pay out) and they plan to do it again in November. I'm not sure you want to add one more layer of crazy to your month, but figured I'd mention it so you're aware.

Also with onboarding - are you on Discord? If not, I highly recommend setting it up and taking a peek at OCD's onboarding program (details at the bottom of that post). I just submitted the form to Hive Watchers to get you verified too, in case anyone ever wonders if it's really you here.

Love, love, LOVE your idea about setting up a 101 course for Hive geared towards podcasters! I hadn't heard about the NFT course (and will definitely take a peek at the one you mentioned, since I really need to wrap my brain around how the whole NFT universe works) and I might eventually steal the idea to help onboard my WordPress blogging friends. Or even just send them to you & tell 'em to pretend you're saying "blog" instead of "podcast." 😄

I also just joined your NaPodPoMo community so I don't miss any posts/news. Which reminds me - I still haven't set up the one for HiveBloPoMo, so I should probably get on that. Thanks for the brain nudge!

Ugh, I know I'm forgetting something, but I already fell asleep once in the middle of writing this (and you've probably nodded off a bunch of times so, so I should probably stop babbling here. Well, one last thing - I'm so stinkin' scared about the impending brain melt excited for November! 😊


Hola @epodcaster
Me ha encantado esta publicación y todo lo relacionado con #NaPodPoMo
Pero ahora tengo una interrogante, una consulta que hacerte y es que soy de Venezuela, estoy en HIVE, ¿será que tengo oportunidad de participar aun cuando no hablo inglés?
Tu respuesta será muy importante para mí.
Pd: utilizare un traductor para llevar al inglés mis palabras expresadas en mi idioma nativo; el español.

Hola @epodcaster
Loved this post and everything about #NaPodPoMo.
But now I have a question, a query to ask you, and it is that I am from Venezuela, I am in HIVE, can I have the opportunity to participate even though I do not speak English?
Your answer will be very important to me.
Thank you.
Pd: I will use a translator to translate into English my words expressed in my native language; Spanish.

Gracias por conectarse. También usaré Google Translate para comunicarme. Disculpe cualquier error tipográfico o gramatical.
Eres bienvenido al podcast en cualquier idioma que prefieras. El objetivo del Mes Nacional de Publicaciones de Podcasts #NaPodPoMo es alentar a los nuevos podcasters a aprender y a que los podcasters existentes experimenten en un espacio comunitario seguro.

Thank you for connecting. I will also use Google Translate to communicate. Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors.

You are most welcome to podcast in any language you prefer. The goal of National Podcast Post Month is to encourage new podcasters to learn and for existing podcasters to experiment in a safe community space.

Mil gracias por responder.
Igual pido disculpas en la gramática, espero se entienda todo.
Para ello escribiré frases cortas.
Mañana pienso hacer la presentación a la comunidad.
Soy nuevo en podcast, apenas he hecho 3 y sin mayor conocimiento.
Quiero aprender y mucho, me gusta eso.
¿Esto se hace en video o en forma escrita con fotografías?

Thank you very much for answering.
I apologize for the grammar, I hope everything is understood.
I will write short sentences.
Tomorrow I plan to make the presentation to the community.
I'm new to podcasting, I've barely done 3 and without much knowledge.
I want to learn a lot, I like that.
Is this done in video or in written form with pictures?

Para #NaPodPoMo, puede hacer un podcast de audio o video. Puede usar software gratuito en su computadora como Audacity. O puede descargar una aplicación a su teléfono y usarla para hacer un podcast.
Si quieres escribir un blog, puedes unirte al mes de publicaciones de blog de #HiveBloPoMo Hive Blog Post Month. Que consiste en escribir 30 entradas de blog durante los 30 días de noviembre.

For #NaPodPoMo, you can do either an audio or video podcast. You can use free software on your computer like Audacity. Or you can download an app to your phone and use that to podcast.

If you want to blog you can join the #HiveBloPoMo Hive Blog Post Month. Which is to write 30 blog posts during the 30 days of November.

@epodcaster, mil gracias por sus respuestas.
Bendiciones para usted y toda su familia.

@epodcaster, thank you so much for your replies.
Blessings to you and all your family.

Congratulations @epodcaster! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 400 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 500 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

WOW, this was wonderfully unexpected and greatly appreciated. 😃
