[Es-En]Mil formas de vivir: elaboración de estufa vieja || A Thousand Ways of Living: Elaboration of Old Stove

in Build-It3 years ago (edited)

Hi Hive!

Years ago my grandmother told me: Come and teach him to build a stove because maybe the gas will wither.

If you live in Venezuela you will find yourself with the supreme misfortune of not getting domestic gas for many months, if you decide to divorce him to marry an electric stove, XD, suddenly the stew is raw when the electricity conspired against your stomach, a blackout It is the most that happens during the day, especially if you live in not so central regions of the Caribbean country.

My paternal grandmother always quoted a phrase from I don't know who: "in warned war, no soldier dies", from her I learned to have a letter up her sleeve in different situations that arise in life. One of them is precisely creating and cooking on a "stove", as we popularly say here in Venezuela.

The following model is a very old and super cheap one because many materials are used that are freely available in nature.

Hi Hive!

Hace años mi abuela me dijo: Venga para enseñarlo a construir un fogón porque quizás el gas se marchite.

Si vives en Venezuela te encontrarás con la suprema desdicha de no conseguir en muchos meses el gas doméstico, si decides divorciarte de él para casarte con una estufa eléctrica, XD, de pronto el guiso queda crudo cuando la electricidad conspire contra tu estómago, un apagón es lo más que ocurre durante el día, sobretodo si vives en regiones no tan céntricas del país Caribeño.

Mi abuela paterna siempre citaba una frase de no se quién: "en guerra avisada no muere soldado", de ella aprendí a tener una carta bajo la manga en diferentes situaciones que se presentan en la vida. Una de ella es precisamente crear y cocinar en "fogón", como le decimos popularmente aquí en Venezuela.

El siguiente modelo es uno muy antiguo y super económico porque se utilizan muchos materiales que están disponibles en la naturaleza gratuitamente.


Materiales Utilizados:

  • Listones de maderas de diferentes diámetros
  • Arcilla
  • Lámina de Zinc
  • Clavos
  • Alambre
  • Cemento
    Herramientas :
    Machete de corte, Martillo, Pala, Metro, Nivel y Coa.


En toda construcción lo mas importante es la estructura, para un fogón de este tipo solo necesitamos colocar una buena base con columnas de madera, la enterramos en el suelo y apretamos con rocas sólidas.

Posteriormente colocamos una lámina para que descanse cabalmente la arcilla...

Used materials:

  • Wood slats of different diameters
  • Clay
  • Zinc sheet
  • Nails
  • Wire
  • Cement
    ** Tools: **
    Cutting Machete, Hammer, Shovel, Meter, Level and Coa.


In all construction the most important thing is the structure, for a fire of this type we only need to place a good base with wooden columns, we bury it in the ground and press with solid rocks.

Later we place a sheet so that the clay fully rests ...




Una vez que la la arcilla cubra toda la superficie, esparcimos agua para compactarla. En éste paso ya comienza a verse más consolidado nuestro objetivo.

Once the clay covers the entire surface, we spread water to compact it. In this step, our objective is beginning to be more consolidated.


Para finalizar agregamos cemento en polvo que cumple con la función de sellar la capa exterior de la arcilla y brinda una mayor estética.

Finally, we add powdered cement that fulfills the function of sealing the outer layer of the clay and provides greater aesthetics.


Unos tips importantes a la hora de construir éste tipo de fogón son:

  • Tomar la medida de altura del Chef para que pueda cocinar con comodidad jajaja, pues muy alto será dificio ver la comida y muy bajo presionará su cintura.

  • La madera debe cortarse, segun decía mi abuela en menguante para que dure más, tiene algo de lógica porque en ese tiempo los "procesos lunáticos" ayudan.

Por último, debemos dejar que seque bien la arcilla, éste proceso toma de dos a tres días al sol.

Ni olvidemos colocar un techo que brinde sombra y realizar éste fogón al aire libre para no sufrir fariga y ahogamiento. También colocar una base de hierro para las ollas o sartén. En mi caso, por lo más pronto coloqué unos ladrillos con una parrillera.

Aunque existen muchos modelos modernos, éste se ajustaba a mi posibilidad económica y también para recordar como cocinaban mis abuelos en el pasado.

Some important tips when building this type of stove are:
-Take the Chef's height measurement so that he can cook comfortably hahaha, because very high it will be difficult to see the food and very low it will press his waist.

  • The wood must be cut, according to my grandmother said in dwindling so that it lasts longer, it has some logic because at that time the "lunatic processes" help.

Finally, we must let the clay dry well, this process takes two to three days in the sun.

Let's not forget to place a roof that provides shade and make this fire pit in the open air so as not to suffer from suffocation and drowning. Also place an iron base for the pots or skillet. In my case, for the most part I put some bricks with a grill.

Although there are many modern models, this one was adjusted to my economic possibility and also to remember how my grandparents cooked in the past.


Espero se sientan alegres de poder ver mi humilde trabajo. Que tengan un feliz día.

I hope you feel happy to see my humble work. Have a happy day.




This is an excellent looking cooking area you have here! I am glad that you shared it with us, one of the things I like about it is that it's a platform like that and you can put some fire ontop of it without it getting ruined while at the same time keeping a bunch of firewood and other materials nicely organized underneath! I love it and your grandmother is one smart woman, let me tell you!

The other thing that's great is you mentioned you should build it to the size of the person who is doing the cooking. If that's not the truth! It's always hard if what you are trying to use to cook is either too high or too low. This makes it much easier for the specific person using it and hopefully whoever uses it is the same height haha.

You know, our grandparents and previous generations that didn't have all of this fancy stuff turned out damn well by making the best of what they could in an example such as this. Hopefully your friends and family will see and appreciate such a thing! I certainly did.

Your visit is pleasant, welcome @cmplxty , thank you very much for taking a few minutes of your valuable time to read about the preparation of this stove, it has really made my kitchen life at home a little easier haha. Thanks again for your attention. Hugs

You’re welcome! Cheers!

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