The four-spotted chaser Libellula quadrimaculata Vážka Čtyřskvrnná

Vážek vyfotím za rok hodně, ale obvykle jsou to ty samé druhy. Tato je na první pohled jiná a taky snadno určitelná. Tak snad se zas někdy na to místo dostanu a podívám, zda tam pořád bydlí.

I take a lot of pictures of dragonflies in a year, but they are usually the same species. This one is different at first glance and also easy to determine. So maybe I'll get to that place again sometime and see if he still lives there.


Dragonflies are so beautiful and fragile. Nice photos @birdwatcher

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Wow, those are very beautiful photos.

The photos are great. I have a hard time capturing good images of dragonflies. Coincidentally days ago I found one of those and photographed it, but the photo was blurred. Congratulations @birdwatcher!

Yes, dragonflies pretend to see nothing and suddenly fly a few meters away