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RE: I'm only one step ahead of you! Easy to catch up!

in NaPodPoMolast year

I m pretty familiar with anchor. I might still have an active account there.. I m happy it finally gets to be used on/for hive lol.

Thanks so much dreemie... I can finally use aureal .. hehe..

This must have been so much work right..
Good work. God bless you.


you know what??? hehehe yes - it took some time - but it was more fun than work! hahaha

the more i did - the m ore i wanted to do!!! and today I'm away at a retreat and wondering.. "how soon can I get away to do my podcasting hahahah"

just because i'm SO joyful to share this story!!! it's such a victory in our family's lives - and alreayd i'm reading in the comments that people are learning a bit more

I know that as time goes on - as they listen more and more to the episodes - they will be smiling bigger! hehehe
because that's what our lives have been. tears and smiles, tears and smiles!! but always surrounded with joy!

thank you so much for coming to visit and join in this story!

I am going to be getting that megafeed today - and listening to podcasts today hahahaha

i'll be looking for yours! hehehehe love to you!!!